Disclaimer from previous half applies to this one as well

Shooting her cousin an annoyed look at his over protective ways, she stood up from her spot and walked around the table to the empty spot next to Shura and Mukuro. She had grown fond of the young youkai and tried to shower him with maternal affection. Before Yusuke could protest her movement she silenced him with a glare.

Kurama entered the room from washing his hands to note that his spot next to Shura was occupied by the priestess. Correctly guessing that Yusuke had been overprotective, perhaps smothering would be a better term he thought to himself; he silently sat next to the fuming toushin. "Hiei, sit down next to me. You are among friends here. And Shippo is gone to Sesshoumaru-sama's estate so you don't have to worry about his tricks."

Yusuke perked at that, he had a bit of something plaguing him, "That old dog is the Lord of the West, why is he higher ranked then me or Yomi or even Mukuro and we are kings."

Taking pity on her 'older' cousin Kagome proceeded to explain how the known parts of Makai, at least known to Reikai, are actually the Western Lands. That there were the Frozen tundra of the North and the Mountains to the East and the Deserts of the South. The other lords hadn't formed an agreement with Reikai like Sesshoumaru has so Reikai is not allowed to enter those lands.

Yusuke's mouth dropped a little in understanding. He thought the lands were huge but he never realized how big the world really was. His mouth quickly closed when he noticed fidgeting from his cousin. "Stop that. I don't want to see you flirting especially with Yomi. He was Youko's Third in Command."

Kagome stood up and stalked to him, "Yusuke Urameshi, I am a grown woman. I appreciate what you are trying to do but I can handle myself. Why else would Sesshoumaru let me travel on my own in Makai. Besides this isn't the Warring States Era, women are liberated now a-days."

Yusuke tried to interrupt but Kagome wasn't having it. Yomi had to hide the smirk on his face. He understood Yusuke better than Yusuke did at the moment. Youkai have possessive streaks and Yusuke was merely trying to protect what was his. "Another thing. You may be family but you are NOT my Alpha. I think the only way to get it into your head that your sickly cousin of 15 is long gone. I've seen more than you have, Yusuke."

Properly chastised for the moment, Yusuke just stuck his nose in the air with a scoff much like a certain hanyou Kagome fell in love with as a teenager. Unable to resist the urge to giggle, she returned to her seat only to see Shura occupying it and sending surreptitious glances at her and Yomi.

The king feeling the seat next to him was vacant patted the cushion next to him, invitingly. Silently telling her to sit next to him, a request she complied with whole heartedly. Thanks to her cousins meddling, the only moments alone with Yomi were after Yusuke slept and right before she went to sleep. Giving them only ten minutes here or twenty minutes there, this resulted in a frustrated king and priestess.

Eating with the group, Kagome planned the perfect way to spend sometime with, she thought with a flush, her boyfriend, she would feed Yusuke a kernel of information about the Shikon no Tama and have him rush off to follow the dead end with his detective friends leaving her with Yomi and Shura and Mukuro alone.

She knew the female youkai would distract Shura to give Yomi and herself much needed privacy.

Clearing her throat to gain her cousin's attention, "How goes your hunt for the Shikon no Tama, Cousin?"

Yusuke snorted but ate a piece of radish instead of responding. Kagome faked a wince, "That badly. Perhaps to look for the jewel successfully you must go to the beginning. To the origins of how the jewel was made."

Kurama looked up, Kagome had avoided all mention of the jewel the entire time, only to mention that Sesshoumaru was the only one who knew the whole history of the trinket. "Kagome-san, do you know where the location is?"

Kagome took a small drink of her tea but nodded, "Of course I do. What sort of Shrine Maiden of the Higurashi Shrine would I be if I did not know the whole legend. Especially since Jii-chan passed away this past month. Souta never cared to learn the stories and Mama was too busy working at the hospital to hear them all. But because I spent all those years ill I spent a lot of time listening to his legends. It is said that if you go to Higashisonogi in the Nagasaki prefecture. In the hills surrounding the town there is a cave. And in that cave was where the jewel was created."

Yusuke stood up having finished eating, "I don't like how close you are to this case, Kagome. Maybe I should take you to Reikai to keep you safe."

The miko gave a snarl of frustration but took the moment, instead of striking her primitive cousin, to pick up everyone's dishes and take them to the kitchen where she stacked them in order to wash them as soon as she finished cleaning the table.

Mukuro having remained silent spoke up, "Kagome-chan, leave the dishes. Let the servants clean them. You keep taking their jobs with your offers of cleaning. Perhaps we shall enjoy a stroll outside?"

Kagome smiled and grabbed Yomi by the horn the back of the head forcing his head to tilt back. Much to Yusuke's disgust Kagome gave the blind king a kiss, towering over his sitting form. "Let's go enjoy the weather."

Kurama stood up as well, "I'm sorry we will have to decline your suggestion. Yusuke, and myself shall go out to this cave to see if we can learn anything. Kagome-san if you have any other information please do not hesitate to share it with us. We are not the enemy. By withholding information you could be putting countless of lives in danger."

Wincing, Kagome chose to remain silent. She wanted to let them know the jewel was safe in a location anyone could get it but Sesshoumaru expressly warned her of the dangers of divulging too much information about the jewel. She just watched them begin to go when Yusuke turned around and rubbed her head like when she was little and scared, "Don't worry, Kagome, we will get this all straightened out. I know that fucking dog probably threatened you into keeping silent but when we get back I'll protect you."

Tears ran down her cheeks at that old familiar gesture. It had been hundreds of years since she last had him consoled her so. But shaking her head she replied, "I want to tell you. I do but Reikai has me worried. Perhaps, when you come back I can hear about how you got mixed up in all this?"

Kurama stood before Koenma with Yusuke explaining the need to go Higashisonogi. Koenma looked at the two detectives before him suspiciously, "And how did you come about this information?"

Yusuke scoffed but looked away not answering the pint-size prince, forcing Kurama to do so, "We made some headway in speaking with Sesshoumaru-sama. We received this information from one of his staff."

"Must have been a straight female or a gay male. Keep at it, Kurama, use that kitsune charm; we maybe able to get more information from your informant."

Shaking with suppressed anger with how callously Koenma was referring to Kagome, Yusuke growled out, "A portal to Higashisonogi or are we walking there?"

The child godling had Botan open the portal to the outskirts of the town and Yusuke stalked through. Kurama turned back and apologized for Yusuke, "He is under a lot of stress with the coming nuptials."

Kurama was not going to reveal Kagome to Koenma, he had seen the way that the god was obsessed with the Shikon no Tama. If his gut was correct, Kagome knew a lot more about the jewel than she led on. Resolving once again to question her on it, just to sate his curiosity of course, he followed the annoyed detective.

Kagome gasped as Yomi directed her to an empty room after Yusuke left, fervently kissing and nipping at her neck. "Finally time alone."

Mukuro wisely took Shura outside to play in the foot of snow as she gave the couple much needed privacy.

"Hentai no daiou," Kagome giggled affectionately as the blind king groped her breasts. Yomi grinned at the expression "Perverted Great King… I like it."

He punctuated his thought with a quick lick to Kagome's neck, causing Kagome to moan softly. The miko decided to return the favor by running a finger along Yomi's three left ears causing Yomi to buck at the sensation, surprised at how good it felt. Since he became blind he had lost interest in fucking women or men. After all one didn't get to be third-in-command of Youko's band on thieving skill alone.


Kagome looked up from her quest of reaching into his pants, "What's wrong?"

Yomi delicately grabbed her hand and removed it from his waistband, "I will not do this yet with you. I would like to ask for Yusuke's permission to seriously pursue you."

Pushing the youkai off of her, she stood up, fuming at the loss of the mood, "I don't see what Yusuke has to do with anything. I am a grown woman, more than capable of making decisions on my own about having sex, or being in a relationship."

Fixing her clothes that had become tangled in their petting session, Kagome left with a huff, leaving the king with a boner and a headache. Sighing to himself, he set out to handle the situation at hand before he went to speak with the upset woman.

Kagome sat in a tree watching the flakes fall from the heavens. The snow on the ground lay untouched from her pathway. "Ka-go-me."

Smiling at InuYasha who was perched on the branch across from her, she moved to allow him room, "Hey Dog-boy."

InuYasha hopped onto her branch, "You know you shouldn't be wandering around in this weather. Someone is going to notice something odd when you don't leave footprints in the snow. I hear they are already suspicious with how quickly your scent vanishes when you leave the room."

Kagome laughed, "Its okay, InuYasha, promise."

Wrinkling his nose, "Speaking of scents. You stink of that invalid."

Growling at the memory of the botched private moment, "He stopped right in the middle of it. He said he wanted to ask Yusuke's permission. Gods, I need to show them that Yusuke may have been born a year before me but he is NOT my alpha or boss or anything. And Yomi's NOT invalid."

Seeing the woman whom saved him in so many ways, tremble in frustration, he couldn't help but pull her into his embrace, "It will all be okay. He's honorable. I bet he is as frustrated as you are. doing the right thing is hard. Don't I know it."

Kagome melted into his embrace, "Its not your fault what happened to me happened. In a way I am glad that it happened. I got know you and Sesshoumaru really well and watch him grow up. Yes I'm going to have to bury my family like I did Miroku and Sango. But at least I won't be alone in my long life. I have you, Shippo and Sesshoumaru and even Kouga-kun. But Yomi is different. He's frustrating and…"

InuYasha flushed in embarrassment at the new smell coming from Kagome, it was anger mixed with the heady smell of her arousal. A combination of smells that he loved. Cursing to himself for screwing up any possible romantic relationship between Kagome and himself. It was nearly 500 years ago, he had the woman in his arms in his hut and they were about to go at it when he made the worst mistake ever he accidently called her "Kikyo" and with that one word any hope of happiness between the two as a couple died.

"Eavesdropping is a rude habit, brat."

Shura stepped up to the tree, "What happened to Papa? Why is he frustrating?"

Kagome glared at the hanyou before smiling down at the boy, "He just drives me mad sometimes. Your Papa should be okay. Last time I saw him, he was in a room resting."

InuYasha muttered, "Recovering is more like it."

Mukuro ran up to the boy, "Ah, Kagome, I wasn't expecting you out here. I thought you would be inside with Yomi-sama."

Kagome growled softly again as she proceeded to explain what happened in G terms so Shura couldn't figure out what was going on. Shura looked at the group, "So you and Papa didn't get far."

Gaping silently she whirled at InuYasha, "Did you teach him that?"

Not giving the hanyou time to answer she tackled him out of the tree. The both landed into the snow, the miko resting on top of the hanyou, looking to all the world like a cat that ate the canary.

"Bitch. You could have gotten hurt."

Giggling Kagome replied, "No, you broke my fall. Anyways, at least I'm out of the tree."

Speaking with a wise woman, Yusuke and Kurama learned about the whereabouts of the cave that housed Midoriko's body along with the bodies of the demons that had attacked her. As they started up the path away from the small town, the old woman called after them, "You won't find the jewel there many a people attempt to seek it there. I hope you know that. Legend says a powerful Dog Demon took it with him when he crossed over, over half a millennia ago."

Kurama thanked the woman and walked away with Yusuke, "That's a better lead then what we had before. Perhaps you need to press to your cousin the importance of making sure the jewel is safe."

Yusuke grumbled, "I don't know what has gotten into her. She was never a liar before. I plan on shaking some sense into her."

Nodding in agreement to Yusuke's plan, Kurama fished out the communicator and proceeded to get into contact with the toddler they had for a boss with the new information.

Koenma felt his head throb as he received word the last known residence of that damnable jewel was Makai. "What did your source say exactly?"

Kurama feeling more than irritated at Kagome and her giving them a run-around repeated what the old woman said word for word. The pint-size ruler realized just like Kurama and Yusuke did that the powerful Inu Youkai was most likely Sesshoumaru or InuYasha. That meant that the jewel was probably sitting under their noses when they visited Mukuro and Sesshoumaru. Even more frustrating was that if either demon had it that meant that Kagome knew about it.

"She probably is in Sesshoumaru-sama's employ to keep the jewel purified."

Perking his head up from its position in his hands he questioned the kitsune on his slip, "Who is in Sesshoumaru's employment? Purified…you mean he has a miko with him in Makai? Damnit my father is going to spank me so hard at allowing a miko into Makai."

Once his muttering over his punishment was over, Koenma gave the two a serious stare, "I need you two to bring her to Reikai as soon as possible. I'll have Botan open a portal back into Makai, where we picked you up, ne?"

With that, he closed communications, leaving Kurama to face the ire of one pissed off Yusuke Urameshi.

Mukuro looked up from her bath at the sensation of the portal opening on her lands, 'Yusuke and Kurama must be in a foul mood after the wild goose chase Kagome-chan sent them on.'

Sinking into the tub, she couldn't help the smirk grow on her face, 'Serves them right for trying to find the Shikon no Tama. Like she would tell them where it is now.'

A shriek filled the palace followed by Yusuke's cry, "WHO THE FUCK SLEEPS NAKED!"

Kagome glared at the two intruders which were quickly followed by InuYasha and Yomi. She pulled the sheet up to cover herself, "I have my underwear on. I took sleeping yukata off because I felt warm. Pervert. Who the hell enters a lady's room without knocking?"

Yusuke grabbed the yukata she left on the floor, throwing it at Kagome, still pissed about the wasted time, "Get dressed. We have some things we need to discuss."

"Well then GET OUT! ALL OF YOU!"

The group was quickly forced out and the door slammed in their faces. Yusuke turned to InuYasha, the one who seemed to have known her well the past five years when he was busy with the Spirit Detectives to have paid a closer eye on her and the rest of her family. "Where did she get those scars?"

InuYasha turned his head away, "None of your fucking business."


InuYasha cursed again as he hit the ground, "InuYasha, please don't curse. Yusuke, surely you know where the scars came from. You demons have such sharp claws and teeth. And human flesh is fairly frail. InuYasha saved me from the worst."

Yusuke frowned but looked at his cousin whose hair was still mussed from sleep but her eyes were sharp, examining everyone, her eyes lingering on Yomi. 'He's blind right? Why would he run into the room after hearing I wasn't wearing clothes. Perverts, the whole lot of them.'

Kurama stepped forward, "Kagome-san, after informing you of the importance of the jewel being found and put into safe hands, you still led us astray with that wasted trip to Midoriko's cave. We were only lucky to have found someone who let us know around 500 years ago a power dog demon took the jewel with him when he crossed over. That must mean you know where the jewel is right now. Tell us so we can get it into a vault of Reikai to keep it safe. Or do you want demons to still believe it is in Ningenkai putting millions of innocent lives in danger."

Kagome glared at the kitsune, "I was only polite because you are my cousin's friend but who do you think you are? Telling me what to do. You think the jewel would be safe in Reikai? I have heard of thieves entering and stealing from their vaults. Besides the safest place for something that dangerous is someplace that no-one would think of or if they discover the location would not dare to get it."

Her eyes widened at the sensation of demons massing around the palace. "In-InuYasha get everyone to safety. It seems that we will have company shortly.

Don't worry I can handle it easily. It only feels like a couple hundred. But first go to Mukuro-chan. This is her palace. I guess you guys will get a bit of show of what a miko can really do. Just make sure everyone is inside and someplace safe."

Kagome entered her room and closed the door behind her, quickly changing into her miko garb and pulling her hair back in a style much like Kikyou wore. She may have hated being compared to the other priestess but she understood the practicality of keeping her hair out of her eyes. Her last step was to gather up her bow and quiver full of arrows.

When she opened the door again Yomi was the only one waiting outside, everyone else had gone to do as Kagome had commanded. Mukuro quickly ran up to the pair, dressed in her fighting gi. "Allow me to fight them along you."

"This is your palace you have every right to fight but I request you sit this one out. I hope to show all of you that I can more than handle this situation alone."

Mukuro nodded and took Yomi to the higher level, "You may not be able to see but you will be honored to feel Kagome-chan's power. It is quiet a rush."

Yomi protested he didn't want to let the girl fight alone, he wanted to keep Kagome protected especially now that he learned that she had scars upon her body from youkai attacking her, he wanted to protect her from more.

Yusuke cursed as he watched his younger cousin step out and waited for the demons to come. As soon as the demons stepped into Kagome's line of sight, the miko called out, "What brings you to Mukuro-sama's humble palace?"

The demons were easily mid to high S-class demons, Yusuke had to admit to himself that he would have had some trouble with this crowd.

"Give us the Shikon no Tama and we will spare your life, wench."

Pausing as if to think about it, Kagome tapped her chin, "How about no. If you ask nicely, I'll be certain your death will be painless."

Instead of replying the youkai all began to rush Kagome. Yusuke grabbed the ledge of the balcony about to leap down to help his cousin but InuYasha stopped him, "She wants to show you she is capable of protecting herself. Apparently she is angry at you being a cockblock. She and Yomi were getting hot and heavy when he stopped saying he needed to ask your permission, pissing her off. Let her cool down with these small fry before you two speak."

Mukuro nodded, "I also recommend getting her drunk, she is quite suggestible when she's drunk. Nice and mellow."

Yusuke gaped at her, "Did you and Kagome?"

Mukuro merely grinned and pointed, "Just watch."

His eyes went back to watching the interaction and his mouth dropped when Kagome notched an arrow and let it fly, disintegrating a cool 50 of them in one go. The other demons quickly spread apart so that she couldn't shoot them all. Kagome giggled at their folly. Then she allowed her aura to expand encompassing the whole area allowing the remaining youkai to disintegrate slowly, "You had your chance for a painless death."

Kagome put her second arrow back into her quiver and brushed some dust off her self, "I so hate when the wind blows the dust on me."

Pivoting she returned into the palace, ready and expecting the questions that the damnable Kitsune were to have. Him and Yusuke's sure to be abrasive style of questioning. 'He really is a lot like InuYasha. That is probably why I fell for InuYasha, well that and the ears. They really are cute'

Mukuro was the first to get to her, "Lovely performance. You were showing off for the audience but still nice."

Kagome cleared her throat, "May I get something to drink, I may have swallowed some dust out there."

"You didn't leave foot prints and your scent doesn't linger. It is as if your body is designed to hide easily."

Mukuro came back with a beer, "Kurama, I believe you should wait to ask those questions, she needs something to drink, purifying is messy business."

Yusuke joined the group with InuYasha and Yomi, "Did you and Mukuro sleep together?"

The miko felt her face flush, "Where did you hear that from! Mukuro-chan, have you been telling them stories."

Mukuro just sang out, "They aren't stories if they are true."

Sighing, Yomi muttered he would have liked to see that. Kagome gaped at the youkai, "Fuck, I'm a virgin. We just slept together. I passed out while drunk. Nothing sexual happened."

"That you know of."

Kagome drained her beer, "I feel a headache coming."

She sat the mug down and went to slouch against the palace wall, her head going into her knees. InuYasha knelt by the miko, "I've gotta let the old bastard know about this. You realize this means you will probably be locked up with him for some time."

Kagome looked up and nodded, "Can you ask him to give me a day before I return to him."

Looking down at her huddled form, he couldn't help but agree. With a warning for everyone to take care of her he left and began his run towards the Western Manor. Mukuro frowned it was probably going to be another twenty years before she got to see the miko again, "I'll get drinks for everyone. We should enjoy our last night together."

Yomi couldn't help the feelings of disappointment well up in him at the thought of not having the woman around. Kurama sorted all the information he had gathered, "You have the jewel. Don't you Kagome-san."

Kagome looked into her refilled drink turning the cup slowly, "I was born with it in my side."

Lifting her shirt she showed the sunburst shaped scar, "On my 15th birthday I ran into a centipede demon that had apparently sensed the jewel and attacked me ripping it out of my side I managed to use my holy energy and blast a few arms off. I met InuYasha right after that, he looked so cool when he killed that demon. That was the day I not only discovered the whole youkai are real and not the ramblings of my grandfather but I discovered the whole I have super powers. Too bad there wasn't a transformation sequence; I loved Sailor Moon at that age."

The group sat silently and continued drinking or rather everyone but Kurama drank. Kurama wanted to remain clear headed as she became drunk and loosened those lips so that he could gleam information. That and to make sure Kagome didn't resist when they brought her to Koenma.

Several hours later, he was certain that Kagome and the others were inebriated when Yomi suddenly grabbed Kagome, "I love you. I wanted to ask Yusuke to go further with you because you are worth it. I guess I'm too late."

Kagome blinked some of her bleariness away, "I love you too. We do have tonight."

Realizing that he might lose his chance soon he asked Kagome, "May we see the jewel?"

Giggling, Kagome murmured, "You're looking at it, fox-boy. I got turned into the jewel after InuYasha made his wissh. Jewel didn't like being separated from me so to make sure it never happened I am it."

Everyone, save Mukuro who heard about it the last time, stared at the girl. Yusuke stood up, "What? You're the jewel?"

She nodded and poked the boy in the chest, "Yes, and I'm older than you too. So be nice to me."

"Older than Yusuke?"

Kagome whirled onto Kurama, "No, no, no, I am not telling you about my time traveling. You be quiet."

She stumbled and fell onto Yomi. Kurama didn't stop and continued with his questioning, he wanted to know what happened and if she ever granted wishes and why Sesshoumaru. "Have any wishes been granted since you became the jewel."

The miko nodded then groaned as her head spun, "Yeah, for Shiori around 20 years ago, she wanted to be human for a man she fell in love with. She didn't want him to die and she stuck living a long life. So she wished she was human and gave up being hanyou."

Kurama perked at that, "Shiori?"

"Yeah she married the guy I forgot his name, it was Minamino something or other. I was sick for a good year after that one. I don't like granting. They are all selfish, and selfish desires corrupt the jewel."

She curled up into Yomi's lap, "Can we go somewhere?"

The blind demon stood up, holding onto her, which caused Yusuke to stand in a huff as well, seeing the rising tension between the two kings; Kurama stood as well, "Perhaps I should take her to her room to sleep. I am the most sober and can keep an eye on her."

Yusuke nodded he trusted the thief and Yomi reluctantly handed the now snoozing girl over to Kurama. The fox stayed silent as he started to walk towards her room, when Kagome murmured as she patted his chest, "Shippo, you're such good boy for your kaa-chan."

Kurama gently put her down on her bed and removing her shoes tucked her in on her side. He pulled out the communicator and contacted Koenma. The child prince rubbed his eyes sleepily, "Kurama? Did you get a hold of her?"

Kurama interrupted, "I must have been mistaken."

Fully waking up, the prince glared at the kitsune, his hat falling off in his haste to wake up. "What do you mean you are mistaken?"

"I mean if I am not guaranteed the safe prompt return to Maikai of the alleged miko. I will keep with my standing that I was mistaken about the miko."

Koenma sucked his pacifier quicker in his anger, "This is something I'd expect from Hiei not you. Have you fallen under the miko's spell?"

Kurama shook his head, he knew he would probably be punished for this but he owed it to this girl. If it wasn't for her, he would have never been born. Not only that, though she was evasive, for good reason, she was still Yusuke's cousin and he owed it to him to make up for his lapse in judgement.

"Fine fine I promise to have returned by sunrise in Makai on my honor as a kami."

Kurama snorted, "By this coming up sunrise you mean."

Waving him off, Koenma agreed but on the condition she was to be brought over at that very moment. The fox frowned looking at the girl sleeping on the bed but replied, "First let me wake her. She has fallen asleep."

Closing the communicator, Kurama proceeded to wake Kagome gently, she was burning hot from latent holy energies purifying the alcohol from her system. Sharper eyes, than those that stared at him during his polite interrogation, leveled him a gaze. "Kurama-san, what are you doing in my room?"

"My apologies, Kagome-san, there is someone that wishes to speak with you for but a moment. I have ensured safe return here after he's finished."

Kagome's eyes dulled, "You mean Reikai? I'll do it. I may not like them much but I do not want Yusuke to get in trouble with his bosses. He tried to protect me when we were younger, guess this is my turn."

Kurama clasped her hands, "Trust me, Kagome-san. I'll get us through this. You will have to trust me. I owe you more than I previously thought."

Yomi turned his attention to Yusuke who was currently spitting at what Kagome revealed to them. "I know that this is a lot of crap but Kurama just took Kagome to Reikai. So if you want to protect your cousin I suggest you get her. Either you do it or I will."

Yusuke swung a fist before calling Botan and demanding a portal to Reikai, "Stop being so familiar with my cousin."

Yomi smirked as he rubbed his sore jaw, he now knew for a fact that Kagome was more than a little interested in him. He quickly followed Yusuke's cursing form, he wanted to help rescue Kagome and being a King of Makai commanded some respect in Reikai.

Arriving to Reikai, Botan told them that they could not enter Koenma's office. He was apparently busy in a meeting.


Yusuke looked at Botan hoping for an explanation which she was hesitant to give, "Kurama brought the miko that we sensed all those weeks ago and apparently the miko's guardian goddess is Amaterasu and the sun-goddess is apparently very unhappy that her miko isn't out in Makai or Ningenkai."

A second unfamiliar voice also echoed through the hall, "She may be your miko, Ammy, but she is also under the protection of me. And she has been since she adopted and saved the kit. And Koenma, we do not appreciate your attempts to bully our Kagome into joining your rag-a-muffin group, even if her cousin is a member. Kagome is under our protection and has been since before she was born."

Yusuke had to start laughing at the reaming his boss was getting when he heard the second voice call out, "Ammy and I can sense you two out there. Come in and stop eavesdropping. I can make it where you will be overrun with so many rugrats you can't take a step without tripping over one. That or make you impotent what ever amuses me more."

Yusuke huffed but strolled into the room followed by Yomi, who couldn't help but flinch at the second's large squeal, "He is TOO cute! They would make adorable offspring."

Amaterasu sighed, "Inari, you must learn to control yourself."

Inari muttered that the sun goddess was the one who was yelling. But Inari looked at Koenma, "Baby, you are to leave the miko Kagome alone and cease looking for the Shikon no Tama, Ammy and I have made sure its safe."

Inari then turned to Kurama, "Keep a better head on your shoulders, you are a kitsune stop acting like some bumbling kit who doesn't know better. Keep an eye on our miko. And, Yomi, please stop being so traditional in asking for permission, it makes our miko sad and frustrated. May the two of you be as plentiful as rice in a bowl. Yusuke, realize your cousin is a power priestess, she will still need to be protected but she doesn't need over-protectiveness. Annoy me and I'll make it that extra strength Viagra would not be enough to cause you to rise."

The two gods left, Koenma's office with one last warning glass at the nervous toddler. Once they were out of sight, did Koenma slump into his chair, sucking his pacifier nervously. "I think I would rather a spanking from Dad than that ever again."

Kagome blinked, "That was interesting. I never knew Inari-kami was so invested in my sex life."

Yusuke shook his head to clear it before he punched Kurama. "What the fuck, Kurama, I asked you to take care of my cousin not take her to the one place she was scared of coming."

As Kurama stood there, watching Yusuke and rubbing his jaw, Yomi took the opportunity to grab Kagome from behind, "How are you, Love?"

Kagome patted his chest absently but kept her attention on Yusuke, "Yusuke, you realized I came here voluntarily. You always protected me when we were younger. My turn to return the favor and I'd still like to know how my cousin got mixed up in all of this."

She gently pushed Yomi away and placed her hands on her hips, her foot tapping, giving all the air of an angry mother. She even had put the 'Well, I'm waiting' face she perfected having raised Shippo all those years. Koenma gulped being the recipient of the level glare.

But Yusuke had something to say, "You were drunk like the rest of us are, how da fuck are you so sober now?"

She couldn't help the chuckle that burst forth, "I did get to sleep a little, when I fell to sleep I purified a good bit of the alcohol from my systems, so I'm just a little buzzed, I would have been completely sober if I had more time to sleep. But no one's answered my question. And I'm waiting."

Koenma's nerves on edge after dealing with his mother and Inari for the past 20 minutes quickly caved and told her the story about Yusuke dying from a car accident and his subsequent revival. Kagome quietly interrupted, "You believed he wouldn't have done anything to save that child? Yusuke is a good guy and has always been a good guy. A little rough yes but he's always had a heart of gold."

Yusuke made to interrupt but Kagome merely waved him away, "What was his mission?"

Koenma explained it was to bring the Shikon no Tama there and later he had added that they bring the miko that released that energy all those weeks ago. Which he added he was surprised she managed to survive a month in Makai without dying. Kagome crossed her arms and gave a small, "Keh" in response.

The typically Yusuke-like remark sent the frazzled demi-god into giggles. Glaring at Koenma, Kagome snorted. "He fulfilled his requirements just fine. The Shikon no Tama was brought here and so I was I. Now may I go back? I would like to enjoy the night before Sesshoumaru-sama calls me. Let's go Yomi. Let's leave the detectives to their business."

She turned to the grim reaper, "Can you please open a portal, we have some unfinished business to handle."

Botan looked to Koenma who just waved her away, "So you are Yusuke's cousin? What unfinished business do you have with Yomi-sama?"

Kagome looked at the grim Reaper, "Can I trust you?"

Botan nodded eagerly. "I want to get laid."

Her jaw dropped, "B-but you're a priestess…"

"I'm also a woman and a virgin. I say it's about time and I love him."

The blue-haired woman smiled softly and opened a portal back to Makai but instead of Mukuro's home she decided that Yomi's palace was the best place. Kagome couldn't help but smile at the sprit women's thoughtfulness.

Yusuke scowled at what Kagome said but didn't stop him. Something Kurama couldn't help but comment on, "Why did you not stop them? You were so against that idea earlier."

"She was drunk. I didn't want him taking advantage of her. AND I can imagine her saying, 'You lost your virginity before me and I'm an adult, STUPID."

"That sounded nothing like her."

"Ah, shut up."

Koenma looked at his detectives, "So where is the jewel. She said that it is here."

"It was, Its back in Makai. You only said you wanted it here. You never mentioned you wanted it to stay here."

"Why do you give me such a hard time?"

"My reasons are my own. But I believe Yusuke and I have completed the mission to your specifications. I would like to see my mother and I am certain Keiko is waiting impatiently for Yusuke's return. Unless you want for Inari-kami-sama and Amaterasu-kami-sama to find out you are still pursuing this case after they have asked you to drop it."

Koenma felt his head twitch from the thought of dealing with the two again and waved them away while screaming for George to bring him an aspirin.

Parting ways with Yusuke he went home to speak with his mother, where he found her making dinner for when his step-father. "Shuichi. I wasn't expecting you. Kazuya Hatanaka-san and Shuichi-kun haven't come home yet."

"I met the most fascinating woman at work on this case mother. She said she knew you."

Shiori nodded as she stirred the pot of simmering vegetables not paying full attention to her adult son. "Her name is Kagome, Higurashi Kagome-san. She told me she knew you."

She dropped the spoon when the name triggered memories. "I-I see."

"Why didn't you tell me the truth, that you were a hanyou. And you became human for my father."

"What did you see her about? Kagome-nee-chan sacrificed a lot to help me. If you met her, you met InuYasha-nii-san. It was thanks to him that hanyou started to get treated better back then. But I didn't want to outlive Hideki I loved him. And he loved me. Even though he's gone now, I get to see him every time I look into your eyes."

Shuichi paused trying to figure out the best way to explain that he was born from a soul of a kitsune bandit that entered the body of her unborn son.

Yusuke held his fiancé in his arms, just smelling her and enjoying what he had to go a month without. "Keiko, do you remember my cousin? I saw her recently."

Keiko leaned back to look at the delinquent more closely, "How? You have been in Makai this past month."

"Apparently getting mixed up with demons is a family thing." His face scrunched up in displeasure, "She's with Yomi right now. Apparently they have fallen in love."

Keiko sighed happily, "That's great. I was worried when I heard about the two-timing violent boyfriend she was with all through high school. Her friends told me all about him. That and when she would finally manage to get to school she would be all banged up. You know what he did. They had managed to get to that stage and Kagome and InuYasha, her two-timing boyfriend, were about to make love. The bastard called her the other woman's name."

Yusuke let Keiko go as he felt the anger start to come over him, he was just with InuYasha and Kagome never mentioned the problems they had. To be used like that, he couldn't stand it.

"I can't believe it I met that Fucker. And Kagome was with him. They were like best friends. And she works for his brother. If I see him again he's tasting the wrong end of my sprit gun. And how do you know this?"

Keiko shrugged, "I went drinking one day with her when you were on a mission. You know she is pretty chatty for a drunk woman. And speaking of drunk, you smell like you took a bath in rubbing alcohol."

Pushing him towards the shower she mentioned she was making dinner right now and if he finished early, he maybe able to get some desert before dinner.

Kagome lazily ran her fingers through Yomi's hair, listening to his soft snoring next to her. It was as painful as she had heard but he was so gentle to her, using his fingers to help her become more comfortable before they carried on. She wondered what he was dreaming about with that content smile gracing his face.

Smiling to herself, she snuggled into Yomi's side and fell asleep as well, her miko robes all skewed from their earlier activities.

Hours later, Yomi woke up and felt for Kagome only to meet open air and empty bed sheets. He felt the other side of the bed and felt nothing. About to call out for her, the door to his bathroom opened, "Oh, you're awake. I thought you would have been asleep a little longer so I thought to shower and get ready for when Sesshoumaru-sama calls me."

Yomi rose from the bed the blanket dropping to the floor and exposing his nude form to Kagome, "Take a shower with me."

"But I'm already clean."

"I can get you dirty again."

Kagome let out a small shriek as he grabbed her and pulled her into the bed for another round.

After they finished, Kagome sighed as Yomi helped her up and into the shower where they cleaned one another. An hour later, they finally got out of the shower, having been sidetracked several times in cleaning each others bodies to explore it. Once Kagome was dressed she felt that familiar tug behind the navel that signaled Sesshoumaru's calling her. Turning to Yomi she felt herself begin to fade, "Sesshoumaru-sama is calling me now. I love you, Yomi. Remember that."

She yanked out three locks of hair and quickly weaved it into a braid and placed it on his wrist where the ends met each other and merged creating a seamless bracelet. "If you really need me…"

She couldn't finish her thought as she was fully brought over to the Western Manor. Sesshoumaru was frowning at her. He could smell the king on her and not only that, he had to deal with the annoyance that was demons finding out about the jewel. "Miko, if I were not an honorable one, I would have left you to your own devices."

Kagome winced at that, "Thank you for all you have done, Sesshoumaru-sama. I was right to trust you all those years now. You were the only youkai I knew who not only had no interest in the jewel's power, but was also powerful enough to properly protect it."

Looking down at her, the jewel that gave him headaches, he nodded briefly, "You are to remain in Ningenkai for a few years. The lower-class now know that you are in Makai and believe that Mukuro has it in her palace. I will send several of my strongest generals there to help defend her walls until your kitsune does his job and spreads rumor that I am in possession of the jewel. No one dares takes what is mine."

She frowned at that, she had believed that he would leave her here and if she was here she could have had Yomi visit her. But she had to agree with her holder. Her eyes went to the hair-braid that encircled his wrist; she gave it to him to give him the ability to call her. Just in case she ever got into trouble or captured he could call her to him.

InuYasha took Kagome's arm gently, "Let's go. We have to cross the barrier early. I'm sure your brother and mother miss you."

"Ye-yeah, you're right." Kagome followed the hanyou out of the manor, giving one last look at Sesshoumaru who was sitting down with his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, Sesshoumaru-sama, you do so much for me. Thank you again."

Cheering, and possibly embarrassing her younger brother; as he stopped the soccer ball from entering the goal ending the game against Keisei Academy cinching the win for Minami Senior High School.

She ran onto the field and gave her 15 year old brother a hug. "I'm so proud of you, Souta!"

He preened under her attention, he knew most people would have been embarrassed if their older sister did that but he hadn't had the chance to see her in over two years, InuYasha was the one to give the family updates on Kagome when she was in demon world, "Thanks, nee-chan."

Kagome caught the movement of a girl around his age coming towards him. Smiling, she told him she would meet him at the shrine later on. She left the squirming high schoolers and began to return to the shrine she had amulets to bless so that they could sell them and make money for the shrine.

Yusuke kept an arm wrapped around Keiko as they strolled through the street when he heard a muffled shriek. Looking around for the source he could barely see a woman in the distance being dragged into the alley, her black hair glistening in the neon store front lights.

He directed Keiko into a store and told her to wait, that he would be back in a moment. Running to where he saw the woman get dragged to, he had to pause in surprise when one of the largest human goons he had ever seen get thrown from the alley onto the sidewalk in front of him. He saw his cousin there having knocked out the first guy and was handling the second guy easily. "Damn Kagome I guess you really don't need me protecting you. But what are you doing here?"

Kagome stepped over the second guy and went to the first guy and after kicking him for grabbing her by her hair, "I was on my way home from Souta's football game. He won. But Sesshoumaru-sama sent me here until the rumors get straightened that its at his house. Right now he doesn't want to worry about me while defending Mukuro's home due to the rumors that its there. What are you doing around these parts?"

Remembering Keiko, he cursed and grabbed her and dragged her in the direction of his abandoned fiancé. Kagome caught sight of the brunette and waved. Keiko waved back once she realized that the woman with Yusuke was not a threat but merely his younger cousin.

"Kagome-chan! Its good to see you. It's been two years since I last saw you. Look at you, you're glowing. Did you finally get laid?"

Yusuke made a face while Kagome giggled, "Yes I finally got laid. Don't worry about me I am much happier now. I'd be even happier if I could see Yomi again some time soon."

The toushin snorted at mention of the person his baby cousin was 'dating?' 'sleeping with'? He didn't want to know what they were really doing. "…so my boss has me on probation until everything is cleared up. So I decided to stay home and work at the shrine in the meantime."

Kagome smiled at her cousin. "At least you can keep an eye on me so that should put your worries to rest. Now I have to get home, I have amulets and charms to bless. Enjoy your date you two."

Leaving them behind, Kagome hurried home, she could imagine the box full of charms just waiting for her to write on.

Finishing the final character on a charm for luck in love, Kagome cursed her luck in that subject. She had hoped, Yomi would have called her to him but its been nearly two weeks and nothing. Contemplating her situation she wondered if she could have Yusuke explain what to do, then she paused and laughed. He doesn't want her having a sex life and every time Yomi was mentioned in conversation he would close off and end communications. The doorbell rang stirring the miko out of her musings.

"Kurama-san…and Shiori-chan?"

Shiori having heard Kurama's explanation wasn't surprised by the calling of her child by a different name, "Kagome-nee-chan. It is good to see you again. I was hoping you would be back. Shuichi, explained everything to me and I remembered what Sesshoumaru did the last time there was a breach in security."

"Yes, oh come in come in. How do you know Kurama-san?"

The kitsune explained to Kagome the circumstances of his birth. Started when she began to laugh, "Good thing I didn't purify you when you annoyed me. I would never have forgiven myself if I let anything happen to Shiori's son."

Kagome stood and made tea for the two, "Shuichi-Kurama?-san, I was hoping I could ask you a favor. I am not supposed to enter Makai of my own free will. I would ask my cousin but he doesn't very much fancy the idea of my being an adult woman but could you ask Yomi, should you see him again, to call me. Don't tell him how but if he's clever he should be able to figure it out. I-I miss him."

Kurama agreed to her request and took the proffered cup of tea as Shiori took hers. The miko then proceeded to ask Shiori about her life in the last 23 years since she last saw her.

After two hours of speaking and tears Shiori stood up and told them that Kazuya was probably waiting worried for her. Turning to the miko she gave her a hug and when Kurama stood as well, she waved her hands, "You can stay longer if you want. You are an adult.

Kurama shook his head, "Mother, I would feel more comfortable walking with you home. Besides now that I know where Kagome-san lives I can visit her on another occasion."

Kagome stood and walked the two of them to the door thanking them for giving her a small break from making charms.

Kurama stood in Yomi's audience hall and relayed the message that Kagome gave him. "She really misses you. And I can tell you miss her. She's stuck in Ningenkai right now. Apparently you are able to call her."

Yomi stood frustrated, he had been trying to keep the miko out of his mind these past few weeks believing her locked up in Sesshoumaru's home. "How am I supposed to call her."

Kurama shrugged gracefully, he came here right after he securely brought his mother home. "She said you should be clever enough to figure out how."

Cursing to himself he started running a hand along the bracelet that Kagome gave him when she left nearly 14 days ago. "How am I suppose to do that? Just call out, 'Kagome I want you here?'"

He couldn't see but Kurama watched as the black bracelet on his wrist begin to glow a bright blue light, "I would think so. I think its working."

Yomi frowned but trusted his former boss, "Come here, Kagome."

In between the two of them they could smell Kagome's scent build up and Kurama could vaguely make out Kagome it looked like she was explaining something to someone. And she gave that invisible person a hug before she closed her eyes and apparently was concentrating on the link because she suddenly appeared in the room quickly. "That was much sooner than I thought. Yomi, you figured it out! I knew you were clever…"

The rest of her sentence was cut off because he rushed to embrace the miko, smelling her scent. What he didn't like about her being the jewel was her scent didn't linger. After 5 minutes his room was completely barren of her sweet intoxicating scent. "How?"

Kagome tried to pull back to see him but he wasn't relinquishing any slack. "The bracelet I gave you. Its more than just that. The only other person to have one is Sesshoumaru. It basically allows you to 'own' the jewel and call it to you if need be.

I'm glad you needed me. I missed you Yomi."

"I missed you too."

At that moment Kurama wisely left the two and returned to his home in Ningenkai to give the two lovers their privacy.

FINISHED! Dang 21 full pages and a little on the 22nd on Word. I had hoped to find a beta to read over this right now because I did most of the writing overnight and I know I missed some stuff but the person I contacted as a beta never got back with me so I decided to post it anyways. Hopefully you peoples love me enough to overlook anything glaring. I know for a fact pages 3-18 were written over night with no sleep.

My 2nd request fic ever is finished. The next request fic I am working on is for one of my former roommates she wants a Gakuen Heaven/Ouran High School Host Club.

I know I should have added more Kagome/Yomi interaction but I kinda like how I have it done.