A/N: This is my first Glee fic, so play nice. The first chapter is just a prologue to set the scene, other chapters will be longer.

I'd love to hear from readers- ideas, opinions, anything really- so please review. I try to use readers' ideas as much as I can.

DISCLAIMER: Come on, if I was Ryan Murphy, why would I be writing fanfiction?


Will Schuester sat in the armchair next to his bed, waiting. Outside, bright sunlight drenched the hospital's carefully tended garden, completely at odds with the situation. Will stood up and yanked the drapes closed angrily. A dull gloom enveloped the small room instantly.

That's more like it, he thought bitterly. A wave of exhaustion crashed over him and he realised he hadn't slept for several days. He flopped back into the chair and let his weary head drop into his hands. Tears sprang up in his eyes and he blinked them away furiously.

Knock knock.

Will looked up to see a woman and man peering around the doorway. The woman looked to be in her mid-thirties. Her brown hair hung in a sleek bob around her thin face and she wore a shin-length olive trench coat. Her companion was short and broad-shouldered with sandy hair and a stubble-dotted jaw. He wore a black leather jacket and a grim expression.

"William Schuester?" he asked in a low, gravely voice. Will nodded once and the pair entered the room.

"Mr Schuester, I'm Detective Bell, this is Detective Holland," the woman told him, holding up a police-issue badge to confirm this. She held out a manicured hand and shook Will's firmly. "We'd like to ask you a few questions regarding the incident at Lake Witkeel."

"Of course," said Will tiredly. He had been expecting this. He gestured towards the chairs on the other side of the bed. Holland sat and took out a small spiral notebook. Bell remained standing, arms crossed over her chest. "Can you tell me how the kids are doing?"

"The doctors wont let us speak with them yet," Holland replied. "They say they're still in shock. Natural, I suppose. One of them is still in surgery, I didn't catch a name."

Will nodded again, grateful for even this most miniscule morsel of news. He tried to speak, but a lump obstructed his throat completely. Instead, he picked at the dressing on the back of his hand, momentarily in a world of his own. Detective Bell coughed softly.

"Mr Schuester," she said in a gentle voice. "Could you tell us, in your own words, what exactly happened between the dates of March 13th and 19th of this year?"

Will placed his head in his hands once more and sighed heavily. Despite his best efforts, Detective Bell's words had provided the trigger to bring the nightmare rushing back to the surface of his subconscious. Again.

Images flashed. Voices screamed. Smells assaulted his nostrils. The chilling warmth of blood beneath his fingernails.

Will forced himself out of the nightmare and back to reality. He looked the pretty detective directly in the eye with a hardness borne from the events of the last week.

"Where do I start?"