This is my very first fan fiction and I hope U guys like it and please review and review. Also flames are welcomed just like constructive criticism.

I don't own PJO or any characters of PJO, I only own my own character.

P.S: OOC (cause I am not very good at keeping them in character)

Luv, xxSugarSpicexx

I stared lovingly at the Percy Jackson series through the glass door of the Library. I didn't care if I was dyslexic; nothing was stopping me from reading that amazing book. I would just get someone to read it to me. I just had to read, "The Last Olympian", I squealed just thinking about it. I am, like you can tell, an obsessive PJO fan. (I really am!) . ] Anyways, back to the topic,I tapped my foot impatiently against the concrete sidewalk, and glued my face on the glass. A middle aged man walked over to the door and smiled at me, he switched the closed sign to open, and I stumbled into the small store. I rushed over to the pair of books and snatched the book I dearly loved. My eyes widened as a pale pair of hands raced their way towards the book. Everything was suddenly going in slow motion as the hands beat me to the books. I was getting ready to rip the person's hair out for stealing my, "The Last Olympian". I froze when I took in the person's appearance: the person had pale skin, piercing black irises, ink black hair, and emo shirts and pants. I screamed, "NICO!", and my screams got louder as I spotted two other people that looked exactly like how I imagined, Percy and Annabeth. The Nico guy taped his hand around my mouth and other arm around my waist. Percy and Annabeth helped him take me outside the store into some weird woods that just seemed to appear out of nowhere. I ripped Di Angelo's hands off me, and punched him in the gut. I don't like him as much as I did in the books I thought. I balled up my fists, frustrated with what I was feeling. Excitement was building inside me, but anger seemed like it wanted to overthrow it. Anger won.

"What are you doing?" I shrieked

"Calm down" the Percy dude said in a calming voice

I refused to be calmed and screamed, "HELP! I'M BEING KIDNAPPED! HELP ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

"Keep it down!" Percy hissed, "We don't want to attract any monsters, its bad enough there are two children of the Big Three in the same place"

"ah-hum" Annabeth crossed her arms and glared

"And a daughter of Athena" Percy paled

Annabeth glared

"Who is also very powerful?" Percy seemed clueless at what to say

She glared daggers at him

"Who is very pretty" clueless Percy said

"Awww! I was expecting something like smart, but pretty? Your sweet Percy" her expression softened, and Percy blushed.

"Hello?" I waved my hands in front of Nico's disgusted face. He shivered and looked at me.

"You're a half-blood" was all he said

My eyebrows knitted themselves together, "What?" I was confused

"You. Are. A. Half. Blood. Get. It?" Percy said slowly, "Are you sure she speaks English, because I can speak a bit Spanish and try it on her" Percy looked proud of himself

Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Shoot" Nico grinned and rolled his eyes to the sky

"OK. Mantequilla de maní hace un gran café. Get it?" he asked me, "Does she get it?" he asked Annabeth

"You just said, butter of peanut does a great coffee" I chuckled, "That makes no sense"

"Oh" he looked disappointed

"Well anyways, you have to get to camp. Now" Annabeth grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a gray cab. I remembered the old cab Annabeth, Percy, and Tyson had taken in, "The Sea of Monsters".

"Oh no. There is no way I am getting in that Horror car" I planted my feet firmly to the ground.

"It's not that bad" Percy said

"Oh, so when the womans's, (I didn't know how to write that words so I just wrote womans's, kay?) Eyeball fell in your lap you were happy?" I asked sweetly

"I'm with . . . What's your name?" Nico glanced at me

"Ivy. Ivy Cornelia" I replied

"Well, I'm . . . well, you already know who I am" Nico stuck his hand out

"Hurry up!" A gray sister shrieked at us

"Impatient much" I muttered as I climbed into the small, ratty car.

Ahhhhhhhh! Was what I was thinking as the sisters drove wildly and blindly?

"Give me the tooth, I'm Hungry" the lady driving the car screamed in her whistle high voice.

"No!" one shrieked, "You have the eye"

"SO!" the driver sneered

"Shut up! Both of you" the third screamed

"I'm with her" I murmured

"Shut up, you old bag!" the driver screamed at me

I started to get up angry; NO ONE CALLED ME AN OLD BAG. Annabeth tried to pull me down but she was too squished between the two stupid boys. I forgot which one called an old bag so I hit the all of them on the top of their almost bald heads. I started strangling the driver, when we crashed into a tree.

"Great! You made us crash, you old-" I cut her off by punching her in the face

"Don't you dare call me that" I said through my teeth

"GET OUT" the third one screamed at all of us

"Strange you weren't claimed" Nico mused. Annabeth and Percy nodded in agreement.

"What?" I asked

"Well, you were strangely acting like Clarisse" Annabeth explained

"Daughter of Ares?"

They all nodded

"Ares, the god of war?"

They all nod again.

"I wouldn't be surprised at all" Percy turned left and we all followed

"I know I have anger issues, but I cannot be a chil-" I stopped mid-sentence when I stepped into Camp half-Blood.

"We know" They all breathed