'I was dead.' Was the first thing John said after he woke up: 'I was definitely killed on Alcatraz.' He sounded absolutely sure of that and not the least freaked out.
'Uhm.' Bobby replied because he had imagined their reunion a bit differently. Well, to be exact he had imagined it in two different ways: either True Love Conquered It All or they would go right back to fighting.
'I mean seriously: first Logan, then Creed, Dr. Grey, now me. Does anyone around here ever stay dead for good?'
'The Professor came back too.' Bobby offered a bit unsure. John's rant had thrown him off.
'That's exactly my point-' John stopped suddenly, looked down at himself and then asked:
"I came back from the dead. Am I a zombie now?" In a completely earnest voice but when he saw Bobby's flabbergasted face, he broke out laughing.
"You could at least be happy about not being dead, could you?' Bobby said angrily, feeling himself blush for allowing himself to be played by John only seconds after John had come back to life.
'Sorry Bobby.' John laughed: 'But I do have a point here.'
'About the zombie part? Because if you feel the urge to eat me or anyone else I'm going to blow your head off.'
'Now I feel warmly welcomed.' John replied dryly.
'You were the one ranting about being not dead immediately after coming back to life,' Bobby pointed out.
'It's a confusing experience.' John defended himself: 'One second we're having fantastic, mind-blowing sex in the middle of an orgy involving Remy, Tony Stark, Captain America, Johnny Storm-'
'I GET it.' Bobby interrupted John.
'- and in the next I'm here. With you. And there's no sex involved.'
'So...Heaven was an orgy for you?' Bobby asked.
'No, Bobby.' John grinned: 'I don't remember being dead, only dying. You can relax, this is not 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer where I angst about being pulled from Heaven into the hell of real life. I enjoyed being alive.' He frowned: 'Or rather I enjoy being alive. Fuck, being resurrected is worse for grammar than time travel. We still have 2010 right?'
'Yes. You died two days ago.'
'That was quick.' John looked impressed: 'On the other Logan only needed a few minutes, so maybe not.'
'Dr. Grey needed three years.' Bobby told him.
'Okay okay.' john waved his hands: 'So it was a moderate resurrection. Any side-effects I should know? I mean I don't feel the urge to eat you but I remember this one book where people who came back from the dead had to kill other people to stay undead.'
'Uhm, no. Wanda just altered reality slightly so that nobody was killed at Alcatraz, except Dr. Grey.'
John whistled:
'Compared to Wanda's power even mine look lame, not to mention yours.'
'Excuse me? I killed you!'
'Beside that being not something to gloat with when you X-persons fight for Freedom Justice and The American Way, I just didn't count of you having the balls to go through with it.' he looked at Bobby, considering: 'I still think you don't. You think you knocked me out and Phoenix killed me.'
'Yeah.' bobby answered confused.
Hate to tell you Bobby but you broke my neck. And that hurt.'
'No, buts ice-cube. I remember dying and I believe a broken neck feels different than being disintegrated. Don't worry.' He patted Bobby's shoulder: 'I know you didn't do it with intent and I bet you were the one who told Wanda to bring me back, too. So we can still have celebratory sex later.'
'You're an asshole.' Bobby told him, this time seeing through John's lies before John broke his own masquerade.
'I know.' John grinned widely: 'But in my defence you did leave me to die. I wasn't joking about the sex, though.' John's expression became serious:
'I'm a man of my word, Bobby. I told you that as Pyro I will fight you with all means but as John I will always love you.'
'I was afraid you'd hate me.'
'I hate you...sometimes. That never stopped me from loving you.'