I Know She Isn't Mine But Can't I Still Have Feelings for Her

I know that I shouldn't have feelings for her but she always put a smile on my face and she's always there to cheer me up when I'm feeling down. It's just stupid for me to have feelings for Lenalee like I already know that Lenalee likes Allen and Allen likes Lenalee, I don't want to intervene in that and I'll probably fall in love with someone along the line. Wait what am I thinking Bookmen shouldn't have feelings I'm such an idiot but I'm an idiot for her though, I can't stop this feeling I have for Lenalee.

I don't know what to do because these feelings don't just simply go away over night, I guess they'll go away in time *sigh*. How do I get rid of these feelings though, can't someone help me? I feel so lost but I need to work through this. I could really use a wish right now, might as well try and look for a shooting star to grant me the wish. It's kind of stupid but I might as well try though, to see if it can take away my feelings for Lenalee but I wonder what it would do would it make me hate her or just get rid of these feelings I have for her but I stay her best friend.

I got to be careful for what I wish for I guess as it could do so many bad things if I'm not specific about what I want, but...do I really want to get rid of these feelings so easily, should I really get out of this so easily. I guess I should talk to Lenalee about this but I'm too scared to say it or I could always suffer alone well I watch Allen and Lenalee get closer and closer together. They're my best friends who have feelings for each other I don't want to get between that, I'll do my best to ignore these feelings so they will just go away.

I'll protect Lenalee with Allen and Krory no matter what and if none of them are there to protect her with me I'll risk my life for hers, knowing that I done it because I had to protect her for Allen and Komui because these feelings will pass and I hope soon. It's such a nice night tonight I'm glad we haven't been attacked by akuma recently, it's nice to get a break sometimes but I still got to watch out for them because they've attacked us to many times when we're sleeping. I'm always worried for the team when they do attack at night.

A/N Well emm I found that wasn't too good, it is a one shot though I could have done better on it but I'm just going to leave it because I could make it even worse than how it is now. Review if you want.