Maverick Hunter KLN

*Disclaimer* I do not own Mega Man X nor do I own Elvin Lied. They belong to Capcom and ADV Films respectively but I'd be rich if I did. This fic is a what-if. What-if Lucy never became the vicious killer we know and hate but instead was raised by X w/his virtues of justice. This fic will be rated E10+ for everyone 10 and up or K+ for minor swearing and robot violence (non bloody).

- chapter 1 - Rescue

-somewhere in Yokohama-year unspecified

A strange light appears from behind a dark alley and heavy metallic clunking is heard probably from steel toed boots. Soon a figure emerged from the alley He was a strange sight dressed in odd looking blue armor while his lower torso/upper legs and arms were lighter blue and atop his blue helmet a large red gem shone in the bright summer sun. The man certainly looked out of place when he stepped out into the streets.

People made glances and some gave snickers and some hot-rodding punk teens in a custom hot rod vehicle no less drove err actually sped past him throwing some insults. "It's early for Halloween ya punker so go join the circus! Later lamer!"

-begin Wild Fang by Jan De Arc

The punks then drove off. The man seemed in thought and ducked into another alley and the pressed a button on his forearm in a flash of light he was clad in normal human clothes. The man wore a light blue t-shirt, dark blue jeans, had green eyes and messy/spiky brown hair, and white sneakers. The man walked along tapping his watch.

"(taps watch) Alia come in Alia dammit this thing why won't it work wait if I remember right I passed through a portal of some kind which means in logic I might not even be in Able City anymore. Let's see those street signs suggest I'm in Yokohama. Well I'll just have to look around for a bit until Alia finds out I'm missing. That might be awhile considering the mood she was in earlier. (shivers) Don't wanna go through that again."

X soon started walking along the streets of the city he wanted to enjoy it but it was so hot outside. X checked his internal temperature he was shocked to find the current temp outside was at least 89 degrees. X had to find somewhere cool or he'd overheat his systems. He spotted an orphanage nearby and decided that might have air conditioning.


X soon found relief in the cool air of the building and he sat himself down on a chair nearby some boxes. Unbeknownst to X however something very sinister was happening something that shouldn't happen. Two boys were about to beat a puppy with a vase while a third held a girl so the two could beat it. The girl pleaded for them to leave her only friend alone. But what was striking about the girl was her bright pink hair, red eyes, and most odd a set of horns on her head. "Please leave him alone he's my only friend! Please!" The girl pleaded to the boys.

"Freak we're gonna teach ya a lesson but good!" Said one of them.

X soon heard commotion from a short distance away and that meant only one thing for a Maverick Hunter Trouble! X ran down the halls to the source of the screams and shouting and it lead to an empty classroom. X slammed open the classroom door and what he saw sickened him two boys were about to beat a puppy with a vase while a third held a girl so the two could beat it. The four kids seemed a bit shocked to see this man pop up. One boy dropped the vase breaking it on the floor and the three made a motion to scram but the man was blocking the door preventing escape. The girl scooped up her puppy and ran into another corner.

"Don't even think about it. Now just what do you three think you're doing? Well answer explain yerselves!" The man said very angry at them boys giving a serious glare with his emerald eyes.

"She was uh um." Stammered one.

"You see uh um she was we were um." Said another trying to explain and doing a bad job of it.

The third just cursed. "Shit! The jigs up let's get outta here!"

X just blocked the doorway. "Oh yer not going anywhere until you all apologize to that girl. She and that puppy were no threat to you."

"Now get going (points to door) NOW! (mumbles) Kids today they've no respect for anyone nowadays. Now where'd that girl go? (sees her) Ahh." Soon the little brats tore out of the room while X walked over to a desk and sat himself down. The girl picked up her puppy but still she hid behind a desk unsure just who this man was and more importantly anyone who help her as most would've just ignored her or teased her. Just why was this guy here and why was he helping her when everybody else acted like she had the plague.

Soon the man spoke. "Why were those brats trying to beat your dog?"

"The kids here are miserable and some make the others miserable by tormenting them. The boys thought if they killed my dog they would make me suffer. (starts crying) Why does everyone hate me!" The girl cried and cried until finally getting the sadness from her system. She seemed calm enough to talk. "What's your name?"

"I'm Mega Man X or X for short I'm a Maverick Hunter." X said to the girl.

"A what hunter?" The young girl blinked confused.

"No-no you misunderstand I search out robots that turn on humans. My missions involve containment, capture and if the situation warrants it to destroy the Maverick. You haven't told me your name though what is it?"

"Lucy they call me Lucy."

"Nice to meet you Lucy. Those brats might come back, this is no place for a kid to grow up in. Tell me would you like to come with me? It gets boring around HQ Alia needs someone to look after." The girl looked at him with a sense of awe and confusion.

"I've got these disgusting horns why would you want me?" Lucy said depressed.

"Because I sense you've got a heart that yearns for justice. That's why and besides I've seen stranger looking Reploids than you so don't worry about it. Frankly Alia would find you adorable." X said ruffling up her rosy hair making her blush.

Soon with Lucy following after him the two went to the receptionist and she got her fair share of whispering, chuckling, and snickers. The kids seemed shocked that the horned freak was getting adopted and not them the "normal group".

"Wonder wbhy he wants the monster? Maybe he's got a lolita fetish." Said one boy.

"He's taking the freak little miss horn-head. Finally she'll be gone for good. Good riddance I say." Whispered one of the girls.

"What's she got that we don't?" Whispered another girl.

"Yeah how's that horned freak better than us?" Whispered some of the boys but X overheard thanks to his android hearing and he was disgusted by the kids lack of respect to and for others. The green eyed Maverick Hunter wheeled around and walk right up to the bratty urchins.

"Because Lucy has a strong sense of justice something the rest of you should care to learn sometime!" X half shouted at them. That shut them up.

-receptionist desk

X walked to the receptionist's desk holding Lucy's hand. The woman was busily typing up memos on adoption when X cleared his throat getting her attention. Her desk was cluttered with papers and files. The computer was way out of date by the internal scans X did on it.

"Yes how may I help you?" The woman asked with a hint of boredom in her voice.

"My name's Xaviour Light and I'd like to adopt this girl." The woman looked and seemed a bit shocked at the man's choice of child. The lady typed up the document for her adoption.

"Ok it's done but you'll have to wait three days to adopt her standard procedure." Lucy hugged X's leg and gave him the saddest look and X seemed in thought for minute until he shook his head.

"That's not possible you see Lucy here is a witness to an international crime. Because I work for a very important organization miss I don't want to lose her." The woman adjusted her glasses in bewilderment.

"Secret organization? What do you do?" Asked the woman curious.

"I could tell you but I'd have to kill you later. You see its top secret stuff nothing personal though." The lady then went beet red and cleared her throat obviously not wanted to die a horrid death. The newly adopted Lucy and X with puppy in tow went outside the doors and walked into the street.

"Alright take care and goodbye Lucy. (under her breath) Finally I got rid of her 'bout time." X happened to hear that remark and shouted back.

"I heard that woman!" X shouted still walking away leaving the lady in total confusion.

"I quit better jobs than this!" The lady grumbled throwing down her mouse.

-alley way

X led Lucy to the dark alley where he fiddled with his watch trying to get it to work. So far he wasn't having luck with it. "Piece of junk what's wrong with this thing! C'mon Alia come in!" X shouted at the gizmo strapped to his wrist. Suddenly the same portal that transported X to this place appeared almost ready to take him back. X took a look at Lucy and stooped to her level.

"Do you really want to go with me? It's a world very different from this one are you sure?" X asked Lucy simply.

"Anything'll be better than in that horrible place." Lucy said very sure.

X now a single parent walked along with Lucy and her pup into the portal. The portal closes in a flash of light vanishing from wence it came. Nobody would now at the moment but X's involvement with the horned girl but this seemingly kind event would shape future happenings further on in the years to come. Cue a young boy with his sister and their father were walking in a zoo admiring the animals. This boy unknowingly was saved from severe mental trauma. His name was Kohta.

-begin Angel of Darkness by Alex C. and Yasmin K.

-authors rambling

Well folks what do you think of this crossover fic? Oh and before anyone asks X will be the father figure she never had. But a question I should ask is when should the real story take place: should it take place during X7 (or have X7 be flashbacks) or during X8? I've done some number crunching and I've found the only way for Lucy to be a hunter is during X7 and X8 so X finds her sometime after X6. In fact by the time X8 rolls around she'll be 19 and source materials state the date is 2175 and during X7 she'd be 14 and the year 2170 so X finds her it would be the year 2163 sometime (X5 is in the year 2140 (I could be wrong) and X6 takes place 3 weeks after) after X6. Anyway enough of this bullshit and leave some reviews please.

PS I prefer X8 (I've beaten it over 20 times still tricky to do) Anyways bye for now this writer TURP signing off.