Uhg, I am SO ready for this story to be over. It had potential but I really think it just failed (I failed.) Mostly because there were so many occurances I had to scrap (including one very sweet NamZex moment where they discussed that since Naminé had taken Nami's place in the family, she'd probably take her place as Zexion's betrothed) and then more character development chapters that were really just boring so I scrapped them. That's why so many years have seemed to pass between the chapters. Cause everything really HAS been between chapters since I trashed all the boring stuff.

Anyway, this may be the last chapter. There may be one after it. I can't count how many times I wrote and re-wrote this chapter.

I'm kinda just tired of this story, probably because it technically has already ended with "Every Bit of You."

Bleh, enjoy!

I'm not exactly sure what had changed in all of us over those few years. Maybe nothing had changed at all. Maybe we had always been this way, killers, and it had only come to feel normal with what we'd done in that night.

If somebody had told me exactly what we were going to do, maybe I wouldn't have gone.

Then again, Marluxia was the one that wanted it to be that way. Whatever Marluxia wanted, that was what we would do.

Thinking back on it, I know what we did isn't what corrupted me inside. It isn't what corrupted any of us. We were always this messed up, each and every one of us. Blaming Axel for corrupting Marluxia was like blaming the sun for burning your skin.

When we arrived in New York that night, it was the most still I'd ever seen the city. It was quiet. Too quiet for a Summer night, but then again, it was the first Summer New York had seen without any alcohol.

The whole lot of us were there. Marluxia, Zexion and I had arrived by train and Roxas, Lexaeus and Axel were there to meet us. They picked us up and we drove to an estate on the outskirts of the city. That's when things went down hill.

… … …

Naminé blinked as Axel handed a gun into her hand. She stared down at it in confusion. It wasn't as though she'd never held one before but why she was being handed one now made no sense to her. She watched as Axel distributed more guns to the others and they tucked them away. She was in a dress, however. She had nowhere to hide hers. "What am I supposed to do with this? Why do I even have it, for that matter?"

"Don't worry about that now, Naminé." Marluxia smiled and patted the girl's head reassuringly. He motioned to Axel quickly. "Give my girl a thigh holster or something."

"All I got is this garter belt." Axel rummaged through his things before finding the lacey ring of fabric and tossing it to Naminé. "Don't ask where it came from."

Naminé looked to Axel skeptically before pulling the garter belt onto her leg. She quickly tucked the gun into it and sighed. "Now what? Are we going to be in a dangerous situation where we need these?"

"Marluxia said not to worry." Zexion said as he took the girl's arm in his own. "I'm sure everything will be fine. This is just a precaution."

Naminé nodded slowly as they started toward the large estate. She wondered if this was where the Gabbianis lived and if so, was tonight the night they would be killed? Was Axel going to be the one to do it?

As they drew nearer to the home, Naminé could see that there were two men standing guard outside, likely some of the thugs involved in Nami's death. She didn't know how they would bypass them but she didn't wonder long. Marluxia approached them with a wide smile and open arms, as did Axel. They seemed to know each other. But it took less than a second for those smiles to fade and Marluxia and Axel drew their guns, killing the men almost instantly.

Naminé watched in shock as they proceeded to break down the door and make their way into the Gabbiani home. She and Zexion were hesitant to follow but Roxas urged them in. It was silent in the house as they made their way up the stairs. It became clear to Naminé that Marluxia had already been here before. He knew exactly where he was going. She watched him burst through a bedroom door and she could hear screams almost instantly on the other side. She rushed into the room behind Marluxia and stared at him in fear for the first time. He looked sadistic with his gun pointed at the woman laying in bed. "Marluxia! Stop!"

Marluxia turned his gaze quickly to Naminé. "Why should I stop?"

Naminé looked from Marluxia to the trembling woman and back again. "I'm sure she didn't have anything to do with what happened to Nami. You can't kill her."

"Can't I? Setzer Gabbiani took the one piece of my life that meant the most to me. Because of him, my sweet little Nami is dead!" Marluxia stared hard at Naminé. "Because of him, girls like you get abused and mistreated. He causes nothing but pain and suffering. We should return that pain to him. I thought of all people, you could understand that men like that need to be punished. I killed your pimp! Don't you feel you should return the favor?"

Naminé stared at Marluxia in awe. He'd killed her pimp? Her gaze flew to the others in shame but they didn't seem to be fazed by this statement at all. "I... I..." She grit her teeth and pulled the gun quickly from her garter belt. She pointed it at the woman laying in bed and scowled. "Get up! We're going to find your precious Mr. Gabbiani!" She watched the woman comply, tears now burning in her eyes. She let the woman lead her hesitantly down the stairs and down the the basement. There with two more thugs stood Setzer Gabbiani.

"Guns on the floor!" Axel demanded and the thugs seemed to do so automatically. With their eyes pointed elsewhere, Axel popped off a shot to kill one while Roxas shot the other.

"Marvelous." Marluxia said with a smile as he followed his group down the stairs. He turned to Zexion with a tsk sound and sighed. "How long have we waited to get revenge, Zexion?"

Zexion stepped nervously forward until he was at Marluxia's side. "I thought you said we would have them killed! Not be the ones doing the killing ourselves!"

"Come now, Zexion. Where's the fun in that?" Marluxia let his smile fall. "I'm giving the woman to you and Naminé to take care of. Beat her, rape her. Do what you want to her, but Gabbiani watches. Watches like I had to watch as my sister lay in the street bleeding to death."

"I..." Zexion stammered and looked to his cousin nervously. He honestly didn't know if he had it in him to actually do this. Then again, he was still so angry at the loss of Nami. "I don't know..."

"He deserves it." Naminé said coldly as she took her gun and struck the woman across the face with it. "He took Nami from you! From both of you! He hurt you in the most unimaginable way! He deserves to suffer too!" She watched as Lexaeus grabbed Setzer to hold him back as she began kicking the woman on the ground. "People who take away other's happiness should always be punished! Think of Nami laying there dying and suffering. Shouldn't he be made to suffer too?"

Zexion growled and stepped forward, grabbing the woman from the floor and throwing her against the wall. "Four years ago, your husband's thugs caused the death of one very special little girl. Now you must suffer because of their sins. Understand that now. You have nobody to blame but your dear husband." He pulled out his gun and shot her in the stomach having no real desire to physically abuse a woman. He turned his glare to Setzer and grinned. "Now you get to watch her die. Slowly, painfully. And you get to know there is nothing you can do to stop it."

Naminé watched as Setzer screamed and cried to his wife but the woman was quickly losing life. She knew it wasn't normal to feel joy at a moment like this, but that was all she'd felt. Joy at knowing she'd helped get revenge on the man who had hurt the ones she loved. She watched with Zexion's arms around her as Marluxia beat Setzer Gabbiani into a bloody pulp before finally shooting him executioner style.

Blood stained her pretty white dress.