The Galactica jumped to the location to meet the Nemesis, Erasmus and the Sagatarus. Laying in wait behind the asteroid field was the Pacifica and Night Flight. All four hundred Vipers were launched and awaiting the codeword.

The Galactica formed the center of the battle line when four contacts appeared on dradis.

"Cylons basestars directly ahead bow batteries have firing solution. Vipers are scrambling to intercept" said Colonel Tigh.

"order all batteries to initiate salvo fire concentrate fire on the baseship center axis. Order vipers to focus on raiders only leave baseships to us" ordered Adama as he looked at the dradis console.

All four battlestars fired at once. All four baseships erupted into flames as the battlestars main weapons fired. Missiles began to concentrate on the battlestars flight pods as massive flak fields surrounded the Battlestars. The vipers were twisting and turning spinning end over end destroying raiders left and right as the pilots deliberately let the raiders get on their six only to have their wing man come flying by in front of them guns blazing. The raiders fell for the trick every time as the pilots did it over and over.

The Pegasus and Mercury appeared about two minutes later. They were less than a minute outside of weapons range. Over four hundred vipers launched and headed for the baseships. The Pegasus and the Mercury closed the distance in little time as their bow batteries let loose on a pair of baseships. The baseships began to retreat towards the asteroid field. The Pacifica and Night Flight sprung the trap instantly. Over three hundred vipers stormed out of the field as the battlestars opened fire taking out two baseships. The last two were heavily damaged as the Galactica brought its topside batteries to bear. The battle took seven minutes.

Admiral Cain smiled as she looked at six green dots forming up with the Pegasus and the Mercury. The Night Flight jumped away to the nebula to report the battle. While Adama relayed the details of Roberts plan to Admiral Cain the Acropolis was implementing its part of the plan.

The Acropolis appeared in front of the Colonial Military Communication satellite. A single raptor then disembarked. It docked with the satellite and uploaded a program invented by doctor Baltar. The scientist had initially been locked up because it was his program that had disabled the Defense grid of the Colonies. The defense grid consisted of over a thousand satellites in strategic and tactical positions around the colonies and major military bases. The Program told the Grid to upload the older version of the CNP. The previous version didn't have the Back doors installed by the Cylon agent that had subdued Baltar. The Pegasus marines had captured an identical agent aboard almost a dozen civilian ships. Along with multiple Leoben's and Doral's. they Knew of only three models and every single person in the planet was being searched. The Best part about the Nebula was that its electromagnetic storm was powerful enough to prevent a cylon from downloading.

"Commader we have a succedful upload, all indications are that the cylons dont even know we did it!" Said the tactical officer

"Good. it'll be a little surprise for them then" said roberts as she gave the order to jump

The program took about ten minutes too load. Once it was done the Defense grid through out the Colonies began to wipe the CNP from its computers and upload an older version. The Deleting took only two minutes. Then the old program was reinstated. The Acropolis then jumped to the nebula. The whole process had been done unnoticed to the cylons. They kept the Defense grid there because it wasn't a threat to them as long as the CNP was installed. The Acropolis hadn't activated the Grid just yet. That Part was in phase two.

All the battlestars met up near the nebula. Once there they distributed supplies, personnel and began to plan ahead.

The Galactica, Nemesis, Acropolis, Pegasus, Mercury, Pacifica, Night Flight, Erasmus and the Sagatarus all passed by the eight defenders and four battle cruisers as the left the nebula.

Adama was in his quarters, smiling as he reflected on the last two days, He and Admiral Cain had agreed on a Joint command, he had the Acropolis, Erasmus, and the Nemesis while Cain had the rest.

They jumped to Caprica. Two baseships headed for them at once. Aboard the Acropolis and the Nemesis twenty four Marine Drop ships left the flight pods and headed for the surface, since they had a limited jump capability the Battlestars had ferried them to Caprica so they would have enough

Aboard the Command star

A ones eyes opened in shock as he registered the battlestars on dradis. He immediately sent out a message to all cylon forces in the Cyrannus system. The message didn't go through.

"That's not possible. This Cant BE! How! The Colonials are Jamming the signal. We cant send for reinforcements" said a Six.

"Then send the message in the clear" said a four as a round from the Pegasus hit the basestar

"the Colonials will hear it too though" said an eight

"do it!" yelled a one "we cant take on nine battlestars on our own." he said as more sparks flew

This is Command star.9 Colonial battlestars engaging cylon forces over Caprica

Battlestars identified as the Galactica, Nemesis, Acropolis, Pegasus, Mercury, Pacifica, Night Flight, Erasmus and the Sagatarus. Request reinforcements at once over Caprica all available units. Colonial units have landed on the surface of the planet and are engaged in rescue operations of the 43rd Marine Division. Resistance Cells on the surface have launched attacks on several Cylon bases and outposts.

The message was sent all over the Colonies. Roberts smiled and sent her own in response.

On Aerilon the two baseships were spooling up their FTL drives to jump to Caprica when the Defense grid came online. Both ships were less than two miles from a satellite. The cylons never knew what hit them as a dozen nuclear warhead hit both ships incinerating both of them instantly. Raider patrols tried desperately to avoid the hundreds of missiles that were headed for them. None managed to.

The Scene was repeated on all the Colonies. The Colonies had been retaken.

The command star registered the destruction of all but two baseships in the entire system.

It then jumped to their location heavily damaged.

They had done it. The Colonies were theirs again.

The command star sent out a message to all the cylon forces in the Promar sector.

Command Star-to all Units

9 Colonial battlestars initiated surprise attack, All but 2 baseships in Cyrannus system destroyed upon reactivation of Colonial defense Grid. Battlestars Now engaged in recovery operations of survivors on the surface of Caprica, vipers highly efficient and extremely deadly advise caution when engaging.

A small Raptor from the Olympia intercepted the message. It was drifting in orbit of the planet it had been scouting when a pair of baseships were detected moving towards them. The planets EM field kept them safe from detection. They waited until the baseships jumped away to report it to the Olympia. The Commanders had been shocked before they recovered their composure.

The Olympia and Aries immediately turned their fleet around and started to jump. It took them fourteen jumps at maximum range to get there with the whole fleet but they arrived inside of four hours. The Civilians and the Defenders were ordered to remain hidden just outside of the Cyrannus system. While the Aries and Olympia jumped to Caprica. They arrived to see the entire defense grid online blazing at a dozen baseships. The Nemesis and Pacifica were slugging it out with three baseships over the Northern Hemisphere while the Pegasus and Mercury held off another four. The remaining five were dead in the water being hit hard by the Erasmus and Sagatarus. The Acropolis was taking on depleted defense satellites and putting them on her flight deck. As soon as the flight deck was loaded up the massive steel doors were closed. All four of the Acropolis's flight pods were filled up with defense satellite. The Galactica and Night Flight were doing the same thing.

"Dradis contact identified as two Colonial Battlestars their transmitting recognition codes. It the Olympia and Aries their firing on two more baseships that just jumped in" reported Petty officer second class dualla aboard the Galactica

"Send a raptor to both ships with the coordinates for the nebula. Tell them to dispatch a raptor to their fleet and give it to them" said Adama remembering the Intercepted Cylon message.

The Raptor departed immediately to the Battlestars. The pilot Lt Haley "Star" Aaron dodged cylon and viper fired as she maneuvered her ship through the battlefield with expert skill. Her ECO relayed the status of the battle as they drew closer to the planet

"Basestar destroyed by the Acropolis. Gods Commander Roberts knows how to pick a fight. Im not complaining though. Her plans so far have worked. She's the best damn commander in the fleet" said Lt. Michael "Reaper" Simons

"Damn right she is. Id do anything for her. Hell she saved my ass during the first battle of Caprica when she ordered a gun battery to adjust its fire. Hell every one on that planet owes Roberts their life." said Aaron knowing it was true. She had come to respect Roberts more than anything. She had come to love her commander more than anything she had left. She would die in an instant for her commander. She had brought the whole ship back from the darkness and given them hope and something to hold on to. Something to live for. Something worth fighting for. The whole ship was loyal to her. They all smiled and clapped after they had found the Galactica when ever she had walked the hallways.

"Hell I know I do. Id do anything for the commander. Nothing any of us do could ever repay her." said her ECO as she piloted the raptor onto the Flight deck of the Olympia

Two minutes later a raptor from the Olympia was sent to its fleet and the Olympia fleet began to jump to the planet. Stars raptor returned to the fight to coordinate vipers in assisting ground forces before it was shot down.

"frak Im hit!" Yelled Lt. Star into her wireless as she ejected.

"Krypter, Krypter all units raptor 256 we are EVA I repeat we are EVA awaiting rescue" said reaper.

Both pilot and ECO watched the battle for twelve minutes before the fifteen baseships were destroyed. The Acropolis SAR bird then came and picked them up.

The Marine Drop ships landed just outside of the Prison camp. The Ships could hold over five thousand marines. They only had four hundred aboard. But those four hundred were enough to overwhelm the enemy's defenses inside the camp. Vipers blew open the gates and blasted holes inside the cylons perimeters. The Marines wasted no time in freeing their comrades and escorting them to the drop ships. Marine tanks were rolling off just as the first group arrived. The Female Marine who was a cylon known as number three got very worried as the Marines from the Acropolis blew doors off the prison cells. The Marines instantly headed for the drop ships unloading tanks.

A Marine sergeant saw her and told her to go to the drop ship as fast as possible. In the distance she could see the smoke and hear the explosions as the Marines assaulted Delphi. She knew the city had a lot of supplies they were undoubtedly getting. She silently cursed under breath.

Ten Minutes later

"Sir we've recovered all of our downed pilots and vipers. The 43rd Marine Division and sixteen Colonial defenders have been lifted from the surface. We found over 12,000 total survivors ma'am. All ships are reporting they've completed their objectives."


Samuel t Anders looked out the window of the colonial heavy transport as it lifted off the surface. He saw two Colonial defenders headed toward them. Once they got within a mile of the transports they turned and formed an outer defense perimeter.

Aboard the Marine Drop ships the 43rd Marine Division's commanding officer General Marion Brooks smiled as vipers flew past the Cockpit. His marines had been the only group to offer any resistance to the cylon invasion. They had been surrounded by the cylons only a day after they had landed. The other 21 Marine Divisions stationed on the planet had been either hit by a nuke or had been killed by centurions. He smiled as he saw a raider go up in flames.

The marines below howled with delight as the drop ships gun batteries flared to life destroying a raider.

The Acropolis was firing her main batteries at another two baseships that had just jumped in.

"Dradis contact three more Bogeys. No Id as of yet"

"Damn it order all ships to jump to the rendezvous. We have to search the civilians for any cylon agents" said Roberts looking at the now fifteen red dots over Caprica when suddenly three turned to green.

"Ma'am frak me its battlestars Stryker, Achilles and the trinity. There heading for the battle line Ma'am" said Lt Sanders his face lit up with joy.

The whole room got a smile on their face. Roberts began to realize that the cylons were throwing away their baseships. They were just jumping in to the fight. They weren't coordinating at all. No mass attack. Roberts strike force had destroyed sixteen baseships at caprica alone. Not counting the other twenty at the other Colonies.

"helms bring us about. Bring all starboard batteries to bear on the baseship echo 4. Contact our vipers instruct them to land on the Pegasus as planned." said Roberts knowing the cylons would be coming in force soon enough.

"Aye sir. Pegasus is dispatching raptors to the four battlestars that just jumped in. they have formed in to the line. Two more baseships just jumped in. Mercury is moving to intercept. All ground forces should be away inside of five minutes ma'am" Reported Lt sanders as he relayed the orders.

"Sir we have two more Dradis contacts at extreme range their transmitting on Colonial ship to ship channels and they have authenticated as the Universal and Therion." reported her comm. Officer Lt. Amy Rives.

"Bring them into the line and dispatch two raptor to them with the fall back coordinates" said Roberts as she looked up at the dradis console and realized they had the numerical advantage. A key factor in any engagement.

"Caprica is ours" said Roberts before saying " order all battlestars to remain. Contact the battlestars that have joined us here order them to inform their fleets of the fall back position and have them meet up there and proceed to the planet. The Radiation will make any human cylon sick within a few hours. They cant download once there inside either. Order all civilian ships to land on the surface of the planet and await further instructions. Today we retake caprica"

"Yes sir" said her XO

"Acropolis this Achilles were with you and ready to give the cylons a hell of a run for their money over"

"Copy that Achilles. First to fight"

"So say we all" replied the Achilles. Every single battlestar repeated the message.

The Marines stared in awe as they saw a baseship destroyed. They were winning thought the general as the ship jumped to a large nebula. There were almost six hundred civilian ships here. The first thing he noticed was the repairstar. The next thing he noticed were the defenders and Cruisers guarding the entrance. All the Civilian ships were inside in less than an hour. All ships that could land on the surface did. While the ones that couldn't joined the two hundred ships in orbit.


The Prometheus was returning home to the Colony she had nearly died for. Her Commander David Vorse had ordered the ship back to the colonies after they had received the activation signal for the colonial defense grid. They had then received a cylon transmission from a baseship over caprica recalling all ships to caprica.

The Prometheus appeared just as the mercury destroyed the remaining baseship over Caprica. The Night Flight and Galactica jumped to the nebula to deploy the satellites and have the defenders re arm them. The Acropolis turned over command of the battle to the Pegasus and jumped to the planet. She deployed the satellites in ten minutes. Their Dradis registered over seven hundred contacts. The Cruiser Boxer told them of the Ships that come

Twenty Botanical cruisers

Four hundred civilian passenger liners

Twelve prison transport ships

Forty military Production, refinery and repair ships.

Thirty more Colonial fast attack frigates

Twelve Colonial defenders and two Cruisers.

86 Mining vessels

23 tylium refinery ships

Roberts was overjoyed. She had expected to just rescue a few hundred survivors instead they had found over a million survivors. Both on Caprica and from the Battlestar fleets that they had found.

The Acropolis jumped back to caprica with the Galactica and Night Flight to see another Battlestar. The Prometheus. The Pegasus transferred operational control back to the Acropolis due to her battle integration and control systems.

They had destroyed a total of thirty six baseships today. It was time to leave decided admiral Adama as he registered the appearance of thirty baseships on dradis. He knew they wouldn't go near the colonies now that the defense grid was online. They were here to destroy the battlestars. He wouldn't let them

"Order all ships to proceed to the planet. Its time to go." said Adama while looking at the green dots slowly jump away as they recovered their vipers and raptors. Admiral Cain said the same thing.

The battlestars all sixteen of them jumped to the nebula and entered one at a time. They Immediately set up a defensive patrol around the planet. The Satellites were already being brought in to position, rearmed and reactivated.

The president was ordering a massive amount of tents to be built to accommodate the nearly 880 thousand survivors that were being brought down. For about four months many of them would stay on the ships as the buildings and the city's infrastructure appeared. The 43rd Marine Division and the 23rd and 27th Marine, divisions began to build a massive network of underground bunkers and defenses. Inside the tunnels were explosives to cause cave-ins in the event of cylon infiltration. A thirty foot thick wall was being built 13 miles away from the city. It would take the Marines a year to build. Machine gun emplacements were all over the country side. Tanks had hundreds of reinforced firing positions to repel an invasion with. The Marines had set up over a thousand triple a batteries all over the mountain. Missile batteries were emplaced inside the caves and valleys. The Marines had made the city immune to a possible nuclear bombardment. The 27th Marine Division Was with the Therion and Universal fleet, the two battlestars had found them on a Marine Corps Training moon that hadn't been hit by the cylons. The 23rd Marine Division had been with the Achilles, Stryker and Trinity.

Roberts was in a meeting with all the Battlestar commanders and the quorum outlying her battle plan when a quorum member asked

"Commander just what do you hope to accomplish in this mission?"

"Mister Zarek my plan is to retake the colonies" said Roberts with a grin.

END OF BOOK ONEokay now please review, if you saw a mistake please tell me so I can fix it. Again please review