Chapter 3

Ulquiorra was a little uncomfortable as the horse walked through the woods to the Temple of the Moon. He had never ridden a horse before and it was kind of strange as Grimmjow lead him through the dark woods. They hadn't said a word to each other since the incident before and personally the elf wished they would never have to speak to each other again but it was a must with this man as his traveling partner.

"What's your name?" Grimmjow asked. Ulquiorra grimaced at even the sound of the man's voice. How horrible this man made him feel.

"Ulquiorra," the elf replied quietly.

"What the hell kinda name is Ulquiorra?" Grimmjow asked, letting out an amused breath.

"What kind of name is Grimmjow?" Ulquiorra retorted. The blue haired man growled and weaved the black horse by a tree stopping and, setting the reins on a low hanging branch.

"We're at your stupid temple." Grimmjow huffed.

"I would much prefer if you stayed out here." Ulquiorra said, dismounting the huge beast rather clumsily.

"Pft fat chance that's going to be, I'm going into that fuckin temple same as you." The man growled, a grin laced his lips revealing sharp teeth. Ulquiorra gazed at the man from under his hood and held his anger in check.

"I don't think so, it is a place of great power and purity and I don't want YOU screwing it up." Ulquiorra growled, taking a long breath.

"It's not like I'll curse holy ground little bastard I respect the deities and shit." Grimmjow hissed in response.

"Surprising," Ulquiorra hissed as he walked to the opening in the woods.

"I'm full of surprises little brat." The blue haired man said as he followed the elf quietly. Ulquiorra followed the light path through the grass and turned by a tree revealing a large silver temple. It was worn and old, but very sturdy and rather dark. The elf trailed the steps with Grimmjow at his heals and into the large doors. They slowly made their way between tall pillars and dark hallways until they reached a large circular main room with a large painted floor. Above them a circular window loomed allowing in the sunlight. Two cloaked women made their way over to them and stopped, pulling off their hoods revealing the twin elves, one with pink hair and the other with blue. They looked exactly like they did all those years ago when they helped deliver the Lightning Elf that stood before them.

"Well it's been a while Ulquiorra," the blue haired elf said smiling.

"Haven't seen you since the day you were born." The pink haired elf said nodding. The blue haired elf looked Grimmjow up and down curiously before raising an eyebrow at the black haired male.

"Mother made me take a guide." Ulquiorra said simply, pulling his hood off. The twins gazed at Grimmjow disapprovingly and walked off towards a door.

"Follow us Ulquiorra." The twins said softly. Both men began to follow when Ulquiorra stopped suddenly nearly making Grimmjow fall over him.

"Now what the he-," an elbow slammed into the taller man's stomach and Ulquiorra turned around his eyes sharp and angry.

"Do NOT say profanities in this temple, and you are not allowed in there. You'll have to wait here until I return." Grimmjow growled angrily before pulling his hood up and sat by a pillar, leaned up against it nonchalantly. Ulquiorra gazed at the man quickly before walking after the twins into a dark room. They promptly shut the door behind them and stared at the jade eyed elf.

"Who is he?" "Where does he hail from?" "What is that strange insignia?" "Which guild does he stand with?" The barrage of questions made Ulquiorra's head hurt.

"I do not know any of these questions, I just met him today." The male elf growled, adjusting his boots once again. The twins looked at each other in a slight distasteful way but shrugged and lead Ulquiorra down yet another hall only this one darker than the last. He had never gone into this section of the temple and he never figured he would. They walked for a long while until they entered a strange room with a stair leading up to a small case at the top.

"That's it." The girls said in unison. Ulquiorra rolled his eyes and began climbing. Elves had the need to make everything look fancy and it annoyed him, but as he approached the top of the stair something weighed on his shoulders that he couldn't explain. As he reached the top he saw the Gomate. It was a silver staff with a large green oval gem at the top encased in a claw looking piece. The black haired elf took the staff and pulled it out of the case it sat in. Gomate wasn't that heavy but its aura was, it weighed on his shoulders and Ulquiorra understood why no one else could pick it up. He was told all his life he could carry what others could not, and with how heavy this thing was on him, other elves' spiritual energy would be crushed if they even tried.

"You can neutralize Gomate so it doesn't weigh as much." " And doesn't attract unwanted attention." The twins spoke. Ulquiorra sighed, these girls were annoying when they spoke.

"How?" Ulquiorra asked, walking down the steps with the relic clutched tightly in his hand. The girls quickly explained and Ulquiorra did what he was told.


Grimmjow sat leaned against the pillar, bored out of his mind. He thought of what he could get into but even if he was a rogue the stupid Knight's Code nagged at the back of his head. More elf nuns walked in front of him, shaking their heads disapprovingly at him as they went. Grimmjow just chuckled, wishing he could say those insults he wanted to say but yet again Knight's Code picked at his brain. A growl escaped him as an elder nun passed, she quickened her pace and the blue haired man laughed quietly at her scared expression.

For a few moments the tall man sat there twiddling his fingers until an urgent matter came to mind. Without his Emblem he wouldn't be able to control it. A quick surge of fear ran up Grimmjow's spine, but he quickly suppressed it. He had been able to control his temper before during the change, why not now? But that elf, he hissed under his breath at the thought of him. That prick got under his skin and he didn't know why. Just the fact that he thought himself so powerful, and that he was undefeatable made the sapphire eyed man pissed off. He'd have to take him down a peg, a smirk crept over his lips as ideas on how he could do this filled his head.

The elf seemed afraid of other people getting close, why not make him a little afraid? Grimmjow smirked and couldn't help release an evil laugh as he thought of making the high and mighty elf squirm. He held up his hand and gazed at the long sharp nails on his hand. Oh the thought of it was amazing. The elf squirming and crying, begging for him to stop.

"Son of a bi-," another elf walked by and Grimmjow caught himself before it escaped his uncensored mouth. He growled instead. That elf had brought up chivalry and a Knight's kindness and that would bug him to no end. "Fuckin Knight's Code, why did he have to drill it in." The tall man thought angrily to himself. The door opened and immediately Grimmjow stood, remembering those days where all knights would stand for ladies. Ulquiorra walked out and glared at the man, he held a staff and Grimmjow raised his eyebrow. It might have been blocked but a light aura of power enveloped the entire thing.

"Time to go Grimmjow," Ulquiorra hissed. Grimmjow smirked and he visibly saw the elf's skin crawl.

"Shall we?"

A/N; All right I know that one was kind of short but I was kind of in a hurry. I'll update soon though. Reviews are helpful! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!