So here I am writing my first Notie story ever. I've fallen in love with that couple a month ago and, I must say, thanks to Fckn for making amazing stories about them and it's mostly because of her I'm now a NoahxKatie obsessed. I don't know if she will read this (I hope she will) but I really want to thank her. I wish that pairing would be canon.

I've decided to do that story because, first of all, there aren't enough NoahxKatie fanfictions here and Noah is my fave character EVER on TD series. I luuv that guy more than ice cream!

That might turn into M for a really really slight lemon I will put in the next chapters. If you haven't noticed, there's no lemon for that pairing and I wanted to, I don't know, be the first one doing something. Anyway, I'm not really good into that so it won't be nasty nor really hot sex. I'm not into hot sex; I'm into real love, sorry.

So I just wanted to start with the first chapter but this won't be updated for a long time since I have to be done with my other fanfics. BTW. For the ones following me; Fallin' For France, A Way To Forget It and Spring Street will soon be done (Just a few chapters and it's over). Keep reading them! And for my one-shots, there won't be any till I'm done update. Hey, it's summertime and I'm still busy!

Now enjoy this and I'll see you in a while :)

BTW: Did you know the TD cast has a Formspring? I discovered it this week and I don't stop asking questions to the crew. And I discovered Cleverbot too and I passed the whole week talking to it. I know I see like a total no-life but promised, I won't go until I'm done!

I don't own TDI. As usual.

The First One

Katie's P.O.V.

Wind keeps blowing my hair as I walk slowly toward my house located two street corners further. For the month of January, the snow is pretty low and the calm white covered neighborhood seems peaceful. From where I am we cannot see any of those huge buildings and politic stuff that are decorating my natal town and the capital of Ontario, Toronto. This is just all plain white; nothing more nor less. Kind of boring, isn't it? At this time of the year, children are outside doing snowmen and playing in the fresh fallen snow. That is cute. It reminds me of those games Sadie and I were doing once younger. We used to build these kinds of snow castles and were saying that it was a restaurant and we were the managers. We would icicles and hard amounts of snow as meals. We were so happy into our little business that our moms had to beg us to come back home. I smile at that memory as I keep walking toward home, frozen by the winter coldness.

A corner passed, another one to go and I'm eager to be home. Sadie is waiting for me so we could choose what we will wear together. Yes I know that's weird to say that but since we're little Sadie and I always wear the same outfits everyday. We have the same taste for the 80's stuff and that was part of our BFFFL sermon. And being Best Female Friend For Life isn't just being a closer friend to each other, it's like if I were sharing my soul with Sadie. We actually share mostly everything; clothes, makeup, friends, accessories… It's practically like if we would share a boyfriend! Actually Sadie is like the sister I never had… Well, the sister I used to have. There was someone before me.

Her name was Alyssa, she was barely two years older than me. I remember we used to always hang out together when we were younger. She was pretty and kind and I have always seen her as a model for me. A model of beauty and courage. Alyssa had leukemia and everyday was a fight for life for her. Though that obstacle in her way, I knew she was elegant even if I felt like living with a ghost. Alyssa died when I was five but she left an indestructible souvenir in my memory. Me and Sadie have been friends a year before her death and she was the one who really had the words to help me go through this. I thank her a lot for what she did for me.

After a few steps around, I stop in front of a huge family house where a few children are making a snowman. The image is pretty; young kids modeling snow to build a false human that they could consider as their friend or just a distraction. I smile as one of the kids, a little boy with tan skin and a blue snowsuit, turns his head toward me. He smiles gleefully and starts running to jump into my arms, closely followed by the others.

"Katie!" He says, wrapping his little arms around my waist.

"Hey." I greet, welcoming more kids around me. "How's it going, little buggers?"

Before they could answer me, a curly brown haired woman passes the front door of the familial house and steps out the porch, walking toward me and the kids. As them, she has that beautiful tan skin turning red at each step she takes through the wind and those pretty hazel eyes most of her kids unfortunately didn't get from her. Moving toward us, she clearly waves her hand while grinning at me.

"Hi Katie."

"Hello Mrs. Holmes. I was just passing by here and since the kids were out, I took the occasion to greet them." I explain myself while the kiddies depart from me.

"No need to tell me anything, Katherine. You're always welcome here."

"Katie," Madelyn, the black haired five year old little girl of Mrs. Holmes, taps my arm to get my attention. "When will you come babysit us?"

"Soon," I tell her after she takes my hand and intertwins her little fingers with mine. I take a deep breath and smile again to the part of the Holmes family standing in front of me. "It was nice to see you guys but I gotta go. I have stuff to fix before coming back to school tomorrow."

"Fine, I'll call you in the next days when we will need your services. Have a nice day, Katie." Mrs. Holmes says.

I wish her a nice day too, as for the kids, and continue my way toward home. Actually the Holmes family is way bigger than it seems. There are eight, almost nine kids; Madelyn is the youngest, Spencer and Taylor are some seven year old twin boys, Evelyn is 9 and Vickie is twelve. Mrs. Holmes is waiting for her ninth baby that is supposed to come next July. But it's not over; Before Vickie, came an arrogant, cynic and sarcastic as hell boy named Noah. He and I are the same age but we can't support each other. He's a lazy know-it-all and finds me useless and most of the time, as in high school and even his proper house, he ignores me. I try as well but I think the kids are a bit disappointed me and him aren't dating. They say we would make a great couple. I always try to change subject when it comes to that. Thankfully, Noah has two older siblings named Jason and Olivia. Olivia is not often there since she's at college but she's kinda cool. And Jason… Well, Jason is the hottest thing on earth. He's a year older than Noah and has those awesome curly onyx locks and those perfect turquoise eyes. No one really knows where he got that eye color, nor do they care. He's cute as an angel and I've been having a crush on him for two years now, though he never looked at me. Sadie has been telling me that sooner or later he will be mine, I hope she's right.

Those Mondays are always hard for high school students. I mean, would you be really happy to be back to school after a holiday break? No one would. Well, let's think positive. Today Sadie and I decided to wear a long lacy sleeved pink sweetheart dress with black leggings under and a pair of kneehigh white leather boots. A white seamed jacket completes the look with some silver earrings. People often snicker when we pass in front of them, saying that we're wannabes to each other or that we just share a brain. We both got used to it and honestly don't give a hoot about them. We're who we are and nothing can change this.

Unfortunately we have to separate from each other at the sound of the bell ringing. If I haven't said this before, I know Sadie's schedule by heart as she knows mine. By so, if we need each other, we know where to look. If her first class is biology, mine is way more boring; French. I was forced to take that class because my parents said that would help me develop my abilities in the world (I really don't know what they meant by that). The language is interesting but the thing is that I'm not good at it. I pass with 68% but that's not enough for them to be satisfied, as it's not for me. I really want to increase for the next term but for this, I need first to go to class.

A few minutes have passed and I'm already bored and confused. Most of the class seems to be as annoyed as I am, except for the others who know everything. These are preps, nerds and posers. Talking of that, a row before me there's one I especially know. That smartass and 3rd elder of the Holmes, Noah. He seems to understand everything and, though that point, seems more annoyed than we are. Reading a thick book, he barely listens to the teacher's babble, and she surely doesn't mind because he's one of, not to say the, the best students of the class. I turn my attention back to the lesson and keep trying to get what she means.

"I was like 'OMG, she really can't have done that? And she was like 'Yes she did!'. And " Sadie keeps going on and on about what Lindsay told her yesterday as I listen carefully to her and try to look for my history book in my locker. Damn, there's a big mess into that. At times, I agree with her by a light nod or little 'yeah'. Once I glance in her direction, my eyes lock on Mr. Handsome talking near the water fountain with a few of his buddies. His curly hair keeps bouncing every time e makes a move and his smile furnished of shiny perfect white teeth keeps widening. We have to admit it; Jason Homes is the sexiest man here. Tragically he has that hoe of Anna Johnson for girlfriend, who keeps holding on to his arm like a fragile little thing.

Then, when I wouldn't expect it at all, Jason turns and his eyes meet mine. His delicious sexy lips curve into a cocky smile as he winks at me and turns his attention back to his group of friends. I try to do the same before Sadie notices anything but, hell too late.

"So… still having a crush on the second Holmes?"

"Who wouldn't? He's so… hot!" I squeal.

"You totally have a chance! Ohmigod, now I just have to find myself a crush and we could, like, so fantasize on our guys together!" Sadie squeals at her turn.

"Isn't Justin Timberlake your crush?"

"Well, I've thought of this and that's not a so good idea. I mean, he lives miles away from here and he already has Jessica and I'm no boyfriend stealer."

"You're so right."

A familiar cough breaks through our conversation, causing me to frown. A lot of sarcasm and uptight attitude filling the air, I'm forced to turn around and face one of the very few people I don't like.

"Hey brainsharer, her other not-so-smarter part…" The onyx haired bookworm greets us.

"Did he just call me 'not-so-smarter-part'?"

I ignore Sadie's question and go straight to the point.

"What do you want, Noah?"

"Me, absolutely nothing, but my mom… She wants you to come over tonight to babysit the three youngest kids."

"Why don't you do it yourself? You are their big brother."Asks Sadie, looking from me to the boy and again to me.

"Because he's too lazy-assed to do it." I simply answer for him.

"I have studies to do and a book to read. I'm going to an important college, me at least."

"What ever. Tell your mom I'll be here by 7."

"He nods and finally leaves us, walking toward the school library. Without really noticing it, I am staring blankly at the empty space he left. Sadie fills it by placing herself in front of me.

"You should sooo go out together!"

"Me? With him? Never happening" I scoff.

"Come on, Katie. You just belong together; the smart guy with the pretty girl."She points out.

"Sadie, forget it. And I already have my eye on someone." I roll my eyes, making her easily figure out who it is.

"If you say it."

At these words, the bell rings.

Noah's P.O.V.

It's almost 7 and Katie must be on her way to our house. My parents had to go earlier because Vickie and Evelyn have a play at their school. My folks are pretty severe when it comes to extracurricular activities. Everyone must be excellent in something; acting, music, arts, sports… Everything that could make our family look healthy. In all of this, I am the smartest. Olivia still follows close behind but she's more into music since she plays 4 instruments.

The three kids remaining run across the living room as I try to read my novel, sitting comfortably in the armchair and waiting for their annoying babysitter. Maddy complains about one of the twins having stolen one of her toys but I barely listen since I'm reading.

"Noah, please do something! Taylor stole Mr. Bubblegum and doesn't want to give it to me back!" Madelyn practically sobs while poking my arm.

"Taylor, give back her stuff." I say, not even lifting my eyes from my novel. Though that little act from me, the five year old keeps poking me as the two boys keep running around.

"Alright then, come here." Feeling generous, I lay down my book on the coffee table and open my arms for the little girl to climb on my lap. She immediately understands. I don't know why she likes to do this more than playing with her toys. And somehow I like her to do it too, but no one has to know.

The bell ring breaks that peaceful moment and I'm forced to respond, so leaving Madelyn crawling off my lap. Moving fast toward the door, I open it to see Katie's onyx eyes staring at me with that usual 'not-so-happy-to-see-me' glare.

"It was about time."I snap, stepping aside to let her in.

"I am not late so that's not my problem."

"Whatever." I say, going upstairs and leaving her with the three children.

It's almost nine and I'm starving. Sitting in front of my laptop, I lower the lid and walk out my room, being careful not to slip on one of the toys that are spread across the hall floor. The house is all quiet so Katie must have put the kids to bed. At least that's one of the few things she can do without sharing a dysfunctional brain with Sadie. I quickly go down the stairs and look around. I see a black haired head exceeding from the back of the velvet sofa. I quietly take a few steps forward and notice she has a few books open in front of her. By over her shoulder, I can read a few things written in French. I lean forward so my chin can touch the edge of the furniture and breathe softly so she can't hear me nor feel me.

"So, having problems in French?"

At the sound of my voice, the dark skinned girl starts and looks at me with a pair of big eyes.

"Ohmygosh, Noah! Never do that to me again!"

I chuckle, "I was just wondering what you were doing. Looks like you have some issues in French." I notice our lips are an inch from each other's, since she has her head turned, but I don't say anything about it.

"Kind of."

"Does 'kind of' mean yes or no?" I reply.

She sucks in a deep breath before answering weakly and ashamed. "Yes."

"I'm actually good in French."

"You're gonna help me?" She exclaims, turning her face toward me.

"Who said I'm gonna help you? I was just saying that to mock you."

"Aw please, I'm desperate! I've read all kinds of books and I don't get anything! Pleaaassee!" Katie begs and squeals at the same time.

I roll my eyes. "Fine, I will but it won't be free."

"What do you mean?

"If I help you, you will owe me a favor each time I do so. And when I mean 'favor' I mean doing what I tell you."

She narrows her eyes at me. "I'm not a sex slave, no thanks."

"Again, who said that?"I arch my brow and finish. "I just need someone to someone to help me with some stuff, like talking to some girl for "

"A girl?" Katie cuts off.

"Yeah, uh, a girl…"I nervously answer, rubbing my neck.

"Who is it? Do I know her? Is it Sadie?"

"I won't tell you now, yes and… No!" I respond on a disgusted tone on the last words. "So, you accept?"

"Fine, deal. Now please help me to go through this."

I sit next to her on the arm of the couch and close most of the books except one.

"So I guess we will start by the simple stuff such as animals, ma chère (*)."

Katie giggles but then looks at me with confused eyes. "What does that mean?"

We have a lot to do. A lot.

(*) Ma chère= Darling or Dear. In case you didn't know.

Don't think that's just what the story will be about. It will evolve a lot and I promise I will surprise you.

I think I love writing for Notie, I really liked the experience. Anyway, that's just the first chapter so, we never know.

Review please, that's my whole life into that... *puppy eyes*