AN: I know it is out of season but this would not leave me alone. Will become a song-fic in the next chapter. I don't control the plot bunnies that harass me until I put pen to paper, I just know that I don't own the Labyrinth
Chapter 1: Letters
Her plans had been made, she only needed a little, ok a LOT, of help to pull this off. But who would have the abilities to do what she wanted? Funnily enough, it was Toby who answered her question.
"If it's something you want, why not ask Santa?"
Karen just shook her head and asked if Sarah wasn't getting a bit old to be writing to Santa.
"Well I don't think that 21 is old enough to give up on dreams. Thanks, Tobester that is exactly what I will do." Sarah ruffled her little brother's hair and went to find some scratch paper. It took time before the letter sounded right, so with a sigh Sarah pulled her snowflake notepaper out and in her best handwriting she began.
Dear Nicolas,
I hope you don't mind me using your given name. I don't know if a letter from a person my age will even reach you, but I have a Christmas hope that I long for, and a gift to give that only you can help me prepare. Let me explain why this is important and what I will need your help with.
Several pages later Sarah took a deep breath and began her final plea.
Please let me know if you are willing to help. Thank you for reading all of this.
It was late when she finished, so deciding that she would hunt up a stamp tomorrow, Sarah tumbled into bed.
The next morning as Sarah stumbled back to consciousness, she thought she saw a glow coming from her desk. The letter, she needed to get the letter into the mail. After scrambling out of bed and into some fresh clothes, Sarah looked for her letter. When she reached her desk, she realized that the glow was not her imagination. For, in place of her snowflake paper was a piece of golden parchment. The writing was old-fashioned and dignified, even if the words were not.
My Dear Sarah,
Of course I don't mind if you use my given name. I am not surprised that the Lady of the Labyrinth is comfortable enough with a child's dream world to be able to send me a letter. And I must admit that "Santa" gets a little tiresome now and then. As for your plan, I would love to help. I will send some of my elves to help with initial details and then on December 22 I will bring you to my castle, so that Holly (that is the Mrs. given name) and myself can go over everything with you in person. Also, the reindeer want to know if you have been watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang recently. Nosey critters. I will see you soon.
Nicolas, Holly, and the whole gang
Sarah blushed a bit at the reindeer's question because that movie had helped her plan. Oh well, so had half a dozen other things. With the help the North Pole promised it was time to get to work.