Hey you guys! I know it's been a long time since I've uploaded and I'm 99% sure that 99% of you would like to throw bricks at my head for not updating since the dinosaurs walked the earth.

Well truth is, life is busy, and a big b*tch. I haven't had many breaks for writing and not to mention, I've suffered from huuuuuge writer's block.

I hope you all can forgive me and I hope to have more chapters out soon!

And as some of you may know, I'm going back and editing all of my Zombieland: Cherish What's Left Over chapters so that they're better and easier to read. Back when I first started writing, I didn't know much about it, and looking back, all of my chapters were big walls of text with no indentions. So I'm going back and re-uploading those chapters, so if a chapter of this story isn't uploaded, that's probably what I'm doing. So please try to be patient and I'll do the best I can since I'm busy until summer time when I have jack-nothing to do.

I hope I can gain new fans, and re-gain the old ones. Although I know that getting everyone back is going to be hard, it can be done and I hope that you all haven't forgotten or stopped caring about me. Though I'm being quite selfish and greedy since I'm begging for my fans back, when I haven't even done my responsibility.

Please forgive this poor ol' writer who's suffered from her worst block yet.

Thank you. ~*~*~

Also, I hope this chapter gives you the chills reading it, as much as it did to me when I was writing it! I hope I pulled off the creepy factor! Let me know! XD

Enjoy and thank you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Zombieland. Only the stories which are purely fanfiction and I'm not making any profit off of it whatsoever. Tex, Roanoke, and Detroit are mine and so is the story.


Zombieland: Separated

Chapter 6: Sleepless

"I spy...something black." mumbled a rather bored Roanoke.

"I get it! I'm covered in ash and I need a damn shower! Now just stop sayin' that!" Tallahassee yelled, throwing his arms in the air. Roanoke sighed and slapped the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry, it's just so hard to play freakin' eye-spy at one in the morning!" Roanoke tossed her head back. "I'm so freaking tired but I can't go to sleep!" she groaned, looking to the back seat to see that everyone else had fallen asleep. "Maybe we should just stop and sleep in the van. I don't feel like finding a house, clearing it out, barricading it and all that fancy crap." Tallahassee sighed and took his hat off. He ran his hand over his shaven head. He had a look of contemplation on his face and it then twisted with thought. He bit his lip and looked back to the crew. They seriously needed a new vehicle. Wichita and Columbus were cooped together with Ro and Tal's weapons in the trunk!

"I dunno, Ro. I hate to leave 'em in here to sleep to get 'em all cramped up but I don't wanna wake 'em up just to do another hour's worth of work." He whispered, flipping his hat over in his hands. Roanoke smiled softly and looked over at him.

"Awww. What a sweetheart!"

"Don't push it!"

"Sorry. I just think that it would work out best if we find a place to stay, get it all set up, then we could sleep there for as long as we want without the cramps and shorter sleep hours we'll get here in the van. Still, someone'd have to be awake anyway."

"Columbo's been 'sleep for hours. He'll have first watch." Roanoke nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good." She muttered with no need as she tried to look to the sides of the road for a place to stay.

After a few more minutes of driving along the country road, Roanoke found an abandoned farm house. She pulled tiredly into the drive way and slowly parked the vehicle. She waited a few moments before stepping out of the car with her 9mm and a hunting knife. She glanced around warily with her big emergency flashlight. Tallahassee stepped out too with his flashlight.

"Zombiiiiie." Roanoke whispered, scanning the front yard with the circle of light that was provided. She heard a 'snap' come from her left and she twirled on her heels in that direction. She held up her gun and scanned the bushes. She inched closer and found nothing. She furrowed her eyebrows but stayed on guard.

"Wake Wichita up so she can guard the Caddie. We'll go scout the house out." Roanoke said. Tallahassee nodded and proceeded to wake Wichita up. When Wichita was decent, the dynamic couple crept up the porch steps, careful not to make a sound. Roanoke was a bit unnerved by the situation, but being beside Tallahassee made her feel a lot better.

The cool breeze brushed Roanoke's bushy orange hair around her shoulders. Her breath came out as fog and she saw her feet kick up dust in the light of her flashlight. This place must have been abandoned long before the virus outbreak.

Tallahassee reached for the doorknob and twisted it slowly. He pushed the door open with ease and Roanoke winced when the ear-pierced creak of the old wooden door killed the creepy silence. Tallahassee stuck his head in the door and scoped out the living room with his flashlight. He gave a thumbs-up to Roanoke and tip-toed inside the farm house.

Roanoke followed behind him in tender, balanced steps. It was hard to not make the old floorboards creak though.

They normally wouldn't have been so careful and sneaky about scopes, but it was really dark out, and they didn't know the area well at all. They had to be careful and aware until the sun came up.

Roanoke whispered that she'd scope out the hallway on the left side of the staircase, and Tallahassee agreed that he'd take the one on the right.

Roanoke crept down the hall, her heart beat against her ribs, quicker and quicker with every step she took. Her eyes never left the first door on that hall; the one on her left. It wasn't open and she sneakily tugged at it. The door swung open ever-so slowly. She shone her flashlight into the room. It was a small bathroom that was clear. She sighed and shut the door half-way. She walked around the door and tip-toed to the next room. This room's door was ajar so she merely peered around the corner and examined the room with her light. It was a bedroom with old, ornate furniture coated in dust. Roanoke held back a sneeze and went to the next room; the last one on the hall. She kicked it open gently with the toe of her shoe and stormed into the room, flashing her light all around, sick of the suspense. There was nothing this room, which happened to be a study. She sighed and lowered her gun.

She shook her head, both disappointed and relieved. She walked back into the hallway and stepped backwards at what she saw. The bathroom door that she had shut was wide open. Roanoke exhaled.

"I…shut that door, didn't I?" she whispered to herself in shock. She slowly nodded in confirmation. "I know I shut that door." She whispered, inching towards it. Roanoke held up her gun and whipped around the door, ready to shoot anything that was in the bathroom.

She found nothing.

"That's…bizarre." She muttered, still unnerved. She shook her head and went back down the hallway to the living room. She had heard nothing from Tallahassee so she figured that the coast was clear on his end. And speak of the devil, Tallahassee came around the corner and jumped at the sight of his girlfriend.

"Shit, Roanoke! Say something or somethin'! I almost shot you!" Roanoke sighed.

"Sorry! You find anythin' down that hall?"

"Nah, nothin' but dust. I'mma go upstairs and check it out, kay? I'll holler if I need ya, you stay down here." Roanoke nodded and ran a hand through her hair. Tallahassee surprised her though when he walked by her. He had brushed his hand against her and let his fingers linger on hers for a second before he went upstairs. He never looked at her while he did it but she smiled as she watched him walk up the stairs.

Roanoke bit her lip and suddenly, the thought of being alone downstairs in this old house frightened her for some reason. A terribly cold shiver raked up her spine and the hairs on her arms and back of her neck stood on end. She drew a shaky breath and didn't dare to move. 'There are no zombies here.' She reminded herself. But soon, she wasn't reminding herself. She was yelling this at herself and trying to drill it into her head but she wasn't convinced. Her instinct drove her insane and she wanted to practically scream. She did not want to be in this house. She wanted to leave. Right now.

Her blood ran cold and her breaths were shaky and quick. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest and her hands were shaking so bad that she thought she'd drop her flashlight. She felt that someone…or something was watching her.

Suddenly, the thoughts she was drowning in were cut off by an abrupt noise; a creak. A savage, loud creak that sounded vaguely like that bathroom door she swore she closed earlier. Roanoke shakily clicked the safety off of her gun and with a sneer, walked over to the left hallway.

The bathroom door was closed.