Title: Operation Make A Baby

Rating: M for later chapters

Pairing: Leah/Edward (Leaward)

Summary: Edward wants to start a family with Leah. Now all he has to do is convince his shape shifting wife it would be a good idea.

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything from Twilight!

IMPORTANT: Still have to avoid stress and boy is it annoying. Anyways...Big thanks to my mother for typing this up for me. She really is the greatest!

"What about Adonis for a boy?" I said as I flipped through the pages of the baby name book I picked up on my way home from my college classes in Seattle. "It originates from Greece you know. Adonis fell in love with Aphrodite. It's a strong name and considering who his parents will be I think it could be a fine choice. What do you think Leah?"

I raised my eyes from the book to watch as my wife who was pretending to be asleep pulled a pillow over her head with a muffled growl. I smiled softly at her obvious attempt to block me out. I would not let it stop me though. I was determined and Leah wouldn't change my mind. Not this time.

We had arrived home two weeks ago from our honeymoon and since then I had been trying to convince my wife to try and have a child. She was stubborn and refused to even discuss it. I would not let her attitude stop me from annoying her until she gave in. She may be stubborn but so was I. Also, I had 80 plus years of practice. It was only a matter of time.

"No?" I hummed as I continued flipping through the pages of boys names. I don't know how I knew but something told me when Leah did get pregnant she would be carrying a boy. A son who would have a family of vampires and mother who happened to be a shifter. A son who would be the apple of his fathers eye.

"Oh here is a good one." I straightened up in the chair I was currently occupying. "Declan which is Gaelic for full of goodness. Wouldn't that be perfect? What better name for the son of a vegitarian vampire. Declan Cullen. It rolls off the tongue don't you agree?"

The only response I got from my she wolf was seeing her pull the pillow tighter over her ears. "I'll take that as a maybe then." I went back to my search for the perfect name. I would suggest Harry out of respect for her father but I did not want to bring it up in case Leah did get pregnant but something went wrong. If Leah wanted to use his name I would let her be the one to suggest it.

After a few minutes I had become bored with the common names. My son would have a unique name. Every member of the Cullen family had to have an uncommon name. It was a tradition. Or it would be once I convinced Leah to have children with me. Well maybe not an uncommon name but one not used as much these days.

With a sigh I flipped to the back of the book. "Love what do you think of Xerxes? It is a Persian name which means Cheif or king."

Slowly the pillow moved out of the way to reveal Leah's slightly annoyed and slightly amused expression. "Xerxes? It sounds like a kind of birth control pill or something." My wife pulled herself into a sitting position with her legs crossed. "And Adonis? You do realize if we had a kid and named him Adonis he would be bullied for the rest of his life right? It seems like you have a complex. What's with all these wierd names anyway? Is our non existant kid to good for a regular name such as Ben or Tom or even I donno Alexander?"

Snapping the book closed I went over to the bed to sit next to my wife. "Alexander is a wonderful choice love. A strong and powerful name. Alexander the great. No one would dare bully a boy with the name of Alexander. Good idea love." I placed a kiss on the top of her head and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Edward I'm not even pregnant yet." The she wolf sighed and ran her fingers through her tangled hair. With a shake of my head I removed her fingers from her hair and picked up the brush from the bed side table. I started combing through her dark locks. "I know you've been all baby crazy lately but do you honestly think we are ready to bring a baby into this world?"

I placed my free hand on her shoulder and began to rub her tense muscles. For some reason Leah had been very stressed lately. I knew something was bothering the love of my life but I couldn't figure out exactly what it was. When I tried reading her mind she would block her thoughts.

I would have to see if Rosalie would be willing to speak with her. I'd ask Renesmee to do it but lately since we had arrived home and my daughter learned I wanted to have a baby with Leah, she'd been annoying her stepmother even more than I. Ness was a sucker for kids and she hated being an only child. Plus if Leah didn't agree to have a baby or atleast try soon I feared my daughter would try convincing Seth they should have a baby together. I wasn't quite ready for that step yet.

I figured Rosalie would be the only one my wife would be willing to open up for. Rosalie of course wanted Leah to have a baby and yet she was very skilled at hiding her excitement at the idea. Instead she'd listen to the she wolf and agree with whatever Leah said. Rose knew how to stay on the new Mrs. Cullen's good side.

Shifting Leah so she was sitting in my lap, I rested my chin on her shoulder. "I do think we are ready Leah. We have the money needed to pay for anything the child will ever need. We have room in the house or if you are not comfortable with living in the house with the rest of our family we could buy or even build a home." I kissed her collarbone and felt her shiver. "I love you Leah and I want a baby. Can't we atleast try?"

"There are things you haven't considered Edward." My wolfy wife pulled away from me wearing a frown. She took my hand in hers. She wasn't screaming yet and for that I was thankful. Since the whole almost honeymoon disaster we've both agreed to talk things out rationally.

"I know you missed alot of the toddler and baby years with Nessie because of how fast she grew and I think that's the real reason you've gone all baby insane. If we were to have a child how can I be sure you wouldn't-" She stopped talking abruptly and her eyes widened. I came to the conclussion she had been about to spill what she'd been hiding until she noticed her slip up.

Grabbing her arm when she tried to stand I pulled her back down to the bed. "How could you be sure I wouldn't what?" When she lowered her eyes from my face I knew I would not like the answer to my question. "Leah what wouldn't or would I do that displeases you so? Leah please, you can talk to me, you know you can."

"Edward I have a long day ahead of me. Can we not do this now?" This time I let her stand up because I knew now would not be the time to force the issue. I'd have to find out what bothered her first. Since she would not tell me I would have to enlist help. As soon as Leah left to visit her mother I would speak with Rosalie.

"Going to see your mother?" I slyly changed the subject for the sake of avoiding an arguement. If Leah did not feel like opening up then she wouldn't. I would be patient and wait for the right time.

My wife smiled and nodded while digging through the drawer of the bed side table. Slowly so she would not see me moving, I slid to the other side of the bed. I knew what she was looking for and I also knew she wouldn't find them. I had made sure of this.

"Yeah, mom invited me over for brunch since Charlie is out of town this weekend on a fishing trip with Seth. Are you sure you don't want to join us? Mom would be thrilled to see you. I always get a lecture from her whenever you don't visit. Sometimes I think she likes you more than she does me. You and your damn blood sucker charm." I heard her sigh before she turned to look at me. "Edward have you seen my birth control pills? I could have sworn I put them in here the other day-"

Leah stood up straight and shot daggers in my direction. "Edward Anthony Mason Cullen! I know you have something to do with this! Where are they? Hand them over right this instant!"

Thank god for my speed. I made it to the door of the bedroom before she could. "I have no idea what your talking about Leah. I would never do something as low as hiding your birth control pills. I can't beleive you think so little of me."

Her brown eyes darkened and she lunged for me. I managed to dash out of the way before she could catch hold of me. "So what then? They grew legs and walked away by themselves?"

"Of course not Leah. That's impossible and not to mention crazy. It was probably Emmett playing some sort of prank. You know how he gets love. I would help you look for them but I promised Jasper I'd go help him pick out an anniversary present for Alice. I love you and I'll see you later this evening. Have fun with your mother and give her my regards." Using my speed I raced over to her and placed a kiss on her cheek. By the time she realized this I was halfway out of the house.

"EDWARD CULLEN! You get your ass back here now!" I heard Leah screach as I grabbed Jasper by the arm on the way out of the house. I breathed a sigh of releif when my brother and I reached my Volvo. I would live to see another day.


AN: So this is the introduction to the sequel of Operation Seduce The Leech. Let me know what you all think and I thank my mom for typing this up and posting it for me! Does anyone else think Edward is going to be in big trouble when he gets home? Also, virtual cookies to anyone who can guess what is bothering Leah.

I know it was kind of short but it is just the introduction. Don't worry alot is going to happen and I know what the next chapter will be about. So far this story won the vote for the story I should focus on most. I will leave the poll up a couple more days but for now this story is winning.