"Hey! Hey Ulqui open up! I wanna show ya something!" Ulquiorra sighed as the Sexta continued to pound on his door. Getting up from his bed, he walked open the door to to find none other then Grimmjow standing out side, a smirk splayed across his lip's. "Hey Ulqui! I needa-"

Ulquiorra sighed and slammed the door shut, leaving Grimmjow locked out side. "HEY! Ulquiorra you basterd! Open up yer' fuckin' door will ya? It's important!" Ulquiorra gave out an irritated sigh before once again opening up the door.

Before Ulquiorra could once again slam it, he moved quickly into Ulquiorra's room and shut the door himself. "Might I ask what you are doing here, trash?" Grimmjow smirked and turned on the laptop that sat on the white desk. "Sit down Ulqui, I wanna show ya' what me and Gin found!" Ulquiorra looked at him before sitting down on the bed again.

After a few minutes of Grimmjow searching through the internet, he finally shouted in victory and brought the laptop over to Ulquiorra and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Look at this shit! It's fuckin' weird!"

Taking the laptop from Grimmjow hands, Ulquiorra began to slowly scroll down the page, a gasp escaping his lip's.

"Grimmjow...what is this?" Grimmjow growled and laid back against Ulquiorra's bed. "Hell if I know! I was looking through this shit ta find that little Strawberry of a kid Ichigo, and all this shit popped up! Then Gin walked in and we found all this!"

Ulquiorra continued to scroll down, a small blush across his cheeks. "I-I don't think I can bend like that..." Grimmjow smirked and sat up, looking over Ulquiorra's shoulder to see him spread out across THIS very bed in a very compromising situation. Blushing, Grimmjow quickly looked away and looked at the white wall at the opposite side of the room. "Ya... Neither did I..."

Ulquiorra blushed again and scrolled down to see a bunch of words labeled GrimmUlqui Yaoi. Curious, he clicked on it and began to read out loud.

"Ulquiorra groaned as Grimmjow kissed down his collar bone leaving small bite marks across his chest and neck. 'G-Grimmjow...I need more.. Please..' Grimmjow smirked from hearing His Uke's plead for relief and began to kiss down lower in till he reached the waist band of his boxers. Gasping, Ulquiorra bucked his hip's up as Grimmjow smirked and pulled down his boxer's, Ulquiorra's member springing to life at the gust of cold air ran over his exposed skin."

Grimmjow blushed and looked at Ulquiorra, who in turn had a blush dusted across his cheeks as well. "Holy shit! Who Ta' hell write that stuff?" Grimmjow yelled. Ulquiorra blushed and closed the laptop. "I don't know who would write suck...thing's like this Sexta..."

Grimmjow growled and cracked his knuckles. Standing up he looked at Ulquiorra and smirked. "Well, whaddya' say we go on a little adventure and find out eh?" Ulquiorra looked at him and let a ghost of a smile play out across his lip's. "Adventure, Sexta? What do you mean?" Grimmjow reached down and offered Ulquiorra his hand. After pulling Ulquiorra to his feet, he smiled and laughed. "Were gunna go find those basterd's who are writing that fake shit 'bout us and force them to stop or else!" Ulquiorra sighed at Grimmjow's childish antics and followed Grimmjow out of his bedroom door.

"It could be anyone in the palace you know Grimmjow..." Grimmjow smirked and continued walking down the halls. "All the more fun then, right?" Ulquiorra sighed and continued to follow Grimmjow. "I suppose...Were shall we start then?" Smirking, Grimmjow stopped and turned to look at Ulquiorra. "Were gunna start with the smaller arancars and work are way up the the espada. Sound good?"

Ulquiorra nodded and Grimmjow smirked at him. 'Then let's get going! This will take a long ass time ta do!" And with that being said, Both espada's continued to walk down the hallway, the adventure beginning.

Heheheh. =w= I really just wanted to make this a one-shot, but I decided, "Hey! Why not just make this a story full of humor and sheer stupidity and -cough- yaoi -cough-.

I guess I'll just work my way up through some smaller arancar's, but I'll need help with names. D: Any idea's that you guy's have for names will work. I'm going to be needing at least...15 different names. So...help would be appreciated. ^^ I guess the last 12 or so chapter will have to do with the espada and of course-THE SMUT! Ah the smut! :3

Review? Review make Grimmjow pee out butterflies then around with his little kitty tail. They also make Ulquiorra smile...ULQUIORRA. SMILE.

So...review. :3
