I said Hello, and then you said Goodbye...
Gabriella walked down the street with her earphones in, her head bobbing along to the music – not caring about her surroundings. Suddenly her eyes shot open when she felt that she had bumped into someone and made the person stumble backwards.
"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I didn't see you!" She apologised.
"Nah, its cool seriously it's my fault!" The 'stranger' exclaimed.
Gabriella raised her eyebrows.
'How could this dude really think it's HIS fault? Weird...'
"No seriously! It's mine, I mean I was the one walking around with her eyes closed AND listening to music – not paying ANY attention to the world around me!"
The extremely good looking boy in Gabriella's eyes chuckled.
"Okay, okay... No worries! Anyways I'm Troy Bolton!" He smiled and put his hand out.
She blushed slightly – his smile was enchanting!
"Erm, I'm, uh..." She turned even red, thinking what a idiot she was and she probably just messed up her chance with a nice boy!
"So your name's Erm, I'm, uh...?" He said whilst laughing slightly.
"No!" Gabriella exclaimed.
"I mean... no my name's not erm, uh or I'm, but Gabriella, Gabriella Montez!" She finally said brightly and shook his awaiting hand. But when their skin touched electric bolts shot up all over their bodies.
Suddenly they both pulled back and started blushing – an awkward silence over took them, until Troy decided to speak.
"Well, um I guess I'll see you around?" He asked her.
"Erm, yeah sure... I guess" She said looking into his deep blue eyes.
They stood like that for a good 5 minutes and people passing them would give them weird looks or wolf whistle, but neither of them noticed.
It was Gabriella to snap out of the trance first.
"Well I better go; my mum would be getting worried!" She said.
"Yeah same! Gotta go and do a basketball training session with my dad!" He chuckled, slightly.
"Okay bye!" Gabby said whilst walking away.
With Gabby...
Soon, Gabby arrived home and was met with her mother's stern face.
"Gabriella Carmen Isabella Montez! Where on earth have you been? You know that your auntie Savana is coming to visit! She'll be here any minute and you're all sweaty from your run... Oh dear is lunch even ready? Oh and when IS your father returning from the trip?" Her mother continued to ramble and hadn't even noticed that Gabriella had managed to slip past and run up the stairs.
"Thank god!" She exclaimed to herself as she reached her bedroom and shut the door.
She made her way into her en suite and stripped of her clothes and stepped into the warm welcoming shower.
With Troy...
Wiping his feet on the door mat he turned the door handle and stepped in.
"Troy is that you?" His mother's soft voice called.
"Yeah – hey Ma, where's dad? I thought we were going to train?" He replied back to her while stepping into the kitchen and giving his mum a kiss on the cheek.
"Oh dear, I'm sorry Troy he's in one of his fits again... We got into a pretty bad argument this morning..." She explained and a tear slipped from her eye down to her cheek.
Troy's eyes widened.
If his father got into a fit, that meant he had hurt his mother. And not just emotionally, but physically as well!
"Ma, did he hurt you – well I mean did he punch you or slap you again?" He questioned his voice full of worry.
More tears spilled from his mother's eyes and Troy's body started to get full with anger.
"He did, didn't he?" He said with his jaw clenched.
He didn't even wait for his mother's answer because he was already out the door ready to attack...
A/n: Hey guys! Well I'm going to try and do another HSM story and see if it gets any reviews and if it does I'm going to continue it! Five reviews till the next chapter, so remember to review! Don't worry I am still writing Shattered, but this has been on my computer for a while and I decided to publish it! See you on the next chapter if anyone reviews! :D Xxx Tamz xxX