Hey guys, so I was a huge TT fan when I was like twelve, and I loved to read fanfictions. Now I'm in my late teens and a recent re-run made me want to go read some fanfictions again for fun, and I was surprised by the quality of some of the stories I found. I promised myself that I would not write a story, but within a week or creating an account and reading a few stories here I am. I guess I couldn't resist.

Anyway, in this story the titans are just normal teenagers. i used the real names of all of the characters that i knew, but I couldn't remember Starfire's and I don't think Jinx actually had a real name, so I made one up. For everyone who is not familiar with the Titans' real names, I'll give you a key.

Robin: Richard "Dick" Grayson

Raven: Rachel Roth

Beast Boy: Garfield Logan

Cyborg: Victor Stone

Starfire: Stacy Carr (made up)

Jinx: Lexi Smith

Red-X: Xavier Johnson

Sorry the first chapter is kind of short. Enjoy! :)

Rachel Roth wandered through the parking lot as she made her way toward the towering brick building before her. In large black letters the words "Jump High School" were sprawled above the school's main entrance. The petite girl struggled under the weight of her large, black L.L. Bean backpack. Apparently being a good student comes with the prince of looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Everyday that Rachel struggled to her car she cursed her decision to take up four AP classes for her Junior year.

As she passed through the glass doorway into the school's lobby, Rachel couldn't keep her expression from darkening as she examined her daily prison and her fellow students. Rachel certainly was no fashion queen, but she made an effort to not wander around in sweatpants and sandals with socks. Everyday she was amazed by what people actually though was acceptable to wear in public. Rachel was pretty proud of her personal style. It was soft and simple and made completely of her favorite dark colors. Today, she wore a black jersey dress that flowed from it's empire waist and ended mid-thigh. The dress had cap sleeves, but Rachel decided to add a light grey cardigan to protect her arms from the ever-changing fall weather. The outfit was simple all the way down to her plain black flats. Rachel loved her black ballet flats more than any of her other shoes. But she had to admit that her black, scrunched sued boots came in at a pretty close second.

Rachel was almost to her locker when she suddenly felt a huge weight lifted off of her shoulders, literally. She quickly turned her head to see her best friend, Richard Grayson, smiling down at her. He had gripped the top of her backpack and used his insane muscles to lift it with one hand so that it barley rested on her shoulders at all. Dick jerked his head to the side and Rachel slipped her arms out of the backpack straps and allowed Dick to plop the large bag by her locker.

"You really should consider finding a way to lighten your work load, Rae," Dick. "I mean, I know your mind can handle it, but I'm not so sure your body can." Rachel just shook her head. Her best friend had also adopted the role of big brother in the past few years.

"I'm not a delicate flower, Dick, I think my body can carry a backpack,' she told him, rolling her eyes. Dick began rambling about how having such a heavy backpack could give Rachel scoliosis or something, but Rachel just ignored him and began unloading her many books into her locker. She had AP US history first bell, but then she would stop off at her locker before going to her second bell study hall. Once she'd pulled out her books, Rachel zipped up her backpack and turned to face Richard. He was still talking.

"You should be more like me. I get good grades, but I don't try to carry over half of my body weight to school everyday. You just have to be well organized. Do second bell's homework during first bell, and third bell's homework during second bell, and so on." He smiled at his brilliant technique. The only flaw in his plan, Rachel knew, was that Dick rarely ever actually finished his homework in each class. Usually he was too busy flirting with whichever girl was graced by his presence for an entire fifty minute class.

"Sorry, Dick, I actually have to pay attention in my classes remember? Unlike you, I'm taking difficult courses." In response, Dick just stuck his tounge out and made a funny face, which Rachel also did in return. The two of them were so mature.

"Seriously guys?" asked a familiar voice standing off to the side of the aruing pair. "Isn't that a little third grade?" asked Lexi, one of Rachel's closest friends. She and Dick got along well, but the two wouldn't likely speek much if they weren't both such good friends with Rachel. Lexi was a little edgier, which was apparent when you looked at her bright pink hair and diamon nose piercing. She looked a litte rough around the edges, but she was the sweetest person Rachel knew, and one of her only other friends. Rachel was one of the people who would rather have a few close friends than a lot of friends.

In response to Lexi's sudden appearance, Rachel and Dick composed themselves and pretended like the entire incident had not occurred.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," said Dick, grinning. Rachel and Dick just stood side by side and smiled like two innocent children. Lexi rolled her eyes. Rachel, however, was extremely thankful for the playful normalcy. This is how she and Dick had been since they met their freshmen year, but lately things had been slightly off. Dick had become involved with a girl named Stacy Carr, a sophmore, at the beginning of the year. Rachel had never met the girl before, but she was polite when they were introduced. Dick had a tendency to bounce from girlfriend to girlfriend without a second thought, so Rachel wasn't exactly concerned that she didn't love this new girl. But now, Rachel feared that she should be concerned. Dick had been acting slightly weird and Rachel had never seen him like this. Stacy followed them around and lured Dick away from Rachel every chance she got. Dick talked to Stacy on the phone every night, which meant less late night phone calls between the two best friends. For the past two years Dick and Rachel talked on the phone at night all of the time, whether he was dating someone or not. Sometimes it was about homework, or they would gossip about other students and teachers, and complain about insane amounts of homework and unresonable rules at school. The two had developed fun phone games, too. Their favorite was called "Random Questions." During this game they would come up with the most bizzare stuff like, "So if you had to get into a fight with a school mascott at a football game, what mascott would you choose?" It ws just a goofy game between the two, and no one else seemed to get it. That was what made Rachel and Dick's friendship so great- no one else understood it. People always wanted to say that the two were secretly in love with one another, or something else that made the friendship less real, but it was never true. They were just the best of friends.

Suddenly, there was a flash of red hair and a sky blue skirt and Dick was gone. He waved at Rachel as he was being drug away by Stacy and called out that he would see her at lunch, or something to that extent. Rachel couldn't help feeling a little bit crushed. She just closed her eyes and reminded herself that Dick never got into serious realationships. If he was working this hard, he must really want in her pants. It shouldn't have been a conforting thought, but it was. It gave Rachel the false hope that her best friend wasn't slipping through her fingers. Rachel felt a light hand rest on her shoulder, and she looked up at Lexi, who stood a few inches taller thn she. Lexi's expression confused Rachel for a moment. She looked down at Rachel with a look of pity in her eyes. Just because Rachel was trying to fool herself into thinking everything was okay didn't mean she was fooling anyone else. But before Lexi could say any comfoting words, the bell shrieked and the two girls parted ways off to their first bell classes.

At the end of the day Rachel gathered her belongings and made her way to the parking lot. She hadn't seen Dick since he had been dragged off right before the bell rang, and Rachel couldn't keep this terrible dread from forming in the pit of her stomach. Something was wrong. He hadn't showed up at their usual lunch table today with Lexi, Garfield, and Victor. The five friends always ate lunch together. Was he avoiding her? It was all she could think about during her afteroon classes, and she had no idea what her psychology and physics teachers had been talking about. If she didn't dedicate the next few days to studying the material she missed in class, she was sure to fail the tests at the end of the week.

As Rachel approached her old, black car she noticed Dick leaning up against it. Her first reaction was beyond giddy. If he was waiting for her at her car then he couldn't be avoiding her! Rachel was about to let out a sigh of relief, and then she saw his face. He looked extremely anxious, like he was about to tell her something terrible. Rachel knew what he was going to say before the words exited his mouth.

"Hey, Rachel," he said as she walked up to her driver's door. "So, I just wanted to tell you that I asked Stacy to be my girlfriend today. I know you don't know her all too well, but I'm sure the two of you will get along great,' he assured. Rachel just nodded, too numb to speak. "I, well, I can't stay because I have to go to soccer practice, but I wanted you to know, since you're my best friend and all." With that he raced off toward the soccer field and Rachel just waved after him. Dick had never told her that he was dating someone like that. Last year he dated a freshman for two weeks and he never introduced Rachel at all. Something else was up. Something he wasn't telling her. Her stomach droppedd. They usually told each other everything.

That night Rachel layed in her bed after finishing her homework. It was 11:45 and Dick hadn't called her in two days, so Lucy figured he'd break himself away from his new girlfriend for five minutes to give her a call. But her phone never rang. By midnight Rachel was going crazy. The thought of losing her very closest friend and one of the few people she trusted in the whole wide world scared her more than anything else. The rational part of her brain told her that it was an irrational fear. Stacy had given Rachel no real reason to assume that she was going to end Dick and Rachel's friendship, but her gut said otherwise. Rachel knew she needed to talk to Dick.

She layed on her fluffy black and white comforter with her hand over her face and her phone on her ear. One ring. Two. Three. Seriously, Dick?Thought Rachel. He wasn't even going to answer? Thankfully, he picked up right before the call was sent to voicemail.

"Hey, Rae, whats up?' he asked. Rachel's nerves were going crazy as she slowly became an anxious mess. She needed to hear Dick say that everything was going to be okay. That Stacy was just another girl, but Rachel was his very best friend, his favorite person in the world.

"Not much," she told him, unable to hide the anxiety in her voice. Before he could ask any questions, Rachel blurted out, "Lets play random questions." There was a slight pause and it was obvious that Dick was confused- he could tell when Rachel was acting weird too. When he didn't say anything Rachel said, "I'll go first." Dick laughed a little bit. At least he would find out what was bothering her so much since she wasn't wasting time getting to the topic.

"Okay, shoot," he told her. Rachel took a deep breath and tried to calm herself so she didn't sound hysterical, paranoid, and insane when she asked the following question.

"What would you do if Stacy told you to stop talking to me?" This time, Dick didn't waste any time responding. His immediate reaction put Rachel at ease. He didn't have to think about it, as he shouldn't.

"Are you kidding, Rae? I'd dump her on her ass. You're my best friend, and nothing is going to come between us." Rachel almost began crying she was so relieved. Maybe her mind had just conjured up this insane situation after the incidences that had happened the past few days. Everything is going to be okay, she thought. "Is that what this is all about? You think I'm going to ditch you because I'm dating Stacy?" He asked. The tone of his voice made Rachel flinch. He sounded like he thought she was totally insane. Under any other circumstances, Rachel would have thought she was totally insane as well, so she didn't blame him.

"Yea, I don't know," she told him. "You've just been acting kind of weird lately and I was getting worried. I didn't know what was going on," She said in her pathetic attempt to create an excuse for asking such an absurd question to her best friend. What had she been thinking?

"Look, Rae, I've been really busy the past few days, but that's it. I promise," he said. Rachel smiled. "but I have to go, okay?" he asked. The two of them said goodnight and then hung up. Rachel's mind was put completely at ease. Dick always knew the right thing to say.

Okay, so please, please review! If you're not a writer than you can't really understand how encouraging reviews are. Also, I'm basing the situation with Raven and Dick that began in this chapter and will continue off of my own experience. Traumatic life experiences are always great inspiration, right? Haha, thought you'd want to know.