Title: Love Me Love Me Not
Chapter: In the Beginning
Date: June 27, 2010
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or profit from this fiction.
Raja was not a happy white inu demon queen and her mate was not a happy white inu demon king. They had just heard some appalling, surprising, impossible, and upsetting news from the palace healer. The ningen hime that Raja's mate had taken into his harem almost a year ago after the raid of a human king that was getting to greedy for his own good had become pregnant. What made the news so surprising and impossible is that one; her husband's harem had only been touched by him which was ensured through many locked doors and guards, two; the hime's spiritual energy (no matter how weak after the sullying of her body) should have killed the child, and three; the best healer in the lands had prepared the herbal tea that was supposed to ensure against pregnancy. The fact that it did not was disturbing news as the child would have to be born a hanyou or it would be born only half formed, resulting in a still birth. Raja's mate dismissed the healer before turning to address her.
"How are you feelings upon this matter, Raja?" He asked as he was sincerely concerned for feelings. For the past four hundred years she had not been able to give him a child and was close to the end of her breeding years. For her to be outdone by a mere whore in her husband's harem was practically an insult no matter whether or not it was intentional.
"I am angry, InuTaisho. I am angry and upset, but not toward you. I also will not knowingly cause harm to an unborn child or any child. It may live, but once the child is born, you will have to be rid of her. Such a thing cannot be repeated within these walls. What you do with the child afterwards will be up to you." Raja may be cruel and cold hearted to those that do not know her well or for whom she must keep her mask while playing diplomat, but she was not really either of those things.
"As you wish koi." Inutaisho barked out his orders for the impregnated ningen to be isolated for no one could know what had taken place with the ningen. All any ever need to know was that he had tired of her and sent her back to her own lands having repaid the full debt that he pigheaded father had incurred with his ego and greed.
A beautiful woman with skin the color of snow that contrasted starkly with her pitch colored hair and warm, soft violet eyes sat alone in the small room that she had been locked in. Her hands were rubbing her belly softly while she stared at something that had yet to appear to her while softly singing a lullaby that had been sung to her when her parents had had to travel away from her for long periods of time. At the moment, she was singing it more to herself than to the being that was supposed to be resting within and depending upon her body. She did not know why she had been given that child that was developing in her womb as she had never wanted to be impregnated by the vicious monster that kidnapped her from her home before using her like nothing more than a common whore.
When she had been informed that pregnancy was the reason for her sickness, she had fainted as the thought of carrying that monster seed in her for however long it took the thing to be born finally clicked within her mind. She had been denying that she could possibly be carrying the abominable spawn of that demon that enjoyed raping her so viciously. It disgusted her, and as she sat in that room, singing to herself, her eyes hardened and turned cold as she came to a tumultuous decision. She may not have much freedom, but she would not be forced into birthing the parasite that was trying desperately to thrive within her body. She was going to get rid of the little disease before it became old enough to live. It went against everything she had once stood for, but captivity changes people.
Over the next three months, she had tried everything she could think of with the resources she had. She had refused to eat for up a nine days time yet the thing continued to stay stubbornly within her body. She had dropped herself painfully from the highest object in the room that she could find and she still did not miscarry. She refused water, attempted to anger the guards into violence, even begging and still nothing had worked to get rid of the pest that she had been infected with. With a heavy heart, she finally found herself defeated and decided to wait out the pregnancy until it was getting close to the time to birth the abomination.
As she entered the last stage of her pregnancy, the princess known as Izaiyoi began to once again plot the unborn child's demise. She would not set another monster out into the world; she would not allow something so vile and foul to be born alive of her body. Once again, she did everything that she could to ensure that the child was stillborn. Depriving herself of her body's need to eat and drink, harming her abdomen, and trying to summon her limited spirit energy were her attempts at killing the child. She did one thing or another until after a particularly hard fall of a chair that she had placed on a desk; she began to feel sharp pains in her abdomen. She cried out to the guards that were placed just outside of her isolated room. The child was coming.
A healthy wail rang throughout the small isolation room of an almost neglected wing of the Western Palace. The bastard child had been born and it was a healthy little boy. Ten fingers and toes, unhealthily underweight for an almost full term newborn, hair that glistened like wet snow in the winter and just as white, a small straight nose, and two little white triangular puppy ears were perched atop the infant's head. The hanyou child was handed to his father for inspection while the human wench's body was properly disposed of after having not survived the birth of the child.
InuTaisho inspected the child clinically before deeming the child worth keeping even though the child would never be acknowledged as an heir of the Western Lands or even given a position of rank. The DaiYoukai ordered that the half-breed mutt to be put with a wet nurse until he becomes of age to be useful. The boy could at least be useful and work to repay the generosity and mercy that Raja had begged for on his behalf.
"My lord?" the small voice of the record keeper spoke up. InuTaisho looked back at the small, green kappa demon.
"Yes Jaken?"
"What should the pup be called?"
"Should the guards be correct about the attempts of the ningen wench on the pup's life, he shall be known by Inuyasha." Without another word, the demon lord of the Western Lands left the room and the crying infant that he had handed back off to the healer for further examination of the pup's health.
A/N: Short, I know. This is just a teaser. I want to know what you guys think as the pairing will be unusual and it is very AU in some aspects. There is also no Kagome, Miroku, or Kaede's village in this story. Should I get a good response, I will lengthen the next chapters and post in multiples for this story as well.