Slash. Punch. Kick. Turn. Duck. Twist. Lunge. Slash. Punch. Kick…
"Wow. Nice moves you got there."
Nightwalker completed the last spinning kick before returning his legs to the ground and turning round to face Scott, who had quietly come up behind him, with Jean. The glance they exchange lasted exactly one second, then Nightwalker was turning away, resuming his karate moves as if the pair watching him was invisible.
"Didn't realize you got all those kung fu moves too," Jean remarked, trying to break the awkwardness.
Still no reply from Nightwalker. Duck. Turn. Lunge…
"Ok. We're leaving now. Bye," Scott muttered.
Routine completed, Nightwalker turned round again to pin Scott with his peculiar, bi-coloured gaze. "Is there something else you need to say aside from comments on my moves?" he enquired coolly.
Scott's eyebrows rose up to greet his hairline. "Did we, you know, do something to you?"
"No. You didn't." With a smooth move of his hand, Nightwalker streamed some water onto himself, rapidly washing the sweat off his face and neck before returning the water to the bowl from where it came. With another disdainful glance at the pair, he begin to head for the door.
"Right. Um…So, we're cool, right?" Scott mumbled.
Nightwalker paused several feet away from Scott and skewered him with a glance designed to kill a man in three seconds flat. "Look," he said coldly, "let's get this straight now. I will fight with you. I will stand by your sides and help defend you. But I will never be your friend. So shut up with all the chit-chat and leave me alone."
"Is this about Raven?"
"Good to know you do have some brain cells after all," Nightwalker remarked. "Well then, good day to you two." With a mocking half-smile, Nightwalker made a beeline for the door.
"You know I didn't mean to hurt Raven," Scott protested. "I was just thinking about our safety and…"
"Oh, spare me that crap," Nightwalker snapped. "You didn't think at all. That's your problem."
Nightwalker was out the door before Scott could utter the second word.
"Hey. Are you alright?"
Nightwalker felt his shoulders slump slightly as Raven came up behind him silently. "Alright as alright can be, I suppose," he sighed.
"Why don't you just tell me what's wrong? Who's your half-brother? What's your problem with him?"
"Believe me, it's more than just 'problems' with him. Right now, I don't want to think about him at all. Maybe it was just a mistake. He can't be my brother. He can't." Eyes closed, Nightwalker rubbed his forehead.
"Family problems," Raven intoned dryly. "Tell me all about it. Who doesn't have family issues?"
Nightwalker felt his lips pulling into a mirthless half-smile. "Can't say anyone's family problems beat ours."
"I won't believe it until I get Karzor to confirm it first," was Nightwalker's reply. "I mean, it was just a vision…maybe it was a figment of my imagination…"
"I very much doubt it." Raven's dark eyes seemed to look into his very thoughts. "But whatever it is…you know I'm here for you."
"Thanks Raven."
"Never hurts to know someone else is in the same boat as you."
"Too bad it isn't for the right reason. I think I'm going to go and pry some answers out of Karzor now."
"And I'll go meditate. See you for some training with the others later?"
"Yeah, maybe." Provided I don't go crazy first!
Karzor. Monk Karzor. Can you hear me?
I hear you, child.
I need answers. I saw this vision and, and…
You saw your half-brother.
You knew? Nightwalker sucked in his breath. All along, you knew he's my brother? Why didn't you tell me? How could you keep this from me?
You had no need to know back then. And it was not the right time to tell you.
Trust Karzor to give his usual cryptic answers, Nightwalker thought, as he levitated several feet above the ground. Then it is true? He truly is my brother?
You can't choose your flesh and blood, Nightwalker. You know that. What you choose to do with that knowledge is entirely your choice.
Great to know I've got two psychopaths for my family.
Family? Family is not always about blood, and blood is not always about family.
Nightwalker sighed, aloud. Stared down at his hands. How many times had he fantasized about using his waterweaving abilities to force his father's blood out of his body? Dreamed about not being related?
And now he had yet another lovely family member to contend with.
We can't change our blood, Nightwalker. There is only choosing what to do with ourselves. Now, what will you do?
What I've always done. Fight back. Without losing myself in the process.. And find a way to tell Raven and the others about this illustrious brother of mine.
You know Nightwalker, I've never stopped believing in you. It's time you start to believe in yourself.
"How?" Nightwalker demanded aloud. "How? There's so much darkness in me. And sometimes I wonder how I ended up so different from my brother."
Because you are strong. Because the light inside of you is too strong to let the shadows darken it. So remember that. Remember who you are! You are not only your father's son. You are your mother's son too. And don't you forget that .
"Mother." Nightwalker's voice emerged on a whisper. His eyes shut as he thought back of the woman who had given him life, then walked out of it. For reasons so much bigger than either of them. For reasons his mind could never comprehend, yet still understood.
She'd be so proud of you, Nightwalker. And she loves you. Maybe you don't fully understand yet. But she truly did what she felt was best for you.
I know. I've always known. I've never fully understood it. And yet…a part of me knows why she had to leave me.
Karzor's hand seemed to tough Nightwalker's shoulder then, ever so lightly and gently. Then soldier on, child. Raven needs you. The Titans need you. And the world needs you. Don't listen to the other voices around you. Listen to your heart. Follow it. Your heart's voice has never failed you thus far. And it will continue to lead you on through your darkest moments.
And what do I do about my brother? Evil as he is, I don't know if I can bring myself to end his life.
You'll know what to do when the time comes. Follow your heart.
Karzor was already starting to withdraw, and Nightwalker felt a familiar pang of pain in his heart. Having Karzor talk to him was like having a father. A real father. He only wished the Azarathian monk was the one whose blood flowed through him instead of his blood.
Believe. Just believe. I know you will come through this as surely as the sun rises.
"I'll try," Nightwalker whispered, and raised a hand in goodbye.
In the back of his mind, he could actually hear his brother laughing at him.
Ha! Never think you're one of the good ones, brother. Deep down, you know the truth. From darkness you were born and to darkness you will return.
Yeah sure. In your dreams.
Goodbye for now, brother dearest. I look forward to seeing you soon. Very soon, in fact.
And I look forward to kicking your ass to the curb again.
His brother's faded at last, and Nightwalker exhaled, allowing his heart to resume its normal heartbeat. Slowly, he breathed in and out. In and out. Calmed his mind. Focused.
You are not your father. Nor your brother. You are you. And what you do is your choice entirely.
But who am I? A son of the darkness? A child of the light?
And it was then that Nightwalker heard Raven's voice cry out to him telepathically.
Nightwalker! Trouble in the city! You ready to handle this?
Ready as ever.
Pulling his hood over his head, Nightwalker raised his chin and went out to face whatever monster had struck again.
Wow! Feels good to be back after so long! Sorry I took so long to update this! Hopefully I'll get the next chapter up before long.