Chapter 45
Soon the week flew by and they were on their last day of finals. While those that had finished their last finals just sat in their class room waiting to be dismissed, those that hadn't studied enough were trying to finish their work before the dead line. Just as Rin had finished the last of her final she froze in her seat when the school system had gone on. Just as she had taken in a deep and calming breath, just as they heard the school's assistant say, "Attention all students, well the senior class student council and the three misfits please report to the principal's office…once again, Sango Taijiya, Rin Taisho, Sesshomaru Taisho, Miroku, Koga Wolf, Ayame Wolf, Kikiyo Takahashi, Kagura Oni, and Inuyasha Taisho please report to the principals."
"Rin Taisho are you done with your final?" the teacher called as all eyes were turned to the now demon girl.
"Yes." Rin answered as she stood up with her backpack in hand so that she walk out and go to the principal's office.
"Very well then, go to the principal's office, once you are done there you are free to leave." Her teacher told her as she began to grade the girls work.
"Yes sir." Rin answered as she began to walk out of the room with a thoughtful look on her face. 'It's thanks to Inuyasha's help that I know I passed that damn exam…but what the hell is going on…we all agreed to meet after finals.' Rin couldn't help but think as she made her way to the office. Just as she had reached the second floor stairs, Rin turned around to greet her friends with a smile on her face as she heard Sango growl out, "They're the lucky ones that are already up there."
"I would agree, they're not the ones that have to take the stairs." Miroku added.
"Yeah, I guess…hey do you guys know what the hell is going on?" Rin asked as she began to walk along side Sango once Miroku had stated to make his way up the stairs.
"Not a clue, but I'm sure its nothing good…the only time this could have been was if Kagome was here." Sango pointed out in a sad voice.
"I take it we're all going to go and see her?" Miroku asked with a grin on his face before adding, "I mean we're all going to go and safe her…correct?"
"That would be correct Monk, are you going on your way too?" Koga was heard as he met them on the third floor of the building.
"What are you doing here? Don't you have a final?" Sango hissed out.
"Not like he would leave Ayame alone, five bucks says he was sent to come and get us." Rin answered with a grin on her face before adding, "Isn't that right…Koga?"
"Of course you're right as always." Koga growled out in an annoyed voice.
"Well let's go see what this is all about." Miroku stated they reached the top of the stairs only to find Inuyasha and Sesshomaru waiting outside of the office with Kikiyo and Kagura at their side.
"Can you guys smell anything?" Koga growled out.
"No, we can't see what they won't until we were all together." Sesshomaru growled out.
"Ayame had to go to the bath room." Inuyasha pointed out before Koga could even ask where she was.
"Thanks for the help for my test…it really helped a lot." Rin was heard as she offered Inuyasha, her soon to be brother-in-law, a smile.
"Feh, it was nothing…now would one of you go and get that wolf...I want to get the hell out of here as soon as we can." Inuyasha growled out.
"You only want to go and safe Kagome already since you think she's in danger…ever think she was getting to know her family." Koga growled out.
But before anyone of the group could yell at the wolf demon for his comment, since they all knew that Kagome saw them as her family and no one else, they watched with a smile on their face as he was hit so hard over the head that he thrown to the floor before they heard his intendeds pissed off voice growl out, "You idiot! We're her family and that's that so shut it if you don't have anything smart to fucking say."
"Good, I was afraid I'd piss you off if I knocked your boyfriend out." Sango's cold voice was heard.
"I was afraid you would hate me again for purifying the first layer of his sink." Kikiyo pointed out with a wicked grin that reminded them of Kagome.
"Can we please just go in now?" Rin was heard as she noticed Inuyasha's enraged glare that was sent at Koga.
"Of course." Sesshomaru growled with a smile on his face as he opened the door for his intended.
As they each walked in one by one, they each took a seat that was set up for them to take. Once they were all in the room and once they had all settled down, they had all taken in a deep and calming breath so that they could be prepared for whatever it was that the king had to tell them. Just as finished calming down, Kagura let out a low growl before she was heard say, "Why the fuck did they have to call us if they were just going to keep us waiting."
"It would seem that the rumors I have been hearing are true…has the president really corrupted you so much?" the principals voice was heard as he walked into the room with the King's advisor.
"She didn't corrupt us…we're who we have always been behind closed. Now I highly recommend that you tell us what this is all about before I get upset." Inuyasha growled out as he surprised everyone when he came to Kagura's defense.
"I made sure that you were all given enough time to finish your finals for one purpose and one purpose only." The principal was heard.
"Oh and what would that be? You know we have been waiting and yet you let us wait. I do not see that as proper manners…wouldn't you agree as well…" Kikiyo's cold voice was heard as she locked eyes with the King's advisor.
"I would agree in other cases however since I do not wish to show you children the respect that is needed for PROPER lords and ladies I say otherwise." The king's advisor was heard.
"To think that Kagome would have knocked some sense into you by now." Ayame growled out in anger.
"And I for one demand the respect that we are owed." Sesshomaru growled out in anger as his eyes flashed red for a brief moment.
"Of course…forgive me." The king advisor was heard as he gave them a short bow.
"Now I have called you all here today because you have been called on by the King…any finals that you are missing to take, which I've checked and these were your last ones, would have automatically been given a perfect score." The principal was heard.
"What the hell does the king want now? He's already fucked up my life and I sure as I don't want to see him now." Inuyasha growled out in rage.
"If you ignore know this summon you will regret it, I also heard that the princess is currently been sitting in with her father in the throne room and meetings so that she could get the experiences she would need to one day rule the kingdom." The principal was heard.
"I was sent to escort you to the King." The King's advisor added.
"Alright…but be warned…if we see that our friend is unhappy we will fight to get her back." Rin growled out with promise as she waited for him to lead them out.
After the others had convinced Inuyasha to come along with them, they all retrieved their belongings and made their way to the front where the care now waited for them. Just as they had all been seated and buckled in, the door was shut and they were taken to the castle. Just as they had reached the gate, Sango turned to Rin and asked, "Do you think this is all a trick?"
"They can try to trick us…but you know me…I'll get even real quick." Rin growled out with a grin on her face.
"I take it you will be needing back up?" Sesshomaru mumbled to his brother as he turned to lock eyes with him.
"Yeah…I need you guys to hold the guards off while I at least leave my mark…we can always finish the mating ceremony once everyone isn't around." Inuyasha answered.
"What are you going to do if still won't allow it?" Koga couldn't help but ask.
With a grin of his own, Inuyasha locked his slightly red demon eyes with the wolf and whispered, "Then I'd take her right then and there to prove to any everyone that is mine and will always be mine."
Before anyone could even say a word, they all froze and began to gather their things as the car came to a complete stop. Once they had all made sure that nothing was left in the car, the group of nine began to follow after the King's advisor as he led the way to the room. But when they had been let into a more privet room, and when they had realized that he was not leaving the room to go and get the king, Inuyasha glared at the demon before him as he picked him up by his shirt and growled out, "What the hell do you think you are doing? Shouldn't you go and tell your king that we have arrived?"
"No, I'm sure that the queen will have already told him. She has the gift of the 'dragon's eye' which allows her to see all." The advisor answered as he waited to be put down.
"Something isn't right here…the little bastard would have fought back by now." Sango stated as she leaned over to Rin, Ayame, Kagura, and Kikiyo.
"I would have to agree…but we don't know what's going on or if we are just reading too much into it." Kagura growled out.
"No, I would have to agree…just look at his eyes…something inside of him has been broken and another part of him as given up on something." Kikiyo pointed out.
"So what do we do now?" Ayame growled out as they watched Inuyasha throw him across the room and onto the farthest couch that was away from them.
"Now what?" Miroku was heard.
"Now I guess we wait." Koga growled out as he sat down.
"That bastard has three minutes before I storm out of here and go find my intended." Inuyasha growled out in anger.
"Actually he has two and a half minutes…I gave him five the moment we were all in this room." Sesshomaru was heard.
"And then what are you going to do? Destroy the castle?" Kagura growled out, "You have got to think of a plan before we move."
But before anyone could even say a word, the main door were thrown open as they heard the Queen's voice say, "I would prefer it if you did no such thing."
"Of course…but we were told that the king had called for us." Sango was heard as she walked over to the queen before giving a low bow.
"Oh, is that so?" The queen asked as she turned to glare at the demon that was hidden in the corner.
"Were we misinformed?" Rin asked as she walked over to stand next to Sango.
"No, however you were taken to the wrong room. I suppose we don't have that much time for explanation…but then I'm sure that my daughter might have canceled her plans for the day at the moment. I'm sure she'll be with us shortly." The queen answered with a smile on her face.
"Is Kagome really going to come and join us?" Inuyasha's soft and gentle voice was heard as he staid standing where he was, which happened to be by the main door.
"Of course…my mother would never lie after all." A familiar voice was heard.
"Kagome!" They all yelled in relief but stayed where they were at when they noticed how she was walking and the two guards that had walked in alongside her.
Once she had noticed her friend's stares, Kagome rolled her eyes and turned to glare at the guards that had walked in with her, despite the fact that she had ordered them to stay outside and growled out, "I had stated for you to wait for me outside and now I suggest you do so before I get upset."
"Kagome!" Inuyasha roared as he blocked out the sounds of the guards.
"Just what the hell is going on? Is your mother helping you to escape from the King? And why the hell haven't you gone to see you…you missed your finals." Ayame growled out.
"This better be big news or I'm going to kill you myself." Rin growled out as the ground shook under them.
"If you would stop speaking my daughter would be given the chance to explain things to you all…remember dear you don't have that much time…I'll go and stall for you but this cannot wait…you have to finish this by today." The queen was heard before she left the room of teenagers alone.
Once the queen was out of the room, Inuyasha glared at Kagome and growled out, "Just what the hell is going on here wench."
With a grin on her own, Kagome locked eyes with her intended and hissed out, "And that is no way to speak to your intended…nothing has changed…well I would be lying if I said nothing."
"Just what is it that you have done here?" Kikiyo asked.
As she kept her eyes locked with her intended Kagome took in a deep and calming breath before she said, "I had you all brought here for my coronation. You will be the knew council…Inuyasha and I will be ruling on equal footing…it will no longer be left to the queen…or King but the two of us…if he will stay by my side."
"Do you has to ask?" Inuyasha growled out before he appeared next to her so that he could wrap his arms around her.
"What? What the hell did your father do?" Koga growled out. "Your to young to rule."
"I'm not younger then what I was before." Kagome hissed back.
"I take it that bastard of a father of your tried to keep you from your intended?" Rin asked with a grin on her face.
"Of course that ended badly for him…so how about you all report to your room and get changed for the coronation." Kagome stated as she stayed in Inuyasha's arms.
"What am I doing here?" Kagura was heard. "I was never that well trusted and after what happened I figured you would never trust me."
"I hold nothing against you; however it was brought to my attention that I would need a new advisor…since the one that worked for my father could not be trusted." Kagome answered with a grin on her face.
"I will be respected and Kanna should never have to work?" Kagura growled out in a cold voice.
"She will be working alongside, since it would both Inuyasha and I that would be ruling together." Kagome explained.
"But we don't have our families robs here with us." Sango pointed out with a grin of her own.
"I have already spoken with all the families involved, your robes are in your room and your families have already been seated…now we need to move, I don't want to keep my mother waiting." Kagome stated as she began to lead Inuyasha out of the room.
While her friends had gone to get ready, Kagome had brought Inuyasha to the coward so that she could present to them her future mate, and the man that would be ruling aglone side her. She knew that they would be fought and that they would only want to see Inuyasha rule but she was his equal, if anything she would be the one on the throne if they so wished it to follow the one that was the strongest and wises. 'I may had ended up a princess, but I will never stop being the misfit princess…after all…I have a whole lot of my gowns to look over and restyle.' Kagome thought with a grin on her face as her mother placed the crown on Inuyasha's head before the two walked into the throne room to face their people.
A/N: Well there you have it, please let me know what you all think…REIVEW!