A/N: I've written a part here that really made me laugh, and I think you'll like it too. Ha, I bet Noah is not as perverted as I put him here but hey, every guy is attracted by sex in a way. I'm just showing it :D

I finally updated! Sorry for the delay...

BTW: I've put on my profile info about upcoming stories you have to vote for if you want. Please, in your review, tell me which number you'd like and I'll count your vote, okay?

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Teenage Dreams

Noah's POV

Monday morning allows sun to peek through my window, the strong light waking me up instantly. I grunt, feeling still a little tired by the restless night I just passed. No dreams, just nightmares. Mostly about today's French test. Not that I worry about my results, in contrary I bet I'll succeed without any doubt, but I more worry about Katie. She's not ready, I can feel it even if I've been not her teacher since Friday night, when I tried to tell her the truth about Jason. I truly believe in her potential, but this time I don't think she will make it. Not that I actually care about her, it's just that I worry about her grades.

...Of course, I worry because I'm her teacher.

And that's what teachers do.


Feeling powerless and matured, I ignore my inner voice and crawl off bed, making my way towards the bathroom, hoping no one would be in. Luckily, no one is in sight and the plain white door is fully open. I hurry in, carefully closing behind me.

Once I turn around after pushing the door, I brutally face the hugely sized mirror, and stare at my reflection. Man, I can't realize I'm just sixteen. I look so old and changed from my younger years. I still feel like it was yesterday I was having snowball fights with my Cody and today, already people start saying we're gay just because of two unfortunate incidents. God, teenagers are so immature. I run my fingers through my messy morning hair and try to smooth it a little.

While I scan my whole face, my eyes stop at one little detail; my lips. My totally virgin lips... I know, for my age, it is shameful not to have kissed anyone, and I can't believe it either. And the nearest I've ever had from a kiss was when I accidentally kissed Cody's ear in sixth grade. For a girl... It never happened. I wish it had though. I wonder if Katie has ever kissed someone. I mean, her eyes are so beautiful they're impossible to resist, and her body was basically created to be held by a man. And her pink lips, so smooth, just waiting for a little crush on them...

I splash water on my face to try to forget about those perverted thoughts I was having. Katie and I are just acquaintance, if not friends. And it's immoral to have sexy thoughts about your friends... Right? And anyways, I certainly have no chance to kiss her someday. Her next kiss will surely be by one of those school's hotties like Justin or that Latino guy named Alejandro. Or even Jason...

I look again at my lips. They don't seem so horrible after that. They even seem... kissable. And if I someday get my first kiss, how am I going to do it? It's stressful I must admit.

Without really knowing it, I lean in and my face approach really closely the mirror glass. I slowly close my eyes as my lips crush themselves against the cold surface, imagining there is a girl in front of me. Someone intelligent, as tall as me, beautiful, simple... Like Katie.

Here you go again. Katie!

I don't let the voice bother me, being fully committed into my half imaginary kiss. My hands start wondering on the glass, trying to find curves to at least make it a little more real. I feel innocent, I feel young, I feel curious. I feel like wanting more. My tongue passes through my lips, crashing against the now hotter surface, and moving in a circular pattern. And then, I feel like everyone must feel when they make out; I feel real.

"Oh man..."

My paradisiacal moment is suddenly interrupted by a masculine voice coming from behind me. I turn around quickly, meeting my older brother's fully widened eyes. My orbs become bigger as well, nothing could be worse.

We stay quiet for a moment, feeling embarrassed by what he witnessed. He then breaks through the silence smirking like his normal self.

"Some people masturbate with the door locked, but you make exception to the rule."

"I―I wasn't masturbating."

"Sure," He says sarcastically, closely imitating my usual attitude. I roll my eyes and blush, brainstorming about how I'll ever forget that incident.

"So," Jason continues. "Who were you thinking of while pleasing yourself?"

"I said I wasn't."

"Whatever. Anyway, everyone does it, don't worry."

"Even you?" I raise my eyebrow, forgetting about the awkwardness of that conversation.

"Well, when I say everyone, I mean those who don't have girlfriends."

Here you go, the typical big ego of Jason Holmes.

"What are you going to do now? Tell everyone?"

"Actually, I was going to take a shower but since you're busy with yourself I guess―

"No, it's okay. I was done anyways."I walk away through the door, brushing a still disgustingly smirking Jason. I am frustrated and ashamed at the same time, but I know he won't say anything. At least, that's one of the few things he can keep to himself; family secrets.

Then, I remember why I don't like him what makes me turn round and face him again, feeling bold of the words I'll speak out. The seventeen year old leans against the ceramic counter, probably expecting me to say something since I don't leave the room.

"Why are you after Katie?"I ask on a dead serious tone. Despite this, Jason keeps staring at me with oblivious eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you trying to get her? I know your game, but I thought you were nice enough to let her go."

"I'm not trying to get into her pants, I already have a girlfriend, Noah."He claims, hanging his towel on a bar. "She's just a friend to me."

"You know she has feelings for you, huh?"I snap.

"Teenage hormones. She'll move on soon."He answers casually, like there was nothing there. I can't think as he does.

"You don't care actually, don't you?"

He doesn't answer. I keep talking at his place.

"Stop messing with her feelings, Jason. I'm serious about this."

Jason steps towards me, forcing me to back up right behind the door limit. His hand grabs the doorknob, while he looks at me with the same fake smile he usually has when he has had enough of a talk.

"And what will you do, Noah? You're shorter than me, weaker than me and way not hotter than me. Beside that, from what I've heard lately, Katie hates you. So I guess we can easily see the winner," He smirks and than slams the door on my face, leaving me speechless. He is right; I don't have enough chances against him.

But I care about Katie. Academically, I mean. If that's enough though...

I sigh and walk back to my room, hearing my mom yell at the other kids downstairs who are surely making a mess of the kitchen just as each morning. Katie is the one able to make them eat in a perfect harmony, my mom can't. That's one of this girl's magical talents.

And that's why you like her.

Katie's POV

I feel my like I'm going to pass out at anytime. I'm not ready for that test, I've never been and I'll never be. I swear, I have studied a lot for the last weeks, as with Noah than on my own, but I don't think I'm ready yet for an exam. More time pass, more I think I should have stayed with Noah as my tutor. I didn't have enough time since Friday night to find someone as good as him to help me with French, and everyone I found as replacement didn't want or didn't have time for me. Liars, they all know I'm a difficult case, that is why they didn't want to be stuck with me for their whole weekends.

I sigh in front of the class and, feeling confident, take another big breath and walk in the room, ready to fail my whole semester in one day. I know that test counts for a small part in the report but I bet I'll fail all the other ones if I continue alone.

And then, I really feel like crying. But I keep hope. I will try to do just as Noah taught me to; have self-confidence. Yeah, it was much what he taught me throughout the two weeks of useless intensive studying with him. I have to believe in myself first before doing anything else. It may sound cheesy as it seems but it's working advice.

I trudge towards my desk in the middle row of the class and wait for the bell to ring. I noticed Noah was already at his place, reading a book just like he does before the start of every course. Or he does in every class. I've always wondered if his life was just based on a book. And if we were in a book, would it be a horror kind or a fairytale?

If I were in a fairytale, who would my prince charming be? I never really had a boyfriend, just a few guys that kissed me on dares or just because of a Seven Minutes in Heaven game. And when I thought their purposes for the kiss meant we were together, they just laughed at my face. Sometimes I wonder why guys are so heartless... And then I think about those like Jason who are careful, witty and romantic.

Sigh. Sometimes I wish I were Anna. Popular, sexy, dating the hottest guy... I know it's wrong to be insecure like that but I can't help but think like this.

Hopefully, the bell finally rings, ending brutally my corrupted train of thoughts. Mrs. Leclair, the French teacher, moves to the door and closes it, at the unfortunate of late students, and then steps to the front of the class, ready to start her lesson. Smiling like always, she starts.

"Bon matin tout le monde," Mrs. Leclair greets, greeted back by some mumbling done by tired teenagers. "Aujourd'hui, on devait avoir un test sur les bonnes manières à travers le monde mais, malheureusement, cela est annulé."

I see all the students in the class shout and fist pump each other, like Mrs. Leclair just announced something excellent. I understood half of the words though. I hear some girls behind me whispering and sighing in relief. I turn around, curious.

"What did she say?"I ask a pony-tailed girl with enormous glasses behind me.

She readjusts her glasses on her nose and looks at me behind an adorable face expression. When I say it's adorable, I mean that she looks like a pony, truly, and as every little girl, I once dreamed to have pony as pet animal. Unfortunately, that dream never came true because one, that was way too expensive and smelly. Secondly, my sister also wanted one. I remember, when I was four, I promised her we would get a horse one day that we would share and its name would be Cheerio (A/N: Looking at a cereal box...), in honour of her bravery throughout her cancer. Our dream couldn't come true, as Alyssa never touched a horse of her so short life.

Beth, the pony-tailed teen, thankfully interrupts my souvenirs about my sibling before I started to cry. "Mrs. Leclair said the test is cancelled."

I turn around and let all my weight sink onto the chair, sighing deeply of this belated newfound relief. If my heart used to beat faster and faster as time passed an hour ago, now I feel so good. Better. Awesome. Indestructible. Most likely like when I was with Noah.

Why do I still think of him even though he was so rude with me last Friday?

I tried to forget about this, concentrating on Mrs. Leclair's voice. And thinking about how I would find another person to help me.

"Hey Katie,"

I hear a masculine voice calling my name in the hall. I beam, thinking it would be Jason thanking me for the advice for his girlfriend.

And again, I find myself disappointed when a tan egghead stands before me, his onyx eyes steady on me.

I grumble, "What do you want, Noah?"

His usual smug self appears, making my day worse than it was before, "Well, since you won't find any partner, I thought it would be nice to offer you my help,"

"I don't need your help." I claim stubbornly.

"Yes you do. As you know, the test is postponed for next Monday but you aren't safe for so long. You need to study, and I am the only French tutor here enough smart and patient to take difficult cases like you."

Suddenly, I feel insulted and have the urge to punch his dang prideful face.

"I am not a difficult case."

"Yes you are,"

I roll my eyes, irritated and readying myself to go away from here. If only Sadie wasn't in detention for having blown the science lab...

"I've got a deal for you," He continues. "I help you and you owe me nothing after all."

I am stunned. I can't believe what I'm hearing. I look around to check if it's a joke. "Are you kidding me? You mean, I won't have to help you with that mysterious Mary Sue anymore?"

"Yes I am and―Hey, why are you calling her Mary Sue?"

"Noah, if she impresses you that much to ask me to help you out with her, she must be the most amazing girl ever."

He smiles, "Yes, she is."

And I feel a little jealous about that comment even though I introduced the subject. I still wonder who that girl is, and what does she have so wonderful to make him go crazy? So Duncan-Courtney typical...

"So, when are we starting?"I grin, making him flash a bigger smile than he had before.

"What about tomorrow night? My mom wants you to babysit again anyways."

"Cool, I missed the kids."

His left eyebrow is raised, "You've seen them only three days ago."

"You wouldn't understand."

We walk down to our lockers, getting ready for our second class and smiling like fools after our small conversation. It's fun to have a friend like this, beside Sadie, with who you share some good our bad jokes and laugh anyway.

And then the word comes back to my mind; I called him my friend.

I chuckle. It's not so bad after all, uh?

A/N: Yeah I know, I kind of screwed the last part. But I'll try to do better next time C: