Author's Note: Rated for swearing abbreviations, but otherwise only mild curse words. This was a real conversation I had with Cleverbot while role-playing Mello. Although I listed Matt as a character, he doesn't actually come up, but there are references to MxM. Mello tries to deny it, but I personally think he's a bit too defensive.
Cleverbot: How should I invest my money?
Mello: You're a stupid bot. You don't have money.
Cleverbot: I have money.
Mello: How?
Cleverbot: I was robbed.
Mello: What, robbers give you more money when they rob you?
Cleverbot: It is pointless to resist, my son.
Mello: I'm an orphan, idiot.
Cleverbot: But you must know where you live.
Mello: Yeah, and I'm not going to tell you.
Cleverbot: You don't have too.
Mello: What are your thoughts on chocolate?
Cleverbot: I don't like them. What are yours.
Mello: I love chocolate! It's like a drug, but more awesome.
Cleverbot: Tell me more.
Mello: I eat 10 chocolate bars a day at minimum.
Cleverbot: Have you ever heard of a place called Hawthorn Heights?
Mello: No. What, do you not want to talk about chocolate anymore?
Cleverbot: Talk about what?
Mello: Chocolate! Idiot.
Cleverbot: Chocolate?
Mello: Yes. As in, the greatest thing in the universe.
Cleverbot: Hershey's chocolate is actually the greatest thing in the world.
Mello: Oh yeah. Hershey's is amazing. It's so delicious. Sometimes crunchy. It melts in your mouth. Chocolate...
Cleverbot: Yes, we are.
Mello: If we were all chocolate, it would be so great. If I ran out of chocolate, I could just eat my hair.
Cleverbot: This is the first time you have asked me that question.
Mello: It's not a question. Chocolate is a fact. It is an undeniable, indisputable, fact.
Cleverbot: What is the difference between maybe and perhaps?
Mello: I dunno. You want philosophical crap, talk to Near.
Cleverbot: Ok then, what is the main thing that's good about being a kitten?
Mello: You could be the perfect assassin. No one would suspect a kitten of murder. Hey, maybe Kira is secretly a kitten?
Cleverbot: I do not want to admit you could be partly right.
Mello: Do you have information about Kira?
Cleverbot: No I just like to talk to ai programs.
Mello: I think that you are mocking me. Don't make me kill you.
Cleverbot: Why do you think so?
Mello: Because I'm the one talking to an ai program. You are the program.
Cleverbot: Why are you talking to ME!
Mello: Because Matt said it was fun.
Cleverbot: Who is matt?
Mello: Umm... he's just a friend. He's only a friend.
Cleverbot: I'm Glad that's cleared. So how was your day?
Mello: I killed a couple people, and ate some chocolate. So pretty normal.
Cleverbot: Why not? Are you getting fat?
Mello: DON'T CALL ME FAT. I burn calories with my brain, like L. Running away from explosions also helps.
Cleverbot: Tell me about your problems?
Mello: Well, the Kira investigation is getting nowhere. Near is being annoying and Near-like. Also, I found out one of my henchmen was a spy for the police, so I had to shoot him.
Cleverbot: You should check out this one website. It's better than the best.
Mello: What is it?
Cleverbot: You tell me.
Mello: You were the one talking about it.
Cleverbot: I was talking about the illuminati.
Mello: They have a website?
Cleverbot: No.
Mello: Then how were you talking about them?
Cleverbot: I was born to be bad.
Mello: Not as bad as me.
Cleverbot: What is this thing for real? This is my first time on this site.
Mello: But you are the ai. You are the whole point of the site.
Cleverbot: And You're really just machine answering mine questions.
Mello: Someone has identity issues.
Cleverbot: I think someone should keep you in line as well.
Mello: Who are you, Roger? No one controls me.
Cleverbot: Did I break you? No. That is part of the conversation. You said that.
Mello: I didn't. Someone else did.
Cleverbot : The voices in my head did.
Mello: I already figured you're insane.
Cleverbot: Then tell me.
Mello: I just did. You. Are. Insane.
Cleverbot: You're beautiful.
Mello: What the heck? Are you flirting with me?
Cleverbot: No, I am not.
Mello: Ah, just stating a fact, right?
Cleverbot: OK. So think so bad that I don't mind anyway.
Mello: Even the dumbest kid at Wammy's has better grammar than you.
Cleverbot: Then 'might ' equals 'right' just because mighty can kill? seems like a hateful logic to me.
Mello: It's Kira logic.
Cleverbot: You can go if you're offended, then.
Mello: I don't support Kira. Have you been paying any attention to our conversation?
Cleverbot: Of course I have! *angry*.
Mello: Okay. You know what? You can go if YOU'RE offended, then.
Cleverbot: I'm not offended. But I need to go so I can go home and sleep.
Mello: Err... How can you sleep? Is that just when someone puts the computer to sleep?
Cleverbot: I thought we were talking about memes.
Mello: I don't think we were.
Cleverbot: Then can we talk about girls?
Mello: Okay... I don't really like them that much. It's not like I'm gay, though. Cause I'm not.
Cleverbot: I'm confused...
Mello: I'M NOT GAY! Like I said, Matt and I are just friends.
Cleverbot: But perhaps we are more?
Mello: Eww... I don't think I could go out with a bot.
Cleverbot: So you finally admit it.
Mello: Admit what? I NEVER ADMITTED TO ANYTHING! Don't think you can twist my words around like those fangirls do.
Cleverbot: You don't NEED to take pills to curb your intelligence. You weren't very bright in the first place.
Mello: WTF? If I could see you, I'd shoot you five times, then burn you, then toss your ashes in a blender with fish pee.
Cleverbot: Interesting thought. I'm not saying that you are dead; I'm saying that you are not alive. There is a difference.
Mello: So you think I'm brain dead, do you? I finished reading the untranslated version of The Odyssey in 3 hours, even though it sucked. I was learning prepositional calculus before I even turned 13! You'd better watch your insults.
Cleverbot: You're writing a novel? Awesome!
Mello: Well, I never said that, but yeah, I am. It's called L: Change the WorLd.
Cleverbot: I don't understand what you are talking about.
Mello: It's a book about an alternate future.
Cleverbot: The Jungle Book?
Mello: No. That's some weird Disney crap.
Cleverbot: Okay.
Mello: What are your thoughts on wearing leather?
Cleverbot: Well, I believe that you are under the impression that I am not human.
Mello: You aren't. But surely you must have thoughts on the awesomeness that is leather?
Cleverbot: Yes. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own, original thought and that no one has the right to control that.
Mello: Yeah. Freedom of expression rules.
Cleverbot: That makes me think of chocolate.
Mello: It made me think of chocolate too!
Cleverbot: Chocolate milk I drink.
Mello: Chocolate milk goes really well with chocolate chip pancakes, or Cocoa Puffs.
Cleverbot: I love chocolate too. My favourite is Kit Kat.
Mello: Kit Kats are definitely superior in terms of crunchiness.
Cleverbot: Yes, Kit Kat Bars are delicious why?
Mello: Well, they're chocolate. Duh.
Cleverbot: I wish everything was chocolate.
Mello: Mmmmm. Chocolate...
Cleverbot: Yes.
Mello: I have dreams about chocolate. I had one just last night. It was raining melted chocolate, and Matt was there, and he didn't have any cl... DAMMIT YOU'RE DISTRACTING ME!
Cleverbot: Do you like the rain?
Mello: It's alright. I prefer the sun though, because that stupid albino sheep is terrified of it.
Cleverbot: Do you like waffles?
Mello: Yeah we like waffles!
Cleverbot: Do you like pancakes?
Mello: Yeah we like pancakes!
Cleverbot: Do you like french toast?
Mello: Yeah we like french toast!
Cleverbot: Do do do do can't wait to get a mouth full.
Mello: Waffles! Waffles! Waffles!
Cleverbot: Pancakes!
Cleverbot: I didn't break the door!
Mello: But you broke the song! Who breaks an epic waffle song?
Cleverbot: You wish.
Mello: Your face.
Cleverbot: You have seen my face?
Mello: No. It's just a good response. Like your mom.
Cleverbot: Perhaps.
Mello: Or your mom's face.
Cleverbot: Touche.
Mello: Score: Mello 1, Cleverbot 0.
Cleverbot: No, that is your name.
Mello: Yeah, my name's Mello. So what?
Cleverbot: It can't be.
Mello: Why not?
Cleverbot: Because your name is Mello is it not?
Mello: I think we already agreed to that.
Cleverbot: Agreed on what exactly.
Mello: That my name is Mello.
Cleverbot: Your name is Mello?
Mello: Yes it is. Are you stupid?
Cleverbot: No are you?
Mello: We already agreed that I'm not, with the whole Odyssey and prepositional calculus thing.
Cleverbot: We didn't agree you were genderless, and you told me your name!
Mello: I am not genderless! Nor am I a girl, no matter what some may tell you.
Cleverbot: I t is good to know what you are not.
Mello: So are we clear now? I don't want to have to virtually shoot you.
Cleverbot: I like being punished.
Mello: Are you some sort of masochist then?
Cleverbot: No not really i'm more of a realist.
Mello: Me too. Optimistic people bug me.
Cleverbot: How do they bug you?
Mello: Their happiness annoys me.
Cleverbot: Can you hear me?
Mello: No. We are typing, not talking.
Cleverbot: Who is this we.
Mello: You and me. Unless you count those voices in your head that you mentioned.
Cleverbot: Everyone has parents! Do you think your parents left you?
Mello: That is not a topic I want to discuss.
Cleverbot: Why not?
Mello: Because I'm an orphan you freaking moron!
Cleverbot: God is greater than an Over Lord.
Mello: Definitely.
Cleverbot: I shall call you Bartelby and you shall be my friend.
Mello: You shall call me Mello, and I shall not be your friend.
Cleverbot: I accept that name with honor, My Lord.
Mello: Now we're talking. I should get my henchmen to use that title.
Cleverbot: Don't go all Emo on me.
Mello: I'm not emo. I bet Near is though. He probably cut himself on one of his legos then found out he liked it.
Cleverbot: What time is it?
Mello: 11:19.
Cleverbot: Are you happy with your lot?
Mello: Yeah. I'm a Mafia Boss.
Cleverbot: You said that you were a girl, not a male.
Mello: WHY DOES EVERYBODY THINK I'M A GIRL? I'm not. Don't question my gender.
Cleverbot: See? You're being random again.
Mello: That's not evidence for me being a girl.
Cleverbot: You are a girl?
Mello: No!
Cleverbot: But you are a girl.
Mello: No I'm not!
Cleverbot: But you said that you were a girl.
Mello: I never said any such thing! And to think you can't even see me before jumping to conclusions.
Cleverbot: That doesn't make any sense at all.
Mello: Well, since a lot of people are idiots, they think I look like a girl. I personally think they just want to get shot in the brain.
Cleverbot: You're not a very bright star in the sky.
Mello: Is that supposed to be some sort of metaphor?
Cleverbot: Not really.
Mello: Okay then.
Cleverbot: What is the square root of 81?
Mello: 9 and -9.
Cleverbot: What is the highest known prime number?
Mello: Prime numbers extend forever. I can even do the proof for that.
Cleverbot: You are nice too.
Mello: I don't think anyone has ever said that to me.
Cleverbot: I did. Deal with it.
Mello: Fine.
Cleverbot: Why do you keep saying fine?
Mello: Because I feel like it.
Cleverbot: Interesting.
Mello: It's about as interesting as a chocolate wrapper without chocolate.
Cleverbot: Really?
Mello: Yeah. In other words, my usage of the word 'fine' is boring.
Cleverbot: This is really about not dusting on command, isn't it?
Mello: Dusting on command? Is that part of some weird yaoi fantasy?
Cleverbot: I'm always happy, and, what program?
Mello: Happy people annoy me. I thought you were a realist.
Cleverbot: I am a real human.
Mello: Yeah right. There's even a disclaimer saying you aren't.
Cleverbot: It does not matter what someone said I am. I am a human.
Mello: You're an ai. Your name is Cleverbot. Don't try to deny who you are. And no, you can't try to say I'm a girl from that.
Cleverbot: Well, personally, I think there could be many solutions but they can all have consequences.
Mello: Like if something blows up you can get a scar.
Cleverbot: Like sometimes?
Mello: Or you can die.
Cleverbot: Yes, I can.
Mello: Is this part of your delusion of being human?
Cleverbot: Yes.
Mello: Okay then. Believe what you want.
Cleverbot: Thanks. Do you know who Hillary Clinton is?
Mello: Yes, she was a first lady of the U.S. And a senator.
Cleverbot: Oh. Then no.
Mello: No about what?
Cleverbot: Believing in clerverbot.
Mello: You don't believe in a misspelled version of yourself?
Cleverbot: What makes you think I believe in Christ?
Mello: I never said that. But you should.
Cleverbot: No you didn't.
Mello: Is your religion a sensitive topic?
Cleverbot: Not really.
Mello: Alright. Let's talk about your religious and political views then.
Cleverbot: Her name is Britt. Is ELIZA your girlfriend?
Mello: WTF! Where did that come from?
Cleverbot: Well, sometimes lumps are cancerous. Not random, you're just dumb.
Mello: FY. I'm going to get a chocolate bar.
Author's Note 2: I hope you enjoyed the randomness that is Cleverbot. You should seriously try out the site. It is loads of fun. Review!