I was staring at him. He was amazingly beautiful. To bad he didn't even care about me.

I am Emma. I don't really know my last name because I was adopted by the Clearwater's. So it was just natural for me to be a Clearwater.

I bet you are wondering who this he is. Well this he is the guy who imprinted on me. Yeah I know how imprinting is supposed to work. Did you catch what the key word was their well just in case you didn't it's supposed.

Well let me tell you something. It doesn't, not with us anyway. See Jacob Black imprinted on me. Well because of what I am it just doesn't work. Because of this it is like I am just the suggestion that your best friend keeps annoying you about.

Jacob had never liked me and I had never liked him. That was ok though because I only saw him when I had to. Mom never let me go to the pack bonfires with them. I only really know because when Sam told Leah why he loved Emily I was in the room.

You think he would notice that I was their right? Well no. I have that effect on people when I want to. It is what some would call my power. How did I get a power right I mean normal people don't just get powers unless the are bitten by spiders or something right?

Well the answer to this is yes normal people don't but I'm not normal. I am half vampire. Yup my mom was human and my dad was a vampire. See after I killed my mom my dad split. So after the whole fast aging thing was done I set off to see the world. That was back in the mid nineteen hundreds.

After a while I felt like I wanted a family so I just kinda went to an orphanage and hoped for the best. While it worked out real good and now I have the Clearwater's as family.

So back to my power thing, well all I have to do is look at someone and think about them not seeing me. No I don't have to sit their and think that the whole time. I just do it once and then it stays. This creates the problem of me forgetting to make them notice me again.

No I didn't just forget to turn off my power towards Jacob. This was just how things where. He was in love with Bella and imprinted with me.