Freddie smashed his locker shut and leaned casually against it.

His two best friends were standing by their own lockers. He had to stay away, because they forbid him to join them. It seemed like they were having a heated conversation. Carly had a desperate look on her face, as if she were trying to calm Sam down. She looked around as if to make sure no one listened to them and leaned a little closer to the blonde to whisper something. Sam shook her head eagerly and slammed her backpack into the locker in between hers and Carly's.

He smirked. At least he knew now, that she was okay. As long as she could hurt things everything was fine.

Suddenly they both stopped in track and turned their heads to look over to him. Sam had to look over her shoulder; eyebrow's knitted together, her mouth a thin line.

He couldn't help but notice the way her blonde curls surrounded her face and softly fell over her back. Her blue eyes seemed to lighten up, but that could just be the light pulling a prank on him. She quickly returned her gaze toward Carly who smiled knowingly.

He frowned. What were they talking about?

Carly again opened her mouth again to whisper something but this time Sam was already calm, still he could see her shoulders slightly shaking. Either she was laughing at something or she was disgusted. She always did this little shudder thing when she found something yucky.

Freddie thought this was unbelievably adorable, but he couldn't say that out loud, as long as he wanted to keep all parts of his body on the right places.

Carly took Sam's Hand and pulled at it while saying something rather eagerly. Sam half-turned her head again so Freddie could see her profile perfectly now. He noticed how she chewed on her lower lip and shot a sideways glance at him.

He also noticed how absolutely stunning she looked in her ACDC shirt and ripped jeans. He didn't know how she did it but she looked even better than Carly who was all dolled up and beautiful and stuff.

Sam snatched her hand back out of Carly's grip and turned around, whole body towards Freddie whose eyes widened a bit at the image of her slightly uncomfortable looking face.

Carly pushed her a little and smiled to encourage her best friend.

Suddenly the speaker turned on and 'Samantha Puckett to the principal's office, Samantha Puckett' was heard.

"No!" Carly shouted frustrated and looked angrily at the speaker in the corner of the hallway.

A smirk grew on Sam's face as she began walking. Freddie noticed that she was relieved, but something uneasy was still with her.

When she passed Freddie she looked up to him, her eyes seemingly lightening up again.

"Freddiffer." She greeted and touched his hand lightly as if it was an accident.

He followed her with his eyes but didn't turn around. A blush crept up his cheeks. "Sam."