not mine sadly (cause then, jacob would be ALL mine) :)
Hate and Love;
And so he came back, one late December night, when she was tucked into bed. The darkness washed over her, and the moon made her want to crawl out of her skin and howl and just run. There was a tapping at her window and she jumped out of bed, sending the covers flying, because she knew that noise; she knew it better then she knew the sound of her own beating heart.
There he was, in all his half dressed glory, standing under her window, staring up at her like she was his very reason for existence and god she hated him so much. He left her and abandoned her, and sure she pushed him away, but that didn't mean he had to actually go. That wasn't the way it was supposed to be. All Leah Clearwater wanted was for someone to fight for her, someone to give a damn about what she wanted even if she didn't say it out loud, because, let's face it, she wanted Jacob Black.
So instead of jumping out her window into his waiting arms, she stuck her head out the window and said, "Beat it, asshole. I don't want your ugly face to clog up my vision."
Sure, she was bitter, but so fucking what? She did what she wanted.
And do you know what he did? He grinned a grin so wide she worried his face would simply break in half, and, on second thought, wouldn't that be lovely? Then she wouldn't have to look at it. Really, the thought of not seeing him saddened her, which is exactly why she was still looking down at him.
"Come down, Lee," he called up to her, sticking out his gorgeous bronze arms, as if he meant to catch her. Not like she would ever, ever fall.
"Don't call me Lee, only my friends can call me Lee," she spat at him, which really wasn't true at all, because cold bitch Leah didn't have any friends. Unless you counted Jacob, because she didn't.
"Alright then, I guess I'm coming up."
And before she could say 'don't you fucking dare', he was climbing up into her room and slipping through her glass window and standing right there. He looked at her for a long while, taking in her appearance; the longer hair, the dark eyes, and her lean frame.
"You look different, your's longer," he observed, albeit a little stupidly.
"No shit, genius. Considering I haven't phased since you left."
He gripped her shoulders and shook her hard, just once. "Are you insane? No one knows what will happen to you if you just stop phasing. God Leah, you're so stupid."
"Don't touch me!" she shrieked, wrenching herself out of his grasp and falling back onto her bed. "You're always doing this to me, Jacob. Undermining me, and trying to control me, fuck I just want you all to leave me alone!"
He kept his distance but reached out with a tentative hand to brush her cheek. He was surprised to find it damp with tears. "We care about you, Lee. I care about you."
She laughed darkly, the sound bubbling up from her hollow chest. "No you don't. You left me, remember? You don't give a shit."
And then a sob broke from her chest, and Jacob thought that it was the most horrible sound in the world. Seeing her so utterly broken and beaten down made him angry at himself, for playing a role in causing her pain. He wished she could see how much she matter, but knowing her as well as he did, she never would. That didn't mean he would ever stop trying to convince her.
"Listen, I left because I was scared, and I couldn't really deal with what had happened," he muttered, rubbing the back of his head. He grinned sheepishly at her, and all she wanted to do was kis – smack it off. Shit.
"You couldn't deal with it? You couldn't? Holy shit, Jake, I didn't know you could be so selfish!" She was borderline hysterical now, waving her hands in front of her, getting up in his face, and really, what could he do but laugh at her?
"Damn it, Jacob! This isn't funny!"
He sobered up, wiping his hand over his face. "Yeah, you're right, this isn't funny. I wasn't being selfish, Leah. Think about the situation for a second, have you ever once thought that maybe I'm hurting just as much as you are?"
She was silent, a first, and she stared down at her hands.
"That's right, Leah, stay silent, because you can't think up a fucking excuse. My Soulmate left me; the one person who was supposedly made for me just got up and left because she had a choice. I didn't and neither did you, and that's why I care so much about you-"
"So you're saying you feel sorry for me? That's why you care?"
He groaned and pushed her so she fell back onto the bed again. "Only as sorry as I feel for myself. I care about you because I understand how it hurts. I'm not as happy as I make myself out to be, you should know that better than anyone."
"I know, but that's no reason for why you had to up and leave. Do you know what that felt like? Having someone walk away from me again? And, oh God, imagineyou were still jailbait? Jailbait and left me? I would honestly have just killed myself," she muttered the last part in exasperation. He chuckled, the deep sound shaking his bronze chest.
"I only left because you said that what we did didn't mean anything; that it was going to develop into nothing. I'm tired of loose ends, Leah," he whispered.
"I'm not another loose end..."
He looked up at her, "You could be." He shrugged his shoulders and left his comment hanging between them, almost as if it was a challenge. Leah loved challenges.
"You know what, Jacob Black?" she said standing?
"What, Lee?"
"I hate you," she told him, punctuating every word with a jab to the chest. "I hate you almost as much as I hate Sam. I hate you for being you. I hate you for making me go insane. I hate you for leaving. I hate how good it felt to just be with you. I hate the fact that you make me utterly happy. I hate you with every bone in my body."
So he kissed her, because really, what else could he do? She already hated him anyways; one more thing to add to her list wouldn't hurt. And she kissed him back knotting her hands in his hair and pulling him terribly close, and oh, she hated it. She hated the way he touched her soul the very same way he was touching her skin. He kissed with such meaning, and held her as if she was a gift and the simple beauty of the moment made her want to cry. Maybe, just maybe, she could be happy. Happy with Jacob, and that didn't sound so bad, not at all.
And when they were done, he looked at her with stars in his eyes and said four words that would bind them together for a long, long time.
"I hate you, too."
Because he really, really did.
"I'm sorry, I think I heard you wrong. Repeat what you just said."
"I'm dating Leah."
"Right okay."
"What the fuck! You're dating my sister? What the hell man, you cant just disappear, come back and just...just...fuck my sister! Oh my God. This is so wrong. I'm going to tell mom."
Seth stormed out of the room, his body visibly shaking in distaste, disgust and general displeasure. Leah's shoulders relaxed and she reached over to hold Jacob's clammy hand.
"Hey, I think he took it pretty well," she replied, uncharacteristically cheerful for once.
"He's going to tell your mom..." he told her, squeezing her hand and blanching.
"You're point? Personally, I think she'll be glad to get me out of her hair."
She sighed and tipped her head onto his shoulder, waiting for her mother to enter the room. He kissed her forehead tenderly, and she didn't fight the feeling of warmth spreading through her body. She liked it, although she hated to admit it to herself, he made her feel safe, and - dare she say it - loved.
"Seth, don't yell, use your indoor voice..."
Sue's voice came drifting into the kitchen, quickly followed by herself in the flesh and a distraught looking Seth.
"Look!" Seth pointed to the couple leaning against each other. "Look what happened!"
Sue studied the pair for a moment, cocking her head quizzically to the side before breaking into a grin.
"Well, isn't this lovely! Congratulations, you two!"
"What the hell! I swear to God, the world has turned upside fucking down. I'm leaving," Seth announced, eyes bugging out of his head and storming out of the kitchen. They heard the dorr slam, and Jacob flinched.
"Oh, he'll be fine," replied Sue airly. She moved to hug her daughter. To her surprise, Leah hugged back, holding her tiny mother in her hot embrace.
"Thanks, Mom," whispered Leah, and she wondered when she had gotten so sentimental.
They extracted themselves from each other's arms, and Leah watched as her five-foot-nothing mother faced the beautiful monster that was Jacob Black.
"Now listen here, Jake. I know Leahcan take care of herself, but I swear to you, if you hurt her, I will personally sic the attack dogs of Quileute on you," she threaten menacingly. Jacob cringed under her gaze, but recovered quickly.
"Don't worry, Sue. I've waited this long to get to her, and it's not likely I'm ever going to find someone like Leah again," he assured her smoothly, in pure Jacob fashion.
Leah blushed while Sue and Jacob shared a laugh at her expense. "Yeah, laugh it up, you won't get another chance like that ever again!" She huffed and crossed her arms and Jacob couldn't help but smile.
Long after Sue had left, they sat together in Leah's room as she ran her hands through his hair.
"I love it when you do that."
"Yeah, well I love-"
And she stopped herself, because those words would change everything.
"You can say it, you know, because, I love you."
"I love you, too."
Because she really, really did.
thats all folks! hope you liked it, it was a little shorter, but i feel like i ended it in a good place. review pretty please? it makes me immensly happy! Also, in like, ten minutes, my Alice/Jacob one shot is coming up (and i can just hear the protests) but really, its quite good. check it, and my other stories, out please :)
love always!