Okay guys, you wantd it so you got it. A new story is up and it's called Apologies of a Tyrant and it is another Family of Blood Fic of course, this time fousing on Jeremy. It is written in the form of letters written to the Doctor from Jeremy and follows after their ship has exploded, leaving them on the ground.

Well considering it's against the rules of the mighty Fan Fiction to have a chapter devoted to an author's note, I guess i'm gonna have to give you a sneak preview!

Apologies of a tyrant.

Chapter 1- When it all comes crashing down.


It's over… you win. The Doctor always wins, I realise that now. All I remember is falling to the floor, my hands grew slick with mud. We were deceived by such a small little trick. You told us to run and so we did, right into a fate worse than death. Fear grew in me as I tore my head up to see what had happened.

But you know the worst part…

… you, towering over me, a look of absolute … disappointment on your face. Not fury or contemplation, just disappointment.

It was the worst thing I could have seen, for then I had nothing to say. If you were angry I could have argued back, it would have been better then silence.

Then you began to speak.

If you want to see more guess what your going to have to do... that's right go onto my profile, look at my stories and read it! Don't forget to review!