Chapter One


Disclaimer: I don't own Legend of Zelda, if I did then Link would be seen with his shirt off half the time (drool).

My father is a jerk, yet I believe he's the only man on this planet I actually respect. I know he only thinks of my best interest and, more over, what's best for me. But, summer camp at a ranch isn't my… first choice for a summer activity.

Being the mayor's daughter, I don't have a lot of say in things. Since my mother died, at least. Spending the entire summer with my uncle and cousin, Talon and Malon, at their ranch for summer camp has got to be one of the worst ideas he's had yet.

I moan, pulling on my father's suit as he finishes his mug of coffee, "Daddy… please, please, please don't make me go. I'm sixteen years old, why in the Sacred Realm would I want to spend summer with my lazy, old coot of an uncle and his hyper daughter? I have a life, you know."

He puts down his mug, letting out a heavy sigh. "Zelda Nayru Harkinian, we've gone over this before. I have more than enough meetings over the summer and after the last time I left you home alone-"

"It wasn't even a big party!"

He gently moves the golden hair out of my eyes, "Zelda, no. You're always focusing on your look and reputation. You have the blood of the Royal Family of ancient Hyrule. Do you think past Zeldas would whine and obsess over silly little things?"

I sigh; he always uses this against me. So what if I have the blood of the ancient Royal Family of Hyrule? I don't see why that should change how I act or think. All those stories about the "Hero of Time" are pointless and made-up. I mean, seriously, time travel? And, even better, the "hero" saved Hyrule from the Twilight by turning into a wolf and slaying a giant pig or something. I'll say it again, pointless and made-up.

He gets up, dusting off his dress pants and grabbing his leather wallet, "Zelda, tomorrow I'll drive you to the ranch. You're going to pack as soon as I leave to go to work and if you dilly-dally any longer, then you'll have an even worse summer." He walks out of the kitchen, his black dress shoes scuffing across the tiles. "Later, Zel. If anything happens just call me."
I say nothing, waiting for him to walk out of the door and lock it. Sighing, I grab my bags and pack. I'll be at a ranch for three months surrounded by putrid animals and strangers. All I'll have is Malon and she gives me a headache if I even think her name. Not that I don't love my cousin, she's just a hand full.

Falling back first onto my bed I let out a heavy sigh. "I bet past Zeldas didn't have to even lift a finger. That "hero" probably did everything for her." I look to my left, an old book; dad's trying to convince me of his "tales of the past Royal Family".

Rolling into a comfortable position, I grab the book. "The Legends of Zeldas: Hylian Tales of the Hero and the Princess" I laugh at the title. "Oh, daddy." I mutter, skimming over the pages.

"The Hero of Time then picked up the Master Sword, which can only be held by the hero or an ancestor of the hero, and went up to the Chamber of Sages in the Temple of Light. Rauru, Sage of Light, told him of his current position. He is a hero, the Hero of Time. His soul had been sleeping for seven years, now he has become a young man."

I roll my eyes at this story, "As if." Skipping ahead a few pages I stumble upon another part of the same story and decide to read it aloud.

"Our hero trembles, "Zelda!" he shouts, but it is no use. She is kidnapped by the King of Evil, Ganondorf, and carried away to his castle."

I shake my head; "My relative couldn't have been so weak. Why is the princess always captured and saved by a prince? Is this almighty Hero of Time a prince, anyway?" Going back a few pages I find the first chapter.

"In a deep forest in the land of Hyrule, every one was a child. In this forest, the children each had his or her own fairy. All but one boy had a fairy, and his name was Link."

So Link was his name, and he wasn't a prince. What a dumb name. Who'd ever name their kid that? I put down the book and kick my bags off of my bed. "I don't want to go to a stupid ranch, I don't want to read fairy tales that everyone basically worships and, most of all, I don't want to be here!" I get up and leave the house, running down my street to my friend, Saria.

"Zellie! What's up?"

"Hey Sar, guess what?" I mutter, looking down to my bare feet.

"What? What's wrong?" She says, her obviously-dyed-green hair falling in front of her eyes.

"I'm forced to stay at a ranch for the entire summer. I'm leaving tomorrow."

She pulls me into a hug, "It's okay, Zellie. I'm sure you'll make friends and ride a horse that'll you'll call your lover. Just don't forget bout little ol' me."

I pull away, "Either you're making a sick joke or you're taking my childhood dreams too close to heart." I say, laughing.

"Hey, it's your own fault for saying you were madly in love with a horse when we were seven!"
"Yeah, exactly Sar, we were seven!" I laugh, pulling my golden hair behind my ear.

"Well, I have to go meet Mido in a few, sorry our good byes have to be cut short." She says with a frown.

"Yeah, that sucks. For me, at least. You get to spend the entire summer with your boyfriend and I get to spend mine with a horse."

"And if he cheats on you, give me a call. Ranting free of charge." She smiles, giving me a hug.

"Thanks, Sar. You make a crappy girl like me feel like I'm a little less crappy."

"That's my job, sucks that I'm still not getting paid, but I deal with it." She pats my shoulder and turns, giving me a peace sign, "See you when school starts, Zellie. Write me!"

"I will, Sar!" I yell as I run up my street to my house. Breathing heavily I open the door, thanking the goddesses that I kept the door a hair open considering it was still locked. Tomorrow will be the first day of hell.

So, what'd you think? Pretty boring chapter, I know. But it will pick up in the next chapter. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Please review, I need inspiration to continue writing! Next chapter to be put up as soon as I get a break from my job with the library. So tiring, so very tiring.