Chapter 1: A new Meister

She was cornered, no where to run. The monsters were going to win this time. Nothing could help her this time, not the magic, not anything. Her friends had run away, not that she blamed them, the monsters terrified her, and she had been dealing with them her whole life.

She turned her face away as rancid breath curled around her head. She was going to die, the last one in her family, and she was to die now. So many things she hadn't yet to gotten to do. Well it wasn't like it mattered, no one cared whether she lived or died.

"Hey, you ugly asymmetrical keshin!"

The monster turned it's head to look behind it, she took that chance to try and get away. She scrambled the opposite way the things head was facing. She was yanked back from behind and thrown into a wall ten feet away.

Blood trickled down the side of her mouth and pain coursed through her body. She then cringed when she heard gun shots fired, cringing only caused her more pain through. Anger possessed her, her father had told her all the pains he had gone through, this was nothing! Slowly she got up, using the wall for support. When she was finally able to lift her head to look what had become of the monster she saw that it was now just a floating soul, and three people stood around it.

There was two girls both blond, one had really long hair and the other one had short hair. The last person standing with them was a guy, he was fairly tall and had black hair with three white stripes running across one side of his head. He wore a suit, while the girls wore red shirts and jeans.

The short haired blond looked over to the wall where she was leaning. The blond pointed over to her and the others looked. "Kidd we should go see if she's alright!"

"I'm surprised that she's standing or even alive for that matter," Said the guy who she now identified as Kidd.

The trio walked over to where she was leaning, she produced a shaky smile on her face. The short blond haired girl smiled in reply, the other blond said, "Are you okay?"

"Ya," she croaked out, she cleared her throat, "Um, ya…that hurt getting thrown in a wall through. Not use to that kind of thing…" She laughed a little, but started to cough in turn. She covered her mouth, and once her coughing subsided she looked at her hand. "Damn," there was blood covering her hand. If she didn't heal herself soon she could die from internal bleeding.

"We need to get you to a hospital, you could die from internal bleeding," said Kidd.

She cracked a smile, " I can heal pretty easily, well that is if my powers want to work right now…" She closed her eyes and concentrated, the only spell her mother had every taught her fell off and her power flowed through her body healing all her injuries.

"You're a witch!" Exclaimed the long blond haired girl.

"Is that what it's called huh I wouldn't know," she replied sarcastically.

"Then why didn't you defend yourself from that keshin?"

"They don't like to work when I actually need them…and I don't know any spells or anything. She never taught me anything, she hated it…she taught me soul protect, but that was only to protect my siblings and father. I've had a rough life, okay. So thanks for helping me, but I have to get going." She tried to take a few steps forward only to have her knees go out on her.

Kidd caught her, "You can barely walk, and as the son of Shinigami I can't let a witch roam around a town calling almost keshin to her."

"Not like I ask for those stupid monsters to come after me…" She growled at him.

He smiled, "My name is Death the Kidd."

"Liz," said the long haired blond.

"Patty," giggled out the other.

"Sami," she replied. "So what do you plan to do with me?"

"We'll take you back to Death City, then my father and I can figure something out." He smiled as Sami twitched at the thought of having to meet Shinigami-sama, "Liz, Patty, help me get her on my back."

"Don't bother I'll get your nice suit all dirty," retorted Sami.

"You do have a point…" Kidd's brows furrowed.

"HEY! SAMI!" yelled a guy who was running towards them. "Your still alive!"

"Nah! I'm just a walking, talking corpse. Of course I'm alive you dipshit! Kidd here saved my life, and now I have to leave the city." Sami was now leaning on Kidd so she could have some dignity around her friend.

"What? No, dude you can't take her away! What the fuck did she do to you!" Anger was apparent on his face.

"Hey, there, clam down idiot! I'm choosing this, that monster was after me, and I don't want the gang getting hurt. I just need my stuff from the hang out. Oh and I guess I have to assign a new leader don't I…crap…" Sami pushed herself off Kidd and slowly walked forward towards what Kidd assumed was where her group of friends lived.

Sami walked ahead of Kidd and Liz, who stayed a little ways back from Sami and her friend, and Patty who was in a deep conversation with them. It was now that Kidd questioned himself, why did he chose to bring her with them back to Death City? Was it because she hadn't been afraid of them when she had to heal herself? Or was it the fact that at the time after she healed herself that she couldn't walk and fell? Or maybe the fact that she fixed herself so her friend wouldn't see her weak? He wasn't sure, but the loan fact that she was a witch made enough sense to bring her back to Death City. If she could learn to control her abilities she could be a very valuable ally to have.

"Hey Srike…I think I'm gonna leave you in charge…" Sami had her hands behind her head, looking somewhere into the darkening sky.

"W…wh…what!" Srike had stopped in his tracks and was staring at Sami awestruck.

Sami turned around to face him and smile plastered on her face. "Hey, you've been my right hand man since Gil got taken away to Death City. Who knows maybe I'll get to see Gil there."

"But Gil didn't chose you because you were his right hand man…uh…woman…girl?" Sami just laughed at him. "Anyways he chose you because of your ability! I don't think-"

"Can't you believe in yourself if she does? She trusts you to do her job right, so trust yourself and prove her right," Kidd added.

"Thanks! Oh and we are here!" They had come to a very old and broken down building. "Welcome to are humble abode!"

"It's horribly asymmetrical!" Complained Kidd as he stared at the crumbling building.

"Kidd get over it, come on you've gotten better over the years. You can at least go in and see what your taking away from her." Said Liz, pulling Kidd inside the building.

Inside the building seemed to be in better condition, it was decorated with hundreds of different colors of paint(it tore Kidd to pieces), blankets scattered over a bunch of cots in one room, then in another there was a bunch of kids sitting around tables of every size and shape; Kidd had started to twitch.

When Sami entered the room full of kids she was jumped. There were shouts of greetings and shouts of just plain happiness. The meister and his weapons watched as the girl who's life they had saved and were now taking back with them. She looked happy, hugging every kid who came at her, giving each attention. But both Kidd and Liz noticed a slight sadness hidden in her eyes.

"So…uh…guys? I have some bad news…" When every person in the room looking at her, worry in their eyes. "I…I'm gonna be leaving…"

There was gasps and cries of 'no', Sami was yet again enveloped by the people in the room. "When?"

"Um…soon I suppose…" She looked at Kidd, eyes pleading for an answer.

"We will be leaving tomorrow morning early, I want to get back to Death City as soon as possible," answered Kidd.

Sami mouthed thank you to Kidd as she was pulled onto the ground, emitting a few cries of surprise before she was smothered by the children. Laughter could be heard from the mass of bodies, Liz and Patty were both laughing. Sami's head popped up, "Ah! LACK OF AIR!" Her head then disappeared again.

"Guys…Guys…GUYS!" When the mass of children stopped for a moment Sami's head popped back up quickly, she was gulping in air. "Okay tonight we have to celebrate! The leaving of one of are most bestest leaders!"

There were chorus of agreement from the children, the got up and slowly Sami was released from the floor. "Okay, my treat, all the money that I have saved up! I'm taking out a bunch and all of you are eating good tonight! Oh and Srike you'll need all my codes and stuff, you're gonna be in charge starting tomorrow. Anyways I have to go a get the money and as soon as I come back we need to got out a buy us some food!"

There was more cheers, and no matter how hard she tried Sami couldn't get the dorky smile that was on her face off it. She then hugged every child again and exited the room. Kidd followed her out after telling Liz and Patty to stay and keep and eye on the kids. Sami only glanced behind her and continued to walk a smile still on her lips.

"You seem happy here, how come your agreeing to come with us?" asked Kidd.

"Cause, no matter how happy I may be here, keeping them safe is my first priority. As the leader of the group that was my first priority. I love them, so that's why I'm coming with you…" The smile on her face was huge, but Kidd could see the sparkle in her eyes that suggested she was holding back tears.

"I understand…Maybe Father can have you enrolled at DWMA. You could get a partner and be a meister. We already have a few witches there, so it wouldn't be anything new. And I think you would like my friends as well…"

"So I guess we're friends then?" asked Sami.

"Ya friends," they shook hands, both grinning at the other.

After getting the money out of the gangs bank account, Kidd and Sami went back to the soon to be ex-home of Sami. Then gathering everyone together they found a restaurant that was almost empty and would take the band of children. They ate and laughed and had an all around good time, everyone filled their stomachs and was happy. By the end of it, most of the kids were falling asleep in their chairs, and that was when Sami decided take everyone home.

Once home, she tucked every kid into bed and kissed them all goodnight. Then she went up to her room and started to pack her meager belongs away. After she was done, she called Srike up and gave him a list of all the account information that he would need. In all she had made a bunch of accounts each one going to each kid's name. Then after reminding him of all the things he had to, it was time to leave.

Slowly and very painfully Sami walked out of the house, once outside she took one look back, smiling, and then hurried to catch up with her new friends and go meet her new life.

How'd you like it? please comment...i really don't feel like doing my normal spree of talking so until next chapter...