*Lilith's POV*

I sat next to Edward on the couch in the living room as the Cullen children and I watched Remember Me and I couldn't help but feel I was intruding and not accepted. I'll admit the shock of finding out the boy I was crushing on and his family were vampires had driven me into quite the tizzy but after three days of playing hooky I managed to wrap my mind around the concept. All the signs had been pointing to the fact that the Cullen's weren't normal but they blended in so well with normal society that no one questioned their small quirks and I marveled at how adept they were at acting human. Of course when Edward had saved me on that fateful day two weeks ago his human façade had been shot.

I walked along the rocky trail to the top of the mountain I had been climbing at a steady pace for the past hour. While exhausting I kept telling myself over and over again that the results would be worth it. I would get good exercise, build up my cardio and the pictures I would take would be breathtaking. I was so far involved in my daydream of the picturesque view I would capture that I didn't notice the sharp dip in the path until I stumbled. I flailed my arms in an attempt to regain my balance and the movement pitched me over the edge of the trail.


I screamed as I plummeted the couple hundred feet back down the mountain and I closed my eyes as I prepared for the inevitable impact which would result in my gruesome death. The wind was knocked out of me as something very cold, hard and fast caught me and zoomed right back up the mountainside. I didn't hesitate, wrapped my arms around my savior and kept my eyes shut. The dizzying climb stopped and my balance sensed we were on flat ground again. My savior set me back down on my own two shaky legs and I opened my eyes to reveal the Adonis known as Edward Cullen.

"Edward? What? How?"

He didn't answer me and pushed me behind him. I looked around his shoulder and screamed again as a large, irritable grizzly loped out of a mountain cave. I grabbed Edward's arm in a death grip and felt mild shock when he shook my arm off. He took a step forward and a low, deep growl rumbled out of his chest. The bear answered the challenge with one of its own and charged Edward. Edward didn't flinch and the scream died in my throat. Edward would die and then the bear in its rage would come after me. That's not how I pictured my death and I cursed my ill luck.


Edward ignored my cry and when the bear was an arm's length away Edward did something impossible. He backhanded the bear and the bear tumbled over the same cliff side I had.

Needless to say I had millions of questions about Edward's speed and strength. In his typical fashion he asked if I was alright, if I had broken anything and then carried me on his back as he raced with blinding speed and unparallel grace back down the mountainside. He stopped when we reached a beautiful meadow and set me down.

"Breath Lilith. Take a deep breath."

I wanted to smack him at his amused tone but I did as he ordered and my frantic heart stopped trying to beat its way out of my chest. For the next three hours we sat in the meadow and he answered question after question of mine.

"As you've no doubt guessed I am not human. You're mind is curious and your thoughts are jumbled but like Bella before you, you are not afraid to be around me."

His words didn't make any sense but I fainted when he told me he was a vampire. I woke up staring into those hypnotic honey gold eyes of his and that damn sexy crooked grin. I scrambled to sit upright and put some much needed distance between us.

Sue me. It wasn't my most stellar moment but what would any sane person due if the person they were crushing on told you they were a vampire? He had assured me right from the get go that he didn't drink human blood and that he had been hunting for mountain lions. I had shaken my head as his explanations rattled my brain and I couldn't keep the questions from tumbling out of my mouth. He answered all of them like I mentioned earlier and then dropped me off at my manor. We had driven in my Acura as he had apparently run to the mountain and like his true gentleman nature he had slipped behind the wheel after making sure I was settled in the passenger seat.

"I do not blame you if you don't want to have anything to do with my family or I anymore. That would be the logical thing to do and we would not fault you for it. However, we do ask that you keep the nature of what we are a secret otherwise we will vanish from existence as you know it and no one will believe you."

I forgot to breathe when Edward's face was mere inches from my own and I felt star struck as I gazed at his beauty from up close. That famous crooked grin of his slipped across his face again and he vanished to open my door seconds later. I gaped like a fish but he chuckled and helped me out of my car. When I waved goodbye to him from the safety of my room inside my manor, still stunned, he vanished like the wind again.

The rest is all pretty anti-climatic after that fateful day and Edward had told me that I had acted somewhat like what Bella had done. After I returned to school the Cullen children en masse had requested I sit at their table in the cafeteria and we all played a game of twenty million questions. They wanted to make sure I wouldn't go run my mouth and I wanted to find out more about them. Each one of them had told me a little about themselves but I knew even without Edward's glare towards them that they were being polite. Bella had been received with considerably more warmth he told me later and I couldn't fault them. They were comfortable with their existence here in Forks, Washington and I was a liability. Their mother, Esme appeared in the doorway and she smiled as she held a cell phone in one hand.

"Carlisle just called. He and Bella are on their way manor and will be here in an hour."

Nervousness swept through me and I swallowed the lump in my throat. As Edward and I continued our illicit relationship I had been a fixture around the Cullen's manor and I took advantage of every opportunity to learn about this family of vampires. The part Bella Swan played in their story fascinated me and I had to know every detail about her relationship with all of them. I was borderline fanatical but the other girl had such a rich detailed history with the Cullen's and the town of Forks made her larger than life. Who else was better to ask then the people she spent time around the most?

I sat on a chair in one of the spare bedrooms on the third floor of the Cullen's manor as Alice cut pieces of fabric to sew together for her latest dress design. The smallest of the vampires spent most of her time with clothes and fashion and even though Edward had been the one to date Bella I felt Alice knew the other girl best. Cheerful and optimistic by nature I had always liked how Alice would twirl into a room and leave the place feeling brighter but I felt that Alice resented my presence a little because I usually was prying about Bella. I tried to hang out with all the Cullen's besides Edward and they were all polite but Alice and Rosalie were just that. Polite.

"Alice have you ever tried to find out who you were as a human?"

Alice laid another square piece of black fabric on a table and zipped to the other side of the room to grab some needles and thread. She flickered back and with inhuman speed began to sew all the squares together.

"Yes. Everyone helps me when they can but Bella is the most helpful by listening to me rant, rail, complain and ponder all about the mysterious parts of my past that we haven't found yet."

I ran my hands along the silk of a beautiful dressing gown Alice had designed and finished last week.

"What's it like seeing a vision? Edward says that your visions are subjective and that they're always subject to change at any given moment."

"Edward's right. I see things based off the decisions of the people or things around me and if one person in the vision changes their mind then the whole vision is thrown to the wayside."

I marveled at how powerful of a vampire Alice really was. Like all vampires she had an unearthly beauty to her but her personality enhanced that beauty a hundred fold. Coupled with her ability to see the future and the other enhancements that came with being a vampire and Alice Cullen is one dangerous predator.

I shook my head as I let the memory go and I looked over at Alice. She sat on the couch with Jasper at her feet. She was running her fingers through his hair and he watched the movie through half lidded eyes. Edward had said the two had been in a romantic relationship up until three decades ago and that Alice's first vision of Bella had prompted them to end their romantic relationship. How the two could still be such good friends baffled me but the chemistry between Alice and Jasper was still evident even if they were just friends. Jasper had been courting another vampire from Alaska named Kate but Alice hadn't taken up a relationship with anyone else. Edward told me this was because Alice had fallen in love with Bella and I scrunched my nose at that thought.

I sat cross legged on the floor and guided my virtual character across the large plasma screen T.V as Emmett blew my character up. I groaned and threw my hands up in the air. Emmett laughed and just restarted the match.

"That's no fair! You have like decade's worth of videogame experience on me."

"That might be true but his is a brand new game that came in an hour ago. You were here when I got it."

I grumbled under my breath about cheating vampires which just made Emmett laugh even more. Emmett had been the most receptive to me and enjoyed teasing me at every chance he got. I was shocked at first at some of the remarks that came from his mouth but soon learned that Emmett's jokes and taunts were all in fun.

"Who are you expecting a call from? The way you keep glancing at your phone makes me think the President is going to call or something."

"Sorry I'm just excited. When we talked to Bella last night she said she would call me first before everyone else. That's huge considering she always calls Alice first and Alice is annoyed."

I should have known the answer to that question even before I thought to ask. Bella had been in New York City for two weeks now and we always heard from her at least once a day. On the good days we would be able to talk to her for a couple hours but on the bad days we would talk for five minutes or less and Bella had promised today would be a good day. Alice had looked into the future and while bouncing up and down had confirmed that we would be able to talk to Bella for 3 hours, 24 minutes and 23 seconds. This would be the longest conversation we would be able to have with Bella ever since she left.

"Oh. Today is supposed to be a good day for her."

Emmett sighed and let me kill his character.

"Look, Kerr I'm sorry that I mentioned Bella for the hundredth time today. I know it's not fair to you to have everyone else treat you like a second fiddle in Bella's shadow but you have to understand that we're all worried about her because like Rosie said she's the glue that hold our family together."

I nodded as every one of the Cullen's had mentioned that particular phrase about Bella and I could see how true it was.

I rested my head against Edward's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around me. A light blanket shielded me against his frosty temperature but we were still wedged tight and I loved that. Esme had left about ten minutes ago to go prepare Bella's room for her arrival. Everyone had been shocked but ecstatic when Bella had fumbled through asking to be able to live with the Cullen's. She stated that she wasn't able to do some things on her own anymore even with positive feedback with the new treatment and the Cullen's had all shushed her. The Indians down on the reservation had been in a tizzy about that but Esme had a report from Carlisle saying that Bella had talked to them about it for two days and they had agreed it was for the best. Apparently, the wolves had been unable to resist Bella's pleading and she promised to bake them a whole bunch of her cookies when she returned.

I knocked on the open door to the garage and gave a tentative smile when Rosalie looked up from the car she was working on. I knew she had heard me all the way back when I stepped down from the stairs but I could never get a good bead on Rosalie as her face always held disdain whenever I was around. Edward told me she was always this way, even towards Bella but I doubted that and made a conscious effort to keep trying with Rosalie.

"Everyone went hunting and Edward told me that you were stuck on human watch until they got back. I was feeling a little alone up in his room and wondered if you wanted any company as well?"

Rosalie's haughty expression never changed and she went back to working on the engine to Bella's truck. Bella refused to sell the beast of a machine and it was an ongoing project with Rosalie and Emmett who had taken it upon themselves to keep "The Thing" running. I sat on a vacant stool and clasped my hands in my lap. Awkward silences were not uncommon between Rosalie and I but I wanted Rosalie to like me and I sat on the stool until she noticed me with a heavy sigh.

"What do you want this time? I don't talk about myself or my past and you can talk to Alice about whatever when she gets back."

That's the longest sentence Rosalie had ever spoken to me and I mustered up my courage, desperate to keep this limited window open.

"Edward tells me that you acted the same way around Bella when she first entered your lives. You may not like me but I'm determined so it might just be better to give up."

Rosalie snorted and kept working on Bella's truck. Her tumbling, golden locks were pulled back in a ponytail and she wore a grimy set of clothes as Bella's truck was always messy.

"Bella is the glue that holds my family together. You are Edward's attempt to regain control of his life after Bella dumped his sparkling ass. She was different and unique from the start while you are a girl from the school we attend this year. You will never ever be what Bella is to this family and if you're determined to change my mind or prove something to me then I say you'll be dead and buried before that happens."

I winced as I recalled her cruel but honest words towards me and I remembered how I had cried myself to sleep that night in Edward's stone cold arms. Edward had been furious and he and Rosalie had a row but Rosalie had just ignored Edward. He tried to enlist the help of his siblings but Rosalie had spoken the truth and they said they couldn't fault her for that. I didn't go over to the Cullen's manor for two days after that biting revelation and for a moment I had hated Bella Swan. I realized though that hating her was pointless as it wasn't her fault and I had forced a smile on my face the next day.

"They're pulling onto the driveway."

Alice trembled in her seat and I smiled at how excited she was. The rest of the Cullen children scrambled around the house as they put the finishing touches on Bella's welcome home party. Bella being Bella wouldn't like it of course but every one of the Cullen children had pitched in to help in some way and Alice had gone overboard with the preparations. I heard a car door shut and then another before a key jiggled in the lock a few moments later. The front door swung open and Carlisle walked into the foyer. He switched on the lights and he helped Bella inside.

"Welcome home!"

All the Cullen's cheered and whistled as Bella overcame her shock and a smile stretched out across her face. The last time I had seen her she looked drawn and tired with a complexion almost as pale as the Cullen's. Her complexion was still pale but not like Death stood at her door anymore and her breathing came much easier instead of short gasps every couple of minutes.

"Hey everyone. I should have known that you couldn't resist the urge to throw a party of some sort Alice."

Everyone laughed and Alice beamed. No one had rushed Bella, out of respect of her condition I suppose but Bella opened her arms anyway. Alice was the first one over and the two girls hugged each other in a tight embrace for a long moment. Emmett pried Alice off and scooped Bella up off the ground into his arms for a hug. The difference between them was comical and Bella laughed but she hugged as much of Emmett as her thin arms would allow. Rosalie patted her on the back and the two shared a small smile. Jealousy flared in me and I fought to bring it under control but Edward wrapped an arm around me. My jealousy dimmed somewhat at his action and then disappeared when Jasper sent me calming vibes but he didn't look at me as he walked over to Bella. Emmett set her down on the ground and Jasper pulled her into a tight hug very similar to what Alice had done. Jealousy flared up in me again as Jasper remained a respectful distance from me whenever we were in the same room as he said his control was not that good yet.

"Her blood is tainted by her sickness. That's why Jasper can hug her."

I nodded at Edward's murmur in my ear but I suspected that even if Bella hadn't been sick Jasper would have hugged her anyway. A favorite sister had come home and they were all eager to see her. Esme ghosted in past me and embraced Bella as well with a warm hello. When they separated Alice grabbed Bella's hand and kissed her cheek.

"Esme made your favorite dish of mac and cheese if you're hungry. It's a silly question as you're always hungry when mac and cheese is involved but you can eat while we give you our presents!"

Bella's smile disappeared at the mention of presents but the Cullen's all laughed and Alice led Bella into the spacious kitchen. Bella sat down at "her stool" (apparently Bella always sat in this particular stool whenever she ate over at the Cullen's or sat in the kitchen) at the island and Esme handed her a bowl of mac and cheese. Bella smiled at Esme and raised an eyebrow when she noticed that Esme had placed a small, wrapped box beside the bowl as well. The Cullen's all held wrapped gifts as well and Bella crossed her arms across her chest.

"Why am I getting presents? It's not my birthday and it's not Christmas."

Alice giggled and placed her gift down on the counter besides Esme's. I shook my head as I had been warned of Bella's selflessness when it came to gifts even though the Cullen's loved doting on her. Edward gave me gifts all the time and after much protesting I had admitted defeat. Stupid crooked smile and glowing amber eyes…. Edward kissed the top of my head for that thought and my annoyance dissipated.

"We're all just happy that the procedure resulted in good results and we wanted to celebrate. I've already seen you accepting them so just open the gifts so I can see your expressions!"

Bella grumbled under her breath and the Cullen's all chuckled at whatever she had said but she grabbed Esme's gift. Alice pouted a little but Edward conked her on the back of the head at whatever her thoughts were and Bella opened Esme's gift. Esme had given Bella her favorite bath salts (A guilty pleasure of Bella's. Alice had told me a funny story about them) and Bella blushed but thanked Esme. Esme kissed the top of Bella's head and handed her Carlisle's gift. Carlisle's gift was the largest out of all them so far and Bella choked on her tears when she opened the photo album to reveal a scrapbook containing photo's of Charlie's first day here in Forks until the day he died. Bella flipped through a couple of the pages and wiped her eyes with her free hand.

"Carlisle this is…I don't know what to say. Thank you."

"Anytime Bella. You know that."

Emmett and Rosalie handed Bella a card and Bella smirked as she already knew what was inside. The note inside the card said to push the petal to the metal the next time she drove her truck and to enjoy the new heater. Edward's gift was more music he had composed for Bella and I had listened to a couple of the tracks on the CD. They were full of sorrow, heartbreak and regret but he had told me in the dead of the night that Bella enjoyed listening to them as she fell asleep at night. Why I would never know but Bella was Bella and she smiled at Edward as she promised to listen to them tonight.

"Ooooh. Now it's my turn."

Alice handed Bella a wrapped box, bigger than Carlisle's and Bella raised an eyebrow. Alice's smiled widened and even I could see that her body trembled in her excitement to see Bella's reaction.

"Tink, I told you the last time you bought me something that you were not allowed to buy me anything extravagant anymore."

"I didn't."

Bella raised both eyebrows at this and her mouth set in a firm line. Alice pouted and pushed her index fingers together to which Bella sighed. She placed the box down on the countertop and continued to look at Alice who still avoided Bella's gaze.

"Well not really."

"Does it sparkle?"


"Is it shiny?"


"Did it cost over one hundred dollars?"

"Just by five dollars and seventy nine cents! It's something that you really really really wanted."

Alice pulled an adorable puppy dog look and Bella sighed. She picked the box back up, hesitated and then sent Alice a stern look. Jasper chuckled under his breath as he felt their emotions and I looked up at Edward. He shook his head and shrugged.

"I told you I can't read her mind."

The suspense doubled as I remembered that and I was dying to know what Bella was thinking but she continued to stare at Alice.

"By me accepting this I can deny the next two shopping sprees and no Bella Barbie for a week."

I placed my hand over my mouth to contain my giggle at Alice's shocked expression but the other people in the room laughed out loud and I lost it at that. Alice looked like her favorite toy had been taken away and she had been sent off to prison. Bella raised her eyebrow and held out the box to Alice. Alice looked torn for a few moments and then shook her head.

"It'll be worth it to see your face when you open my gift."

I was shocked. Over the past month Alice had dragged any available member of the family and took me sometimes to the mall for what she called "retail therapy". Did Alice love Bella that much to sacrifice something she delighted in doing for and with Bella to see Bella's reaction to some gift? Edward squeezed my shoulders and when I looked up at him he nodded. Bella looked shocked as well but she opened the box anyway.

"Oh Alice. Alice. This is too much. Really."

I craned my neck to see the contents of the box and gaped. Alice had bought the professional art set we had seen in the store window on the last shopping spree we went on. I remember the salesman telling us the price and I looked up at Edward. He nodded and jerked his head back to Bella. Bella had taken out some of the art supplies and had a dazed look on her face as she studied them.

"I knew you would like it as I know you're running low on the supplies in your kit."

Bella kissed Alice on the cheek in thanks and walked outside to the back deck. Alice went to follow her but Jasper grabbed her arm and shook his head.

"She's feeling a little overwhelmed at your gift and Carlisle's. She's delighted with them but she's being Bella. Give her a moment."

Alice nodded and everyone left to go do their own thing. I declined Edward's offer to listen to him play on his piano and he read my thoughts. He smiled and went upstairs. I looked out the sliding glass door and saw Bella sitting on top of the railing on the back deck. I took a deep breath and walked outside to stand beside her. Bella looked up and smiled when she recognized me.

"I see you've captured Edward's attention. Congratulations."

"Yeah he does the most crazy things to get a girls attention."

She laughed and waved her hand to a nearby chair.

"Why don't you sit down and tell me all about it."

I pulled the chair over, eager to have someone besides Edward who was genuinely interested in hearing what I had to say. For the next hour we giggled like schoolgirls as I told her all about the smashing way I was introduced to the Cullen's. Bella shook her head and smiled as she told me how Edward had done something similar to her. Edward had told me the story as that was one of the very first questions I had asked him after the shock of everything else about him wore off. Soon, Alice poked her head outside and told us that we had better come inside as a heavy thunderstorm was about to hit.

"I hate to ask you Lilith but can you help me inside? I'm afraid jet lag and the ride back to the house has caught up with me."

Before I could even move Alice stood by Bella's side and helped her inside. Bella looked over her shoulder, smiled at me in that special way of hers and mouthed "overprotective vampires" to which I giggled. Leave it to Bella to make one feel better and I followed behind them. I sat down next to Edward on his piano seat and rested my head against his shoulder as he continued to play a sweet melody.

"Have a nice talk with Bella?"

I nodded and let his melody lull me to sleep. The last thought I had before sleep overtook me was that he was playing Bella's Lullaby.


Bella sat in Charlie's old recliner in her foyer and watched as her life was packed away box by box. Last night she had the first full night of sleep without drugs ever since she left the Cullen's to go to New York City and Bella knew that was because she was back home in Alice's arms. She laughed under her breath as she remembered the silent argument she had with Alice about the covers again. Bella had won and she slept cuddled up to Alice with the blankets over them both instead of Alice laying outside the blankets. Earlier this morning Alice and the other women in the Cullen's home had sat out on the back deck allowing Bella to enjoy the warmth of the sun and had broached the topic of selling Bella's home.

"I know you don't want to Bella as this will make Charlie's death even more permanent but unless you want us to do it afterwards then we need to do it now."

None of the Cullen's would come out and say Bella was going to die but she knew that's what they meant. Esme had kicked the boys out saying she wanted a girls day with her daughters and Carlisle and the boys had gone up north to hunt. After the emotional shock wore off, Bella agreed and now here she sat as a small army made her house ready for the market. The one request besides being there when everyone packed was that the wolves and their girls were able to help as well. Carlisle and Esme agreed and in tones to low and fast for Bella and Lilith to hear had told their children to behave. The boys had been ecstatic and Nessie and Emily told her that they had a similar talk with the boys on the way over. Mike Newton and his buddies had been running by when they saw what was happening and had called up some of the students to help out.

"Hey how you feeling? You need anything?"

Bella smiled at Angela and shook her head. She sat down on one of the recliners arms and took Bella's hand in hers. Angela had been elated when Bella had called everyone to give a report of her one month absence and so had everyone else. She pointed to Jasper who was carrying a chair outside like it was a feather and gave a saucy grin.

"The Cullen boys have been lifting and moving stuff like that all day. You sly devil you. No wonder you don't talk about the Cullen's when you can keep such handsome, strong men to yourself."

Bella giggled and nodded. Jasper heard Angela's comment and winked at Bella. The Cullen children were talking with the rest of the people in the house out of respect for Bella she suspected and her human friends were baffled but excited. Angela pointed to Jake who carried a dresser out with the help of Seth.

"I see you've also kept those Indian boys under your thumb too. My my my Bella you do have such wonderful, hot guy friends."

Jake grinned a wolfish grin at Angela and both girls giggled when Nessie hit him in his side in passing. Ben crept up behind both girls and tackled Angela to the floor. He straddled her waist and tickled her. Angela laughed and tried to swat his hands away but Ben was too big. She pleaded ignorance and innocence to her comments about both sets of boys but Ben never relented.

"Hey no sexual foreplay on my foyer floor! That's for you two to do somewhere else."

Angela shrieked, her face the color of a tomato and Ben just laughed at Bella's comment. Nessie giggled and took a picture of the three of them. Ben stood up and pulled Angela to her feet. He gave her a quick kiss and then went back upstairs to help finish packing.

"Bella Swan you better not make any more comments about my sex life or so help me I'll…"

"You'll what? You're way too nice to hurt a cripple."

Bella gave a smug smile and laughed when Angela huffed. Angela cracked a moment later and giggled with Bella. Nessie took another picture and ran off with Angela hot on her heels.

"Jaaaaaaaaake! Help me!"

Bella laughed and shook her head. Alice appeared and kissed Bella's cheek. She rested her delicate, pointed chin on Bella's shoulder and inhaled. Bella laughed a little at Alice's quirk but didn't mind it as Alice stated she still smelled good.

"You have such wonderful human friends."

"I am lucky that's for sure. All my friends are good people. Yes Alice all my friends."

Alice rolled her eyes as Bella had caught her frown when Bella had smiled at Quil when he walked by with a heavy box in his arms. Alice's watch beeped and Bella laughed when Alice straightened up and stood in front of her.

"You're supposed to be acting like a human Alice. No vampire speed today."

"I'll just say I was a track superstar at my old school."

Bella rolled her eyes and allowed Alice to pull her to her feet. They walked out back to where Carlisle had the grill going along with some of the elders from the Quileute tribe. Food covered the entire back deck and Bella waved when everyone looked up at her. Carlisle raised his eyebrows but Alice pointed to her watch and Carlisle nodded with a smile.

"Why don't you go get everyone and we can all sit down and eat?"

Ten minutes later Bella sat nestled deep into Jake's side with Alice holding her hand and some salad on a plate in front of her. She had disappeared inside to take her medicine and felt the usual drowsiness that came along with it. Alice's watch beeped again and Bella looked at her.

"Time for your midday nap. You ready to go?"

"But I want to stay here until everyone's finished."

Jake laughed beside her and squeezed Nessie with his other arm that wasn't wrapped around Bella. He nodded to a hammock out back a little more in Bella's backyard and grinned down at her.

"I had Seth set that up for you as I knew you would refuse to leave. You can lay in that and have people visit you. I'm sure the blood….Cullen's would like to talk to you and I know we all do. No one would blame you if you feel asleep."

Bella nodded, happy with Jake's arrangement and Alice called out for Emmett. He walked over, annoyance written on his face at having to walk at human speed and knelt next to Alice. Alice told him the plan and he picked Bella up. Nessie pulled a blanket out of the bag beside her and said she would be the first to be on Bella watch. She looked over to Alice to see if that was okay and Esme said it would be fine. Alice claimed second and Jake claimed third a second before Edward did. The two glared at each other but Nessie pinched Jake and Lilith swatted Edward' s arm with a comment of "Boys…" Emmett set Bella down in the hammock and left with an affectionate rumpling of Bella's hair. Nessie covered Bella with the blanket and sat down in one of the two chairs next to the hammock.

"I was afraid your little vampire lover would bite me for getting to sit by you first."

Bella rolled her eyes and sighed as she closed her eyes. The pain in her body lessened at this but Bella knew she wouldn't fall asleep and she balled her fists to keep from crying out. She felt the need to cough but knew if she did blood would come out and she didn't want to ruin such a good day.

"Who Alice? She is a tad overprotective but she doesn't hate you for getting first Bella watch and knows that she has all of tonight."

"Oooh so there is a little hanky panky between you two. No wonder you're so tired today Bella."

Bella blushed and rolled her eyes but she smiled at Nessie's joke.

"How long is your watch again?"

Nessie laughed and patted Bella's blanket covered shoulder.

"Have you two ever kissed since that first night?"

"No. I know she wants to but I don't want to lead her on since I won't be able to have a relationship in a couple months."

Nessie's hand stilled on tracing Bella's side and Bella sighed.

"You have feelings for her too?"

"I realized them when I was talking to Carlisle one night at the clinic. What's not to love about her Nessie? She's an angel and I feel horrible because I can't give her anything substantial since I'll be dead soon."

Nessie bent over and hugged Bella as tears trailed down from behind her closed eyelids. Bella felt horrible and kept her feelings from Alice to protect her. Alice already suffered so much knowing Bella was going to die so why should Bella be even more selfish and return the romantic feelings when they would be in a romantic relationship for only three months or so?

"I know you're trying to be less selfish then you feel you are already but you need to tell Alice. My time is up but do you want to be left alone for a little while?"

"No, that'd only make Jake more curious and then he'll never let it go even if you tell him to."

Nessie hugged Bella once more and left to go find Jake. A couple minutes later his large body pulled her out of the hammock, blanket and all and she pressed her face into the side of his neck to hide her tears.

"I hurt Jake. I feel like I need to cough to let it all out but then blood will splatter and the Cullen's will be forced to leave."

Jake pulled her tighter against him and rocked back and forth on the ground. This was Bella's Jake and Bella loved him. Jake questioned when he believed he needed to and most of the time he was in the right or had his heart in the right place but when he saw Bella in pain he just let her be.

"That's not why you're crying though. Nessie told me to just let you be but Bella you're shaking and crying. When you do that I know you're about to explode."

Bella cried harder at this as she knew Jake was right once again and clung tighter to him. Her muscles burned from the strain but the physical pain felt good as it dimmed her awareness of her emotional pain.

"Is it something to do with Shortie?"


Jake pried Bella off him just enough so they could see face-to-face and wiped away her tear trails with a large hand. He kissed her forehead and leaned back against the tree.

"I knew it. You're relationship with Shortie changed a couple days before you left for the whole clinic thing. When you called your voice changed while talking about her and the last time you came down to visit at the rez your eyes sparkled a little differently when you talked about her. Nessie says that you're in love with her."

Bella didn't answer and let her head rest against his broad chest. His strong, steady heart beat soothed her and she knew by her silence Jake would know her answer. He didn't tremble, he didn't say anything but he tightened his hold on her and let his head rest back against the tree. That for Jake spoke volumes and Bella knew that this was the best acceptance she was going to get and she hummed her appreciation for his consideration. Time flew by and Jake loosened his hold on her. Bella looked up and saw Rosalie and Esme.

"We convinced Alice to let us go before her on this little Bella watch thing. Move dog."

Bella patted Jakes shoulder and he set Bella back in the hammock. He ignored Rosalie's barb, something Bella knew took a lot of self control and walked past the two women vampires. Esme covered Bella back up with the blanket and they took a seat in the two chairs.

"What were you and Jake talking about? It seemed pretty heavy for such a happy setting."

Bella closed her eyes as the pain worsened for a moment and her whole body tensed to fight off the urge to cough. She took a deep breath once the sensation passed and she sighed.

"Oh you know how Jake gets. It's nothing serious."

"Is that why he and his lover keep looking over here and whispering?"

Bella smiled and rolled her eyes behind her eyelids. Leave it to those two to get all worked up over something as small as Bella's feelings.

"They're concerned about me is all. Nothing new with that."

"You're still a horrible liar Bella."

An icy hand smoothed over Bella's forehead and pushed her hair out of her face. A ghost of a kiss pressed against her temple and then Bella heard their chairs creak as they left. Familiar, smooth icy hands pressed in on her shoulders and Bella smiled.

"Lay with me?"

Alice did as she asked and molded herself around Bella from behind. The urge to cough went away and Bella sighed in contentment.

"Everyone's worried about you. The wolf boy and his girlfriend are not the best actors in the world."

"They're just concerned as all of you are."

"Edward looked troubled as he read Jake's thoughts. Whatever is bothering you Nessie got it out of you and told Jake and now Edward knows too."

Bella winced at that and Alice placed a soothing kiss on her neck. Bella relaxed at that and Alice sucked on her neck for a minute. Bella's eyes fluttered and a low moan escaped her.

"Alice I-I need t-to…oh my…tell you….ah something."

Alice didn't stop and her tongue swished along the column of Bella's neck. Bella did nothing to stop her and squeezed Alice's hands tighter. A moment later Alice let up and the haze cleared from Bella's mind.

"I know what's bothering you Bella as I had a vision of your conversation with Carlisle right before you told him. Last night I sat with him in his office and we talked."

Bella blushed and hid her face in the fabric of the hammock. She felt relieved that she didn't have to voice her feelings out loud a second time and Alice giggled as she must have seen Bella trying to stumble over an explanation.

"I love you Alice."

Alice kissed Bella's neck and rolled Bella over so they were face to face. She tucked Bella's head under her chin and Bella fell asleep with a sigh as Alice's comforting scent washed over her.

"I love you too Bella."


Edward walked over with Lilith and stared at Bella's sleeping form. Alice shook her head at Edward's gaze and his face tightened into a frown.

"She told me. I'm not letting her go so soon after she told me that. Sit down."

Edward did and Lilith sat in the other chair, confused at the meaning behind Alice's words. Edward grabbed her hand and sighed.

"Bella admitted her feelings for Alice."

Lilith smiled and she turned to Alice. Alice rolled her eyes and looked down as she ran her fingers through Bella's long hair.


"I saw her confession to Carlisle in the hospital a week ago. All she said to me was that she loves me and then she fell asleep. Nothing more."

Lilith pouted, no doubt dismayed that the confession had lacked the grandeur that surrounded the Cullen's. Edward chuckled and kissed her hand when he raised it to his lips. Lilith turned to him, her eyes aglow with excitement and he shook his head.

"Alice isn't thinking of it."

Lilith's face fell again and Alice scowled. She hissed at Lilith and Edward rolled his eyes as he heard the words that were too fast for Lilith to hear. Lilith pouted and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Sorry for being nosey but this is big news for everyone and you should be ecstatic."

"What makes you think I'm not?"

"You're not bouncing around and giggling like you always do when something makes you happy."

Alice rolled her eyes and stilled when Bella shifted. Bella yawned and pulled Alice even closer by her hip.

"Shut up Lilith. The pixie can be over exuberant most of the time but when something truly makes her happy she's too shocked to act normal. Give it a couple days and then she'll be bouncing off the wall once it all sinks in."

Edward chuckled at Bella's sleepy mumbles and Bella buried her face in the coolness of Alice's neck. Alice shifted so more of Bella's body meshed with her own and Lilith's pout deepened. Edward laughed and pulled her into his lap.

"You know Bella doesn't mean it Lilith."

"Still, they're not acting like any normal couple when they find out the other loves them."

"Maybe that's because we're not a normal couple. I'm a dying human and she's the gorgeous siren of a vampire. You find this type of relationship in fairytales. Now, be quiet and let me sleep or I will say something to make you leave and mean it."

All three of them laughed this time and Bella fell asleep again. An hour or two later Bella's childhood home was packed up and ready for the open house. In small groups of three's or fours everyone tiptoed over and whispered their goodbyes. Angela raised an eyebrow at Alice and Alice nodded. Angela plastered her hand over her mouth and made the call me sign. The werewolves and their imprints howled as quiet as they could and made Alice promise she'd let Bella come to the reservation soon. Soon the Cullen's were the only people left and they stood around talking for a few more minutes.

"Must everyone interrupt my nap? I swear I'm going to sick fire on all of you if you don't let me sleep."

Carlisle smiled and patted her shoulder. He ushered everyone away and left the keys to his Mercedes with Alice. Alice rearranged the blanket to better wrap around Bella and sank into the hammock. If she could, Alice would have fallen asleep with Bella as Bella's warmth and scent made her comfortable enough to. Bella placed a hand underneath Alice's shirt to rest on her toned stomach and shifted her head so it lay on Alice's chest. Bella did this when she was sure no one else was around as it was the most comfortable position she had found while laying with Alice but she didn't want anyone to gossip or read into it. Alice didn't understand but she allowed it to happen anyway.


A month had flown by since Bella had returned from New York City and she appeared to be getting better. Carlisle knew as well as Bella that this wasn't the case but they kept the spirit of optimism alive and Bella continued with her everyday life. Sleeping curled up to Alice had become an every night occurrence and chaste kisses were shared but nothing more than that. Alice knew it was because Bella didn't want to lead her on and break her heart even more but she used her vampire charms and the kisses and nuzzling grew longer each time. Jake had at long last proposed to Nessie and hadn't phased while doing it. Bella had created the scene for him and the engaged lovers never talked about the details of the actual asking.

"Bella hurry up in there! You have to be ready to be picked up at the treaty line in an hour."

Bella sighed as she was enjoying the warmth of her bubble bath but she did as Alice ordered and stepped out of the tub. She had insisted on bathing alone but on those days were she was too weak to, Esme helped her. Alice had been put out but Bella had stammered through an embarrassed explanation that she thought she was too ugly to be seen by Alice. Alice had argued that it didn't matter what Bella looked like (she told Bella many times how gorgeous and beautiful she was) but Esme had understood and told Alice off in her usual gentle fashion. For the actual wedding, Nessie had asked Bella to be her maid of honor and Bella had accepted.

"Coming coming. Be out in five minutes."

Bella slipped into the red lingerie Nessie had picked out for her and slipped on the slip to go underneath her dress. Alice had been ecstatic Bella had been invited to the wedding but Nessie broke the news that no one outside the reservation was allowed. This crushed Alice but Bella had explained that even with the more seasoned werewolves watching the inexperienced ones the chances of an accidental phasing were too great and Jake had refused to let any "bloodsuckers in on my wedding day". To soften the blow Nessie had allowed Bella to be all dolled up at the Cullen's home and then dropped off at the treaty line were Jake would pick Bella up.

"Bella! Hurry."

Bella finished cleaning up the bathroom and slipped inside Alice's room. Alice had her dress ready and the makeup all spread out over her vanity. In half an hour Alice had Bella dressed in her special maid of honor dress, makeup applied and in her Porsche after a whole slew of pictures had been taken. They drove in silence to the treaty line as Alice was annoyed she wouldn't be able to watch over Bella but Alice was about to be left speechless by her human lover.

"Alice look at me."

Alice did and Bella pulled her closer with both hands on her cheeks. As usual Alice's eyes closed as such proximity to Bella overwhelmed her with her scent and Bella crushed her lips to Alice's. Alice's eyes opened in shock at the initial intensity of the kiss but they slid shut again as the desire coursed through her. Careful not to ruin her make up or mess up her dress Alice kissed Bella back with all the pent up frustration she had held in check so far. Bella's phone vibrated and Bella pulled away after placing one last gentle, sweet kiss on Alice's lips.


Bella smiled at Alice's stunned expression as she still had her eyes closed and Alice licked her lips. A truck drove up to the treaty line and Bella kissed Alice one more time before climbing out of the Porsche. Jake stepped down from the truck and wolf whistled as Bella walked up to him. He glared at Alice until the vampire drove away and hugged Bella tight once Alice was out of sight.

"Dear me don't you look stunning. I'll have to beat the boys back with a stick tonight."

Bella laughed and fixed Jake's shirt collar.

"You look handsome Jake. Every inch the man that Nessie deserves."

Jake blushed, embarrassed at Bella's sincere compliment and rubbed the back of his head. The two best friends stared at each other and then Jake helped Bella sit on the tailgate. He sat down next to her and the two watched the waves crash on the shore. Bella liked these silent moments they shared, something that only she and Jake did and let her head rest against his broad shoulder.

"I promise I'll stay awake and be the best friend I'm supposed to be. I won't ruin your wedding."

Jake chuckled and rested his hand on Bella's leg. Bella kicked her legs out and smiled.

"You being here for the actual wedding is way more than enough. I was afraid at first that you wouldn't be here for it and I think that's why I proposed when I did. It just wouldn't seem right without you there."

Bella punched Jake in the shoulder and shook her head. They looked at each other and laughed.

"Sentimentality isn't your thing Jake. It might work for Nessie but she's already heads over heels in love with you and would believe you if you told her the moon was made of cheese."

"What? It isn't? I've been howling at that ball in the sky hoping for a late midnight snack and you're telling me I'll never get one?"

Bella laughed at Jake's wild grin and let her eyes close.

"You big dummy. Can we rest here for five minutes?"

Jake wrapped an arm around Bella and pulled her into his side.

"Take all the time you need Bella."


Two days after Jake and Nessie's wedding and the morning after Bella and Alice made love Bella Swan died in the middle of the worst thunderstorm in Forks, Washington history. She had been too weak to go to school those final two days and painted and sketched under Esme's watchful eye instead in the safety of the Cullen's home. When Esme's attention had been focused on something else for a few moments Bella had gathered all her remaining strength and walked outside into Esme's beautiful garden. Bella had made it into the middle of the garden where the flowers where the thickest and laid down on her back. She closed her eyes as the freezing rain hit her face and with one large, ominous crack of thunder and brilliant flash of lightning Bella took her last breath.

"I love you forever Alice Cullen."

Esme had noticed Bella was missing from the house and ran outside. She found Bella laying in her garden on her back and cried out as she fell beside her human daughter. Even before she reached a trembling hand for a pulse point Esme had known there would be no familiar rhythm of Bella's pulse underneath her fingertips. For an hour Esme sat in the rain with Bella's head cradled in her lap and cried as she relived the memories of her son's death. After a time Esme had picked Bella up and laid her on the couch in the living room before calling Carlisle in the hospital. Carlisle had arrived back at home in twenty minutes and he too cried silent tears at Bella's passing.

"Yes. Hello this is Dr. Cullen, I would like you to release my children from the remainder of the school day and have them come home please. Thank you."

The Cullen children had raced home and Jasper doubled over in pain at the anguish and sorrow rolling off Carlisle and Esme. Edward blanched as he read their thoughts and the other three children put the pieces together from there. Alice had broken the door down in her haste to get to Bella and was inconsolable for days afterwards.


Alice stood under the umbrella Jasper held over them and clutched a blood red rose in her cold fingers. Her little black silk dress fluttered in the breeze but Alice's glowing amber eyes never wavered from the single mahogany wood coffin that held Fork's angel. The Cullen's easily outclassed and outshone everybody present in their regal elegance, designer clothes and beautiful eyes but no one went near them for even normal humans could feel the depths of their sorrow. The entire Quileute tribe stood opposite the Cullen's and the normal citizens of Forks but they too ignored the human's who eyed the majesty of the werewolves boys and their imprints.

"We are gathered here today on this 15th of April in the year of our Lord to remember Fork's angel, Isabella Marie Swan and lay her body to rest next to that of her father Charles Lee Swan. I know that we all feel a certain sadness…"

Alice listened as the minister tried to capture the unique spark that had been Bella Swan but even though his words were poetic and beautiful they paled in comparison to what Bella had been. Rosalie's words to Lilith all those days ago had been true, Bella had been one of a kind from the start and only grew more beautiful the more you got to know her. Alice remembered all the memories she had shared and experienced with Bella. Her family stood around her and every vampire that had known of Bella's existence had come to pay tribute to the human that had defied her nature. The Denali's stood a little to Alice's left, Peter and Charlotte stood next to Jasper and the Volturi and their small guard stood behind the Cullen's. The matter of the vampires being able to control their bloodlust long enough to leave Forks had been nullified as each vampire had sworn before they left the Cullen Manor that they wouldn't attack a human.

"Alice the ceremony is over. Everyone's leaving."

Alice walked out from underneath the umbrella and knelt in front of Bella's tombstone. While simple, her tombstone's design had a regal elegance to it and Alice traced a single, pale finger over the words carved into the tomb's surface.

Isabella Marie Swan

Forks Angel & Wonderful Friend to All

March 2, 1992-April 15, 2010

"It is what is it is. Make your life."

Jasper stood over her again with the umbrella and Alice wiped away the tears. She felt strangely vulnerable for the first time in her existence, like half of her was missing and she clutched Bella's favorite pendant in her hand when it fell out of the neckline of her dress. Charlie had given Bella a crystal star pendant inlaid with gold at her birth and Bella had never taken it off her entire life. When going through Bella's final effects everyone had agreed to let Alice have Bella's pendant.

"I love you Alice Cullen."

Those had been the last words Bella had spoken to Alice that morning when Alice went to the high school and Bella had sealed her declaration with a kiss. Alice put her fingers to her lips and then pressed them against Bella's name on her tombstone.

"I love you Bella Swan."

Alice stood up and turned on her heel to break eye contact with Bella's grave. Jasper wrapped an arm around her and sent her as much peace and calm as he was able to. He opened the back door on the passenger's side for Alice and Alice gave him a whisper of thanks before slipping inside Carlisle's Mercedes. They were the last car to leave and when they arrived home the Cullen's along with the other vampires would have a toast in Bella's memory. A final farewell if you would but it was they felt that was the least they could do.


Forks, Washington changed as a city after Bella's death and the quiet little town where Bella had lived became a renowned place of solitude. People would travel there to get away from the stresses of their lives and every time a car drove into the outskirts of Forks they passed a sign on the overpass that read:

"It is what it is. Make your life."

Newcomers would ultimately end up asking the locals in the diner, at the school or anywhere else what the statement on the sign meant and the local would pause in what they were doing and give a small smile. They would proceed to tell the life story of Fork's Angel, the one called Bella Swan until after a time Bella Swan became a legend that was told alongside with the rumors about the "cold ones" and "giant shape shifters in the guise of wolves". If one happened to be walking in the woods sometimes you could hear a childish giggle and see a brown haired, brown eyed girl waving at you before dashing away faster than the wind. Most of the time they would be confused but the name would fall from their lips anyways….

"Bella Swan…"


A/N: And with that I wrap up the story An Angel's Love. I hope you enjoyed reading it and no there won't be a sequel. I just wanted to write something about the question that had been plaguing my mind for months now. "What if Bella didn't want to be immortal anymore?"