This week's theme: Band names

Prompt: Author's Choice - …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

Trail of Dead

Jim turned, his phaser raised and set to kill, at the sound of a scuffle behind him to find one of the enemy soldiers crumpling to the floor, Spock's hand at his shoulder. In this case Spock had apparently felt the nerve pinch the better option, allowing him to delve into the soldier's mind for information. He wasn't exactly counting anymore, but Jim figured that the soldier was one of less than a half dozen enemies to cross their path and be left alive. Their culture believed in death before dishonor and did not respond to negotiation or debate.

That had left Spock and Jim with few options as they made their way through the enemy compound leaving a trail of bodies in their wake. The enemy knew they were under siege; there was little need for stealth at this point. As soon as they had captured Bones, they had sealed their fate, and Jim had made sure they knew it.

Between the team on the surface led by Hikaru and Uhura, the Enterprise in the sky with Scotty at the conn, and he and Spock below ground, Jim knew they would get their doctor back or die trying.