Summary: 60 years POST BD: Edward and Bella are in high school once again. A new student is very interested in Edward. And if having someone after your husband isn't enough, Bella has been having weird feelings lately, feelings that resemble certain human ones...

*A/N: Hey everyone, this is my first fanfiction story so please don't be too hard on me. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or typos. Thanks for reading and don't forget to review. _

Chapter 1: Tiffany De Lisa


I was curled up on the couch with Edward pretending to sleep. Every so often, we take our night to "sleep" as humans would do. Emmett calls it a waste of time but to us it is pleasurable. Being together in silence is very comforting and peaceful sometimes. That is until Alice gets a hold of us...or rather me.

"BELLA YOU HAVE 2 MINUTES TO GET IN MY ROOM!" she screamed from her room.

"10 more minutes Alice" I mumbled against Edward. I knew she could hear me just fine.

"I've given you the whole night to cuddle with your husband. Now all I ask if for a simple hour of your time. Don't make me come over there." She threatened.

"I think it's best if we get up love. We wouldn't want to get on Alice's bad side now would we?" Edward whispered in my ear.

"Fine." I grumbled and untangled myself from Edward.

It's been nearly 60 years years since the whole Volturi ordeal. Edward and I have been closer than ever, I loved him more each passing day, though I never understood how that was possible. As for our daughter Renesmee, she and Jacob just celebrated their 48-year wedding anniversary. Jake kept phasing so that he could stay young with Nessie but it was hard for him since most of the pack members have passed away. Lucky for them, there was no drama in their love story. Jacob respectfully waited the whole seven and a half years it took Nessie to finish growing before confessing his undying love for her. They've been inseparable ever since. They got married five years later. Surprisingly Edward didn't kill Jacob. In fact, they've become very close friends, like brothers. I was happy my daughter and best friend got there happily ever after just like I did.

"BELLA 30 SECONDS." Dam pixie. Better get it over with. It's unbelievable that even after twenty years as a vampire I'm still a regular victim or Bella Barbie. I guess some things just never change.

I walked into Alice's room to let the torture commence. I knew what was coming. It was our first day back at school after Spring/March break. Why this day was different from any other day is beyond me. Alice will be Alice. She will use any excuse for a makeover.

"Finally Bella. I was beginning to wonder whether or not I would need to drag you here. Now sit. I've chosen the perfect outfit for you to wear." She said as she scattered off into her over sized closet to get me my close for the day.

"Why is today so special Alice?" I asked while she came out with a short silver Dolce and Gabbana dress, navy blue open toe Christian Louboutin high heels, a white Gucci knee length cotton jacket, a Coach Purse and Versace sun glasses.

"Alice there is no way in hell I'm wearing that!" I exclaimed backing away.

"But Bella, she wined like a five year old, you have to. There's a new student starting today and you know how I feel about first impressions."

"Why in the world would I want to look like I'm on my way to a weeding? It's high school Alice! No one dresses like that." I argued.

"They would if they could Bella. Trust me it's going to look fabulous on you. And besides, Edward will love it." I can tell she really wants me to wear it when she pulls the Edward card.

"Edward finds me beautiful in anything I wear."

"Of course he does but he'd prefer you wear something flattering. Come on Bella! What husband in their right mind wouldn't want to see their wife in this?" She waved her hand up and down like those models that are show casing an object.

"Please at least give me something more casual." I tried to reason.

"I would but like I said, a new student is starting today. She'll be all over Edward and I'm just trying to help you put her in her place." She knew I wouldn't say no now. Some insignificant human is going to try and get my Edward? I don't think so. I know he'd never take notice to her or any other woman for that matter but this new girl is going to have to learn that he is mine.

"Fine you win." I agreed.

"Yay! She screamed. I can't wait to see her face when she sees you. Oh and, she'll try to talk to you to learn more about her competition" She said making quote marks in the air on competition. "Don't be a bitch with her though. Wait for her to make the move first. Be the little shy sweet girl we know and love first. Now go and get changed. I still need to do your hair." She finished, pushing me out the door.

I went back to my room to get dressed and looked myself in the mirror. I had to admit, I looked good. That'll show her whose boss. I went back to Alice's room for the final touches. She let my hair down to the length of my breasts and straightened it. It made it look more casual that way. She added the navy blue necklace that matched the heels and was a gift from Edward for our anniversary this year. Of course, it was blue since it still remained his favourite color on me. Once she was done, I went down stairs to join Edward. He was wearing dark denim jeans and a blue polo that showed off his toned chest. Alice must have picked out his outfit as well because his shirt matched my heels but not in a way anyone would notice. He smiled when he saw me descending the stairs. "You look extraordinarily beautiful love." He whispered in my ear and bit down on my ear lobe.

"You don't look to bad yourself, Mr Cullen." I answered, half dazed from his breath on my face.

Alice threw the keys for my new car at me. "Here, take the Bugatti. It'll look good with your outfits." She said with a smile. Great, now we were coordinating cars too. I caught the keys and rolled my eyes. Edward decided it was time to get me a new car and since I took a liking to fast cars, he thought it was acceptable to buy me my very own Bugatti Veyron, most expensive, most powerful and fastest car in world. This would be the first time we take it out in public. This should be fun, I thought sarcastically.

"We better get going love." Edward said as he started taking the keys out of my hands. I snatched them back. "Nice try. But I'll be the one driving since it is my car." I answered with a smile. "See you guys at school." I added while taking hold or Edwards hand and heading towards the car.


Omg check out that car!


Sweet ride! Maybe they will let me drive it.

Who is driving that baby? I should ask her out!

These were the thoughts that were swirling around in my head from the student body. After about two years at this school you'd think people would get used to the Cullens cars. We haven't exactly been broad casting our wealth either but it seems pretty obvious. We normally don't show off our cars in public so we have a better chance of fitting in. With the car we're driving today, all that effort was useless. We were now located in another small town of the Olympic Peninsula, Lilliwaup. It was far enough from Forks that we shouldn't run into anyone from there but even if we did they probably wouldn't remember us. They would be in there late 70 by now.

Bella parked the car and I went to the driver's side to help her out. I took her hand and pushed her against the car to kiss her.

The Cullen's. Figures.

Why would he kiss her? She's nothing special.

If only he were mine...

When they finally break up I'll make sure to be her shoulder to cry on. Chicks dig that shit. Then I can sleep with the Bella Masen.

Stupid humans. When will they grasp the fact that Bella and I are meant for each other and not going to break up. We weren't just an ordinary high school couple. We were married for twenty years for god's sake. I hope one day they'll understand the meaning of the word love.

Bella and I began walking towards the building and to our lockers when Emmett showed up.

"That was quite a performance you guys did out there. I was sure Eddie boy was going to take you on the roof in front of the school." He said. Bella looked like she would be blushing if she still could.

"For the last time Emmett. I told you not to call me Eddie!" I growled at him.

"Oh I'm so scared. Help me from the big bag vampire." He snickered.

"Shut it! Someone could hear you, you know." I hissed back.

"Will you two children stop it already? We have to get to class. I'll see you later Edward." Bella said giving me a quit kiss on the lips and walking away. I looked at my watch. If I didn't get a move on I would be late for my history class. When I got there the teacher was running late. Thank god.

As I took my seat in the back of the class near Leanne, I heard her talking to the new girl. Leanne was the wanna be queen bee. She had the right character for it. She could get any guys she wanted, except us Cullens, to her disappointment, with her fake blond hair and big boobs. I listened in as I realized they were talking about me.

"OMG, who's that hotty?" Asked the new girl whose name I learned was Tiffany. He's so mine. She thought. Not going to happen, I thought.

"That's Edward Cullen. He's totally off limits."answered Jessica. For now, Tiffany added in her head.


"Yeah, Bella Masen." I was so happy when Bella decided to go by Masen. She said that since she couldn't be a Cullen with me she'd a least want my human last name so we'd still be bonded. That had made me love her even more. Like every time I thought of my wife, I caught myself wondering how I got so lucky.

"I can so take her."

"Good luck with that, you'll need it. Everyone in this school has tried to separate those two. No one has succeeded. They're like the IT couple." Hmmm, I didn't know we had been given that title.

"That's because he hasn't meet me yet. He'll be begging for me." Was this human so vein and naive? Who would what a girl as superficial as her?

"Wait until you see her though. She'll give you a run for your money."

"Why is she pretty?" Tiffany questioned. As if she can have anything on me, she added in her vile mind.

"More like drop dead gorgeous. She looks like a runaway model or something. They're all stinking rich. I mean beyond rich. Did you see the car she was driving? It must cost more than my entire house. She's on every guy's number 1 list." I had to contain a growl at that last comment. I'll never get used to men throwing themselves all over her.

"Maybe she was before me. Besides, when do high school relationships ever last?"

"Apparently this one does. They've been together since all of them moved here. They're said to have been dating since they were like 14." More like 62 years, I thought with a smile, reliving the last 60 years of pure bliss in my mind.

"All of them? How many are they?"

"Oh, the Cullens are eight kids."

"EIGHT?" she screeched.

"Ya, but they're all adopted. There's no way Doctor Cullen and his wife have teenage kids. They're like in their twenties."

"Omg. Why would they want eight teenage kids?"

"Who knows? Four of them are in our grade. Edward, Jacob, Bella and her twin Alice. Then there's Emmett, Jasper and his twin Rosalie who are seniors. And then there's Renesmee who's a freshman and Edwards sister."


"I know. The weird thing is though they're all coupled up. I guess it's not illegal since they're not actually related. Edward and Bella, Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett and Jacob and Renesmee. But Edward is the most gorgeous of all the guys and Bella and Rosalie are like tied for the girls. You'll understand when you see them. By the way, if you want to check out the competition you can easily talk to Bella. She's actually really nice if you're not on her bad side that is."

"I bet it's all an act for Edward. She's probably a real bitch in reality."

"You'll have the opportunity your next class. She's with you in Spanish." finished Leanne, ignoring Tiffany's last statement. I was so caught up in what they were saying that I didn't even realize that class was almost over.

*A/N: Please review. I have more chapters written and will be posted if I get good reviews. So press that button. I'll try to update once or twice a week. Thanks a million. 3