"Ok so we have the flowers all set; now all I need is the dress." Kelley sat at the kitchen table looking through bridal magazines.
"So does that mean I'm done?" Charlie asked from his seat next to her.
"For now, but don't you think I'm done with you Professor Eppes." She pointed her finger at him seriously. She then smiled and kissed him sweetly. "We still have to decide on a caterer."
"And I have to design a seating chart." He got up from the table.
"I know, I know. Cause it's the only mathematically interesting portion of planning our wedding." She sat up straight in her chair and did her best Charlie impression.
"I never said it was the only mathematically interesting part of planning our wedding." He threw his hands up defensively. "It's just a really good one."
"Whatever. So when are you and Don going to look for tuxes?" Kelley consulted her calendar to see what the remaining things had to be done before the big day.
"Next week. Would you please calm down? We are not getting married for another two months." He quickly regretted his last statement.
"Charlie! I don't have a dress yet! I barely have time to get one and get it altered! Don't you dare tell me to calm down!" Her voice raised several octaves.
"Uh oh. Sounds like you angered bridezilla again." Don entered the dining room.
"Shut it G-man!" Kelley glared at him over her planner.
"Yikes. She's moody today." Don put his arm around Charlie's shoulders. "You know what you need little brother? A break from the little lady here. You need a bachelor party."
"That's perfect!" Kelley chimed in. "Me and the girls are going dress shopping in two weeks and then they said we are going to an undisclosed location for my bachelorette party."
"Bachelorette party? What bachelorette party? You never said anything to me about a bachelorette party?" Charlie looked confused and hurt.
"Come on Charlie. You knew we would have bachelor and bachelorette parties. What's wrong?" Kelley looked at him confused.
"Hey why are you doing it so early?" Don interrupted before Charlie could answer Kelley's question.
"Well Amanda and Megan are finishing up school and the only time they could get out here for a weekend before the wedding was on the 25th so they decided to do my party then." Kelley answered his question but was still concerned with the hurt look on Charlie's face.
"Well that makes sense. So what are you girls up too that weekend?" Don looked curious.
"All I know is they are going with me to look for my dress on that Friday and then the rest of the weekend is up to them, and they are not telling me anything." Kelley smiled up at Don. "Why don't you guys do Charlie's bachelor party that weekend too? It'll keep his mind off what I'm doing."
"And what will you be doing Ladybug, that Charlie needs to keep his mind off of?" Alan entered the room on his way to the kitchen to start dinner.
"Honestly Alan, I don't know what the girls are up too." Kelley began to pick up her wedding materials from the table. "I'll be in in just a second to help with dinner Alan."
"I assume you are referring to your bachelorette party?" Alan looked at her slyly.
"I am." She got up and started putting her stuff in a tote bag she kept all the wedding stuff in.
"Well that should be fun. And if I know Megan and Amanda they will have good times up their sleeves." Alan grinned and gave her a wink. "Just don't let those girls get you into too much trouble."
"Don't worry Alan, Megan Reeves and Elizabeth Patterson are helping with the planning too." She finished with her straitening. "They won't let them plan anything too riskay." She walked over to Charlie and kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna help Alan start dinner. And I'm sure G-Man needs you for something." She leaned in a whispered the next sentence. "We'll discuss the party later."
Charlie nodded. "Ok don't burn anything." He smiled at her jokingly.
"Ha ha. Very funny." She gave him a look and then followed Alan into the kitchen.
"What's up Charlie?" Don looked as his brother concerned. "You got really quiet when we started talking about Kelley's bachelorette party."
"No reason. " He shrugged. "So what's up? Got a case for me to help with?"
"Nah. I just wanted to talk to you about a bachelor party, and now that Ladybug has given us a date all we need to do is hire the strippers." He elbowed his brother in the side.
"No! Absolutely not! No Strippers!" Charlie threw up his hands in discuss. "Kelley would kill me!"
"I was just kidding Charlie!" Don held up his hands to calm his brother down. "I wouldn't want that short, little, lady pissed at me! No way! I was thinking about maybe a golfing weekend in Palm Springs. Maybe hit up some of the casinos there. Whatda ya say?"
"That sounds good." Charlie smiled. "Very relaxing and calm." He nodded his head. "Works for me." The brothers sat down and began to talk about what they might do on their Palm Springs trip.
After dinner had been cleared from the table, Charlie got an idea on his Cognitive Emergency Theory. Kelley, Alan, and Don did the dishes. Once the kitchen was completely spotless, Don and Alan settled in to enjoy a Dodgers game on TV and Kelley headed to the garage to check on Charlie. He was in his normal spot in front of the chalk board staring at it with an odd look on his face. He was so lost in thought he didn't hear her come into the garage, so she slipped up behind him and put her arms under his to hug him from behind. He smiled and put his hands over hers.
"Hey you." She laid the side of her face on Charlie's back. "You've been really quiet tonight. You ok?"
Charlie turned to face her and put his arms around her waist and she returned the embrace. "I'm fine I just never really thought about you having a bachelorette party or me having a bachelor party." He let out a long sigh. "I don't know what the girls will set up for you and I'm afraid to ask what Don has planned for me."
"I thought you guys were going to Palm Springs for golfing and casinos?" Kelley smiled sideways at him.
"That's what Don says, but I think Colby and David are helping him, and there is no telling what they will come up with." He laughed and shook his head.
"Ahh. You mean strippers!" She grinned at him.
"Yes I mean strippers. I told Don no, that you would kill me, but you know as well as I do he's gonna do what he wants." He put his hands over his face.
"Charlie it's not that big of a deal. Stuff like that happens at bachelor parties." She pulled his hands from his face and looked at him. "You know I trust you. I know you might look but no touching." She kissed his nose. "Right?"
"Right." He lightly kissed her lips. "Now do they have male strippers at bachelorette parties?"
"Maybe." She smiled slyly.
"Maybe? Wait a minute. You mean some buff guy in a g-sting could be dancing more than half naked in front of my fiancé?"
"Yeah but you know I don't go for the buff guys." She leaned in close until her lips were almost on his. "I find the math geeks so much more sexy." She kissed him gently.
"Well what if they get a math geek stripper?" He asked with his best serious look.
"Oh my gosh Charlie you worry too much!" She grinned at him. "Now I have a little homework to work on and you looked pretty into your work here. So I'm gonna head to the couch while you work."
"Just think only one more month of school and you are done with you Master's." Charlie watched her get out her backpack and settle in on the couch.
"Yeah. Remind me again why we decided to get married only a month after I graduate?" She gave him a slightly stressed smile.
He joined her on the couch. "Umm so we could have a two week honeymoon before I have the math conference in July."
"Ahh two weeks on the beach in the Bahamas." She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes trying to imagine the relaxation. "Sun, sand, drinks with the little umbrellas." She raised her head and looked at him. "But most importantly two weeks of no school, no wedding planning, no cases, and no distractions. Just me and you and nothing to worry about."
"I can't wait." He kissed her gently. "Just keep that in mind while you work on homework." With that he got up and headed back to his boards and left Kelley to work on home work.