"I'm sorry but I want to protect you and the baby. I have never loved anyone as much as I do you. I would give up my immortality if it meant you two would be safe." I said

"We will never see each other again will we?" said Isadora.

Isadora and I had bore a child 3 months ago. I had met her in a bar 1 year ago.


I came to the bar to meet some mortal. As I was walking through I noticed the scent. It smelled like….no it can't be….can it? I followed the scent and sure enough there she was. A magic pixie. She had pale skin that had what looked like sparkles all over her skin. Long bright orange hair that stopped at the bottom of her ribs. And warm chocolate brown eyes. A small narrow waist and long legs…well as long as pixie legs can get. She looked about 25 in human years and about 190 years in pixie years. And you guessed it very short about 4'9 maybe 4'8. So in other words extremely beautiful.

My first instinct was to kill her. You see pixie's have no respect for the gods. They fly in Zeus's territory and survive all of his god like power. They freeze Poseidon's water and they don't even go to the underworld for me to punish them for in eternity in boiling cheese. No they go to the spirit world to rest in peace. Zeus gave orders that if anyone sees a pixie any pixie they have to kill them or else that person will suffer their fate. But of cores the pixie's heard it and fled why would she be here ad not in the protection of her own home?

I decided to meet this pixie. Surely there must be a reason she is here and the other pixie's. I went over to her and pulled a seat next to her she turned her head and looked at me. Mist is a wonderful device with the mist she was wearing a purple short dress that stopped half way to her knees wit a black purse slung over her shoulder. But really she was wearing a long silky purple dress with purple wings on her back and a bow strapped to her shoulder.

"Hello" I said.

"Hi" she said with musical voice.

"My name is Isadora." she said

"My name is Hades." I said to caught up in her beauty to relies what I said. I couldn't believe I said that my name is Hades.

"I know you smell like death and my sister said the 3 big gods are handsome." said Isadora. She was so close I could smell her cinnamon and honey scent.

"oh yeah" I said getting a little closer.

"yeah" she said as she moved a bit closer.

I close the distance between us with my lips.

[end of flashback]

I fell in love with her that night. We had a beautiful daughter her name is Jill. She had her mother's eyes and hair she had pale skin [not sure where that came from] so to sum that up she was beautiful.

"What is she ? Is she a demigod a pixie what?" asked Isadora

"To be honest I don't know." I said she gave a half hearted smile. I gave her one last hug a kiss on her forehead and Jill's.

"I love you both." I said before I disappeared into the shadows.

When I got back to my palace I found out my helm of darkness was gone. And I had a knew nephew I knew Poseidon would break the vow sooner or later. Also Zeus's bolt was missing.

So like it hate it I will post more chapters if I get reviews its hard to judge I will at least start the chapter. So if I get at least 1 review I will keep it going.