DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING! Well, except for the plot…yeah…

Summary: what if kagome died in one of the many fights with naraku's puppet? What if when she died the last shard that she has disappeared? Gone as kagome's life ended too. What will happen with the others? Will naraku finally win this war or will the kamis sent help to help them defeat this hanyo…wait! Who is this person dressed in white? She almost wears the same style of clothing as kagome and why does she have the last shard? And—"why the FUCKING HELL DOES SHE LOOKS LIKE KAGOME?"

"Watch your tongue, dog or you might lost it permanently" she spat with distaste


"The mistake and decisions"

Somewhere where no living being has reached it….

A beautifully designed room, which was entirely made of fine marbles with crystals mixing together making it, looks unique and rare. Four beautifully complex designed golden lamps with crystals all around it was placed in each pillar of the room, slightly lightening the large dark room. In the middle of the room was a round table that can fit 20 people in it. It was made from the same materials as the walls but instead of mixing it with crystals, it was mix with gold and jewels that was formed in an intricate design of swirl, waves and curve. In the middle of the table is another circle that seems to fit 5 people, it was made entirely of pure crystal that seems to radiate different color from the light and inside it shows a picture. A hologram like female form was shown in there, blood covered form.

Around the large table sat 5 being. Each being was covered by the shadows that were created by the light around the room. Each one of this beings are said to be powerful by their own right…


^ This is not supposed to happen! She's not supposed to die! She's supposed to defeat that blasted hanyo! Not DIE!^ An angry gruff of male yelled at the others his hands slamming it on the table. While the others just nodded.

+I agree with you…she's supposed to kill him. Be rewarded and to have a life she always wanted+ a soft yet strong feminine voice said. The female leaned back in her seat while sighing +How did this happen? It was already written+ She looks around, her eyes hard and her jaw set +who dared change the outcome? +

Another being on the female's right sighs. #fate# the male answered. His voice was lower and has the sound of seriousness to it.

Everyone's eyes except for the two males there widen. Shocked at what they heard.

^FATE?^ the other roar with anger

+calm down+ The only female of the 5 said

^How can I calm down when that girl change the outcome of the battle?^

[ quite, young one…the deed was already done. We could not change it anymore] an old voice said to the other one.

# he is right# he hands both entwine with each other his jaw resting on it. We could not change it anymore…even if we are gods it is impossible to bring her back# he said calmly

+ what will happen to the jewel?+ the female asked + we can't just replace the miko like that….the jewel will not permit it+

^Argh! She is right! The jewel won't agree with it…we know that the cursed thing has a mind of its own. It has already chosen the little miko^ he rubbed his face in frustration

+ and without the chosen guardian…..+ she let her word hanging. Everyone in the room knows what will happen once the guardian lost.

^Wait! Why can't we just take her back? Put her back to her body…after all her body is still in contact^

# we could not-# was finished by the oldest of the five [Her body is still in piece but her soul is destroyed badly…so bad that the only one left in her soul is her core] that information made the other 2 stopped and stare at their older in shock and disbelief.

+Her core?+ she whisper almost afraid to open her mouth more. The female could not believe it. How could a pure girl like her suffer like that? If they think that taking your soul out of your body unwillingly is painful then destroying your soul to the point that her core is the only one left is excruciatingly painful. It is ten-fold much painful. She shut her eyes close her hand covering her mouth to hold back a sob.

[yes] his eyes closed in pity

^Can't we do something? Can't we make her soul again?^ he asked his serious companion

# I'm afraid not….creating the core's soul take about a millennia and we don't have enough time to do that. Plus, kami-sama have already taken her core to his kingdom#


[ kami-sama has told me that he can no longer take the girl's suffering and took her. To finally have a rest]

+what are we going to do now?+

^what else? Find a replacement to her^ rubbing his temples

# it is not as easy as you think…finding her replacement will be very difficult#

^what do you mean? Let's just look for a similar core to her and take her^

sighs+ like he said it won't be easy. We could not just drop them in that time, they will die+

[besides, looking for her similar core would be nearly impossible] with the confuse look of one of his companion he continue [one of the reason she was chosen is not only because of her power and her purity but because her core is one of a kind]

#yes, you won't see anyone who would have the same as hers#

^that fate is really getting on my nerve^ he mumbles while massaging his temple

haven't she done that already? another male said with a hint of amusement with it and before the other one could open his mouth he was interrupted by the man who just talk I'm not surprise that fate killed her…actually, I have seen it coming but what surprise me is that she took that long to do it the male shrug nonchalantly.

The looks everyone gave the young male just made him smile sheepish.


+how can you say that?+ she demand the others nodded and waited for his explanation

Easy. The little miko have always found a way to defy fate he chuckle at one memory of the cute miko. And we all know our resident little troublemaker is…she doesn't like to be defied and that's what exactly what our little miko has done

+Yes, you are quite correct with that+ she sighs

[You seems to have a plan…if you have known that this will happen]

Of course he smirk at the others We all know that we have to find someone who has a similarities to our little miko in order to control the jewel

+But the problem is that there are no being in earth that has a similarities to the miko+

Who said we are looking there? he look amused to his fellow god

#What do you mean?#

+You are not thinking of doing what I think your are thinking, are you?+

[Let us listen to him if he looks so confident]

Thank you. he bowed his head at look at them again We can get another miko in that place and she will be perfect since she and the miko are almost the same. The closest I have ever seen, actually

+But you know we can't do that. 'They' won't allow it if you say that they are almost the same then she is probably important too.+

You are right. She is important like our miko but I can assure you that they will agree he said smiling mysteriously at them.

[Oh? And pray tell, why?]

The young god's smile turn to a devious smirk Let just say 'they' have a little score to settle with our resident troublemaker the other raised their eyebrow in amusement


We all know how much she likes to meddle with other peoples life he shrugs likes to play with the humans life depend on her mood on how she will do it

#Yes, we know that but I don't see the connection on why they want her#

The young god shrug and lean back Well, it seems she got tired in playing with the "lowly humans" as what she call them and tried to….lets say, give a helping hand on 'their' lives? he took a peek at them and smirk at their face

I know after what she did she will be punished…so, why not give it to 'them'?

+I hate to disappoint you but kami-sama won't allow it..he will be the one who'll give the punishment+

Heh, already taken cared of it he grinned

+What do you mean?+

Kami-sama have already approve of it his grin widen even more at their disbeliefs face well except for the other one. He rolled his eyes mentally.

[It seems you have already planned this] the oldest of the 5 said in amusement

you bet old man! he said but blush at their amusement well, *cough* *cough* let's get back to the topic

[Yes, yes] he chuckle

Anyway, like I have said I have already taken cared of the things that are needed to be done for the new guardian….so, if we are finish I can go there and announce it He said as he look at them.

#Very well#

Good! Then I will be going now. He said excitedly as he almost jump out of his seat to reach the doors when he was stopped by the only female of the group.

+ What kind of person is she?+ she asked as everyone in the room look at him. Waiting for his answer.

He chuckle. well, they are very much the same but at the same time different He smiled at them don't worry, she can control the jewel without any problem plus, she's powerful. Ja! he finished and wave at them as he exited the room.

The remaining beings just look at each other.

+well, if he says that she can control the jewel without a problem and that she is the same as the miko then I guess it's okay+


Somewhere far….

In a place that is being covered by trees is a clearing covered in a bed of moonflowers and in the middle of the clearing is a lone girl kneeling, her face tilt upward in front of the moon while basking in it's light. This girl has a mid-thigh black soft wavy hair that has a blue shine in it, her moon kiss skin that seems to glow in the light. Her face seems like it was carved in its perfection. She was wearing an all white clothes that are composed of a blazer with black line designs in the sides of it and in front and has a black rose design as a button while underneath the blazer is a black long sleeves shirt, and a plain white skirt and a red ribbon tied on her collar, completing the look of a uniform while on her legs are a pair of black thigh socks while on her feet are a pair of brown ankle length boots. The girl has a look of pure serene, she looks like just an angel of the moon.

"hello, my lord" a soft voice filled the clearing. "It's been 3 years since the last time you visited me" the girl continue without looking behind her.

"ah…indeed" a man now appeared behind her in the clearing looking at the moonflowers. "It seems I can't still sneak on you" he said with a hint of amusement.

The girl look past her shoulder and smile " If you really want to sneak on me, my lord then you better hide your presence from me" following his movement as he walk around her and kneel in front of her.

"Is this about the proposition?" he nodded

"yes, they have agreed to it and they are allowing me to cross you there" she smiled

"When are we leaving?"

"tonight if possible…do you have anyone you want to say goodbye?" he asked as he offer his hand to her to stand.

She shook her head while accepting his hand. "no, I have already told the chairman if ever I suddenly disappear that he shouldn't look for me because the kami-sama have already call for my duty"

"I see" the person muse as he look at her and smile inwardly. Even though the girl have been sitting on the ground and should have dirt on her but instead she looks like she haven't sat there. Her uniform is still a pristine white clear from all the dust or dirt of the place. " Then how about that young man over there?" he asked his eyes on the place where another was hiding in a shadows of the trees.

She sighs. " come out, Zero"

A young man walks out of the shadows of the trees. This young man of is introduce as Zero has a short platinum hair that reach to his ears. He has a pair of beautiful amethysts eyes that seems to pierce through your soul. He was wearing a male uniform that has almost the same design as the female only it was all black and the lines are white with white rose as a button.

"How's he" his hand twitching to grab his gun if it is needed.

"A friend" she smiles "What are you doing here, Zero?"

He scoffs. "I should be the one asking you that question. Shouldn't you be in your class?"

She smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I just can't resist staying away from the moon"

"I'll give you two a time to talk" the person before the young man Zero appeared said.

"Thank you" and she watch him walk farther to give them some privacy when he was far she turn to look at Zero again.

"What was that? Where are you going?" Zero asked looking at her intensely

"I am needed somewhere, Zero. You know my connection with the higher being"

"Is that only the reason? Or is it because of the marriage?" she sighs

"One of the many reasons" he looks at the person from the far side of the clearing. "You really hate him, huh?" he asked but sounded more like a statement.

"I don't hate him, Zero. I just can't stand people like him." He looks at her with a hint of amusement in his eyes

"So, you do hate him" he smirks

"Hate is a deep word I want to call it dislike. I dislike people who are a manipulative egoistical bastard like him. Acting like a nice-sweet-gentleman-who-doesn't-have-anything-planned-to-have-you kind of a person" she huff unladylike.

He raised his eyebrow and looking at her expression. "Language dear" he chuckle when she saw her blush in embarrassment and glare at him

"That's my line!" he shook his head amused at her antics

"now you know how I feel…but I can't blame you hating him, he kind of manipulate it for you to marry him" she sighs

"I better go now, Zero"

He looks at her in alarm; he felt no he knows that this will be the last time they will see. He won't be able to see her anymore, he needs to do it before she leaves at least he will be able to tell her how he felt about her but the problem is, he don't know how. He never experiences this kind of thing before Bah! Let his instinct guide him!

Before the girl can turn around she was stopped by a strong callus hand. She felt herself being turn back and before she could say something to his friend when she felt his lips press to her. Her eyes widen and gasped, and Zero took that moment and slipped his tongue. The simple kiss became more and more passionate as time pass. She could almost taste the emotion he was conveying, Love and many more. It only stopped when both of them need air. Zero leaned his forehead to hers, breathing heavily while staring at her beautiful bright blue crystal like eyes.

"Zero, I did—" she was stopped when a finger was place on her lips

"shuh…It's okay" he said softly his eyes showing love "I know you will never return this feeling. I have known ever since I saw you" he chuckles humorlessly.

"I never believe in love at first sight. I always thought of those people as stupid but when I saw you there in the chairman's office I can't helped but feel those emotions. You were different from the others and I felt myself falling harder by each day I saw you….i tried to forget this feeling; I really did because I know that I won't have a chance with you- you being considered as a royalty in our society and me being an ordinary being…but it was useless, I never did able to erase it." He smiled at her

" but even with that, I am happy. You gave me a new meaning of life, you gave me a chance to prove myself and you pulled me out of that hell. Even as a friend I am happy" he said as he slowly let her go and took a step back.

"I have a feeling that you will find this person there" he took another step away from her.

The person who's been giving them time came and told the female that they are going.

"Take care of them for me, Zero" and she was slowly being covered in a swirl of silver dust. She saw him kneel down in front of her and said.

"It was a truly an honor to be your friend, My Queen" they the female ad the person with her disappear. He stands up again and turns around going back to where he came. Disappearing in the night.

Well, I hope you like it! It's kinda like a prologue thingy :p I know what Zero said is a little chessy and all but I hope you're able to stand it :p :p hehehe! And can anyone tell me who the girl and the person Zero are talking about?

Please review! Thank you! ^_^