A.N.) You would understand this better if you read chapter 17 of DOC. Also, this is not the next story for the Timmy Series. That story will be called Team Up and Coming Back Times 10.

Disclaimer: I don't own The Night World Series or any of the songs mentioned in this chapter. Enjoy.

The entire story is dedicated to HealingSpringWaters. Thanks for everything!

Already Stuck

Chapter 1: Galen's Rage and Galen's Blame

Galen's POV

I walked without direction around the mansion's garden. Each and every flower to the front of me, to the back, and to my sides were all pretty, but my beautiful panther out ran them by miles. I carried a notebook and a pencil in one hand. I took a seat on a wooden beach that sat back-to-back with the tall, trimmed hedges. It gave a perfect view of the entire garden. I could sit there with peace and quiet. I could write some poetry and think about a big problem in my life.

I had recently learned some disturbing news on what was going on in my soulmate's thick skull. I had been talking with the guys in a chat room, when suddenly a mysterious person logged on, and seemed to know secrets about the girls of the Circle Daybreak mansion.

I-Know-All-Your-Secrets: Keller tries not to get too attached to Galen in case Iliana comes in the picture.

In case Iliana comes in the picture? What is that suppose to mean? What did she think I was doing when I'm not with her? Cheating on her?

I opened my notebook and scribbled random rhyming phrases that popped in my head on paper. I did it while having a serious, furious face. Now that I think about it, Raksha has been avoiding me for a while, I thought. I told her I didn't want to be with Iliana; I told her I wanted to be with her. I told her I loved her, and I meant it! Why couldn't she take my word for it? Me and Iliana are just friends. I don't get suspicious when I see her talking to guys… most of the time. But still! Why can't she trust me?

I stopped writing and overlooked what was on the paper. I just wrote, "I love her," and, "Why can't she trust me?" over and over again.

I sighed and thought about what could have sparked such outrageous thoughts in Miss Raksha Keller's head. Well, it takes two to run a relationship, I thought in her defense. As I started to write an actual poem, I continued to ponder on the matter. Of course, Keller and I are going to have a HUGE talk about this, but there's gotta be something I'm doing too. Let's see… I have been hanging with the guys more often. I've only seen her in the mornings and bedtime lately.

As a thought struck me, I felt so blind and ashamed. Oh no. I've been disregarding Keller. That's why she's like that. It's all my fault. That last thought hit me like a train crashing into a wall of bricks. My poor, poor Raksha! She must feel so neglected! I'm so sorry! I haven't been taking proper care of her. I'm gonna fix this if it's the last thing I do!


Normal POV

Galen had been sitting on that beach for about an hour, tossing different ideas around in his head. He was definitely going to take Keller out and try to express at least a fraction of how much he cared. So the first question was where he would take her first? Dinner? Sounds good enough, but which restaurant? He used all his knowledge on his soulmate to figure out where she would have most fun at. If I was Keller where would I be? Galen asked himself.

The first thing that came to mind was a bar. He would be bothered by how unsanitary bars were, and be concerned about his and Keller's health. He thought he could endure that for his love. But then he had a vision on what would happen if they did.

Picture it. Galen in a bar, sitting on one of the small tables, while watching Keller in a bar fight with a skinhead. See Keller punch the skinhead in the face, dodge the his punch, and then kick him in the stomach. Imagine that with Raining Blood by Slayer playing in the background.

Okay, scratch that off, Galen thought immediately. The next thought on what restaurant to take her to was an Italian restaurant.

But then another ominous vision appeared in Galen's mind. It was like the bar vision. Keller was beating up a waiter, in a nice Italian restaurant. The background music there was Zooma, Zooma by Louis Prima.

Galen snapped out if his thoughts, crossed his arms, and shook his head. This is going to be harder then I expected.

A.N.) So that's the first piece of this story. I hope you all like it. PLEASE REVIEW!