I was crashed down across my lovers comfortable, but unnecessary golden bed, waiting for him to come back from a hunting trip with his brothers, Emmett and Jasper. I was actually glad for the bed that Edward brought after he insisted 'sleeping on a couch was no good for the position and comfort of my back or neck.' as it was helping me relax from an entire weekend of been dragged around the shops by Alice and Rose, oh that and not to mention Bella Barbie, of which torture I had just previously come from. I rolled over to get more comfortable, when suddenly I heard a loud shriek from what sounded like a distressed pixie, Alice. She came flying into my room panic in her wider than usual eyes. I instantly got worried, what had she seen, was it Victoria? I had managed to make so many 'enimies' in the past ear since I started dating Edward, my vampire love, yet one simple move would solve these, however my annoying vampire of a fiancé, seemed so persistent to put off the day I became whole, became one of him, them, become a vampire. Then it struck,

'Alice what did you see, was it Emmett, or Jasper or-or E-Ed-Edward' I started chocking up not my Edward, my love, my life, what had happened. I knew it wasn't Jasper because even though Alice loved her two brothers, Emmett and Edward, she would always react more seriously towards Jasper as she and him where mates like me and Edward where.

'No, No' Alice said if you keep wriggling around in your bed like that you will ruin your hair and me and Rose will have to start over again' Alice thrill, high pitch voice stated. Oh god I sat up straight in Edward bed careful not to disrupt my hair anymore purely from the fright of having to put up with any more Bella Barbie. Alice smiled. I was about to ask her how long until the boys arrived home. When suddenly she stated,

'Exactly 2 minutes and 40 seconds' I gave a sigh of relieve, that meant 2 minutes 40 seconds until I saw my true love Edward, 2 minutes 40 seconds until I could snuggle up in his arms, 2 minutes 40 seconds until I would feel complete again.

Alice pranced out of the room leaving me to my thoughts. I knew I had to do something to pass the short amount of time until I see my love, my angel because sat here just waiting would make the time pass at a torturing pace.

I got up and paced the room looking for something that could entertain me for a few minutes that would make the time go quicker. I quickly came to two conclusions I could choose some music for Edward to place on as he returned, or I could go to the living area to where his piano was. Edward had begun to teach me piano a few weeks ago I wasn't very good however Edward could be very encouraging sometimes….. I was hopeful eventually that I could come up with a Lullaby for Edward as he was the only member of the family now that has not got one.

After a few seconds of debating I decided the music was the better option as it was more private in his room than the living area and I didn't know where the rest of the family where- but I however was hoping to get a few moments alone with my love to welcome him home.

I moved over to Edwards large music selection on the way me been the klutz I am stumbling over nothing, but managing to catch myself before I brought Edwards prized collection of CD's tumbling down with me. I began browsing through the CD's when I heard a tinkering laugh come from downstairs, Alice I thought. I didn't think too much into it however as was been careful not to disrupt any of the CD's to much so they did not come falling down on top of me.

I started on the second shelf and slowly worked my way up through the shelves of Cd's. I wasn't sure what music I was looking for but I knew, I would know once I find it. Eventually I had to reach for a chair as I was struggling to be in plain view, to see the titles. I tried to speed up a bit as I knew Edward would be home soon. As I started flicking through the CD's, I saw something move on one of the covers. I turned around but there was nothing there. God I must be seeing things that's what a weekend with Alice does! I continued flicking trough the Cd's when I thought I saw something run atop one of the Cd's, but when I turned all there was the shadow of the shelf above.

'Dear Lord I really am cracking up' I mumbled to myself. I though I heard a light snigger from below however I wasn't sure as it had been so silent.

A few moments later I stumbled across a special copy of Clair De Lune that I had never seen before. I went to pull it at. At the same time I felt a ticklish sensation on the back on my hand. In what seemed slow motion I looked down and screamed.

There staring up at me almost taunting me was the biggest spider that I have ever seen. It was jet black and had legs as long as my fingers, he was so big that at a quick glance I could see all 8 of his eyes….EUGH…..but the worst part was how hairy he was.

I was very surprised that I noticed this from a quick glance but meh… I realised that's what you get for only hanging out with vampires who I super sharp eyes and speed.

I burst out screaming and jumped back forgetting that I was standing on a chair, flapping my hand to get the giant monster off me and felt my self falling backwards. I closed my eyes and braced my self for impact with the floor…

I was still screaming my arm madly flapping above me I was mere cms from the ground, when I suddenly felt to strong arms wrap around me, catching me from what was promising to be a nasty bang to the head.

'Bella love are you alright? Did you get hurt?' murmured Edward looking into my eyes, as slightly panicked look across his glorious features. I however could not respond as I was glancing around my body ensuring there was no sign of a spider anywhere. I checked my arms my legs even my stomach. Where had it gone? I could feel a lump start to grow in my throat and could feel the tears start to over whelm my eyes. Just if I could see that damn spider I could calm down! Had it scuttled across the floor and hidden? What if it had ran up my clothing. Oh god what if it had? I couldn't help it I felt the tears start to fall over at the concept there could be a spider in them…on me!

'Bella! Bella!' Edward had a mixture of emotions showing on his face, panic, confusion, anger? 'Are you hurt? What happened?'

'No, N-No' I managed to stammer out through the tears, as I was starting to shrug out of my jacket.

'Love, are you hot?' Edward said 'Do you have a fever?' What happened?' I managed to shake my head again the tear still endlessly running down my cheeks. I took my shoes and socks off as a look of confusion over powered Edwards face for a moment, and then stood up to shake my T-shirt. I suddenly felt two large, cold pair of hand take hold of mine and lead me over to the large bed. A worried looking Edward started to try and calm me down and stop my tears by whispering sweet nothings into my ear, and wiping my tears from my cheeks as quickly as they fell.

A few minutes later I was cuddled up in Edwards arms calmer but still apprehensive as I still didn't know where the spider had gone.

'Can you tell me what happened now sweetheart' Edward said pulling me in and kissing my head lovingly.

I turned around to see him and instantly saw the fright, confusion and pain in his eyes. I instantly felt bad for not telling Edward straight away and so I started to tell him all that happened

'Oh Edward he was horrible, he scared me half to death, which is what made me tipple backwards off my chair, there's such hideous monsters Edward and it was huge, it started crawling up my arm looking at me as if it was taunting me. An-nd the worrr-st thing is I-I don't know wh-wher-where it went.' I started sobbing again.

'Sweetheart' Edward said softly rubbing soothing circles on the back of my nape. 'Calm down, and tell me what it was' I took a couple of deep breathes, hiccupped and then went on to tell Edward.

'It was jet black, and giant oh I hadn't seen one as big before, all its eyes where staring at me and it was so, so hairy. It was disgusting!' I said pleased that I seemed able to hold back the tears. I could see Edward had brought out his best poker face, his eyes held no emotion like the rest of his face. However I could see the slight strain on his lips as he tried to hold back a chuckle.

'But, love what was it' he repeated

'A-A-A spider I part moaned part cried, 'but I have no idea where it has disappeared to' I stated starting to well up again. 'Edward' I pouted 'can you catch it?'

'I will try my hardest my love but it will be hard to find and could be in any nuck or cranny' he replied

'Cant you just…smell it out' I asked unsure if that was an impolite thing to ask a vampire.

'Love, even with you out the room it doesn't have much blood at all, so your smell over powers it, creatures such as spiders are very hard to smell out due to this and mostly need to be the only blooded….creature in the area' Edward stated.

'But you will try' I trembled; fear of the spider still been loose was starting to upset me again.

'Yes, I will try' Edward said, as he stood and started to search his room top to bottom. I wrapped myself into a cocoon in the centre of the bed, until I knew the spider could not strike again. Fifteen minutes later Edward had turned his room upside down. 'Maybe your screams scared it so it ran out of my door and to another part of the house'

'Okay' I said reluctantly, feeling slightly better that Edward was with me here now and had used his super sight so he couldn't have missed it surely!