Disclaimer: I don't own CSI: NY.
Series: None.
Spoilers: None.

The name doesn't really fit, I know. But I couldn't think of another one. And let's face it, chicken soup - makes a lot of people feel better. Don Flack - makes everyone feel better. Please pay attention to the rating. This is M for a reason.

Chicken Soup

Jessica Angell was exhausted. Her case had led to a joint investigation in Boston, which in turn had led to three weeks of no sleep and bad chat-up lines.

On top of that, she had a headache that felt like there was someone playing a drum-kit inside her skull.

Leaning against the window of the taxi, she re-read the last exchange of texts between her and Don.

- On my way home. Where r u?

- At work. How'd it go?

- Got them. Feel like crap. Miss u.

Jess wished she could expect to see Don that evening, but she knew that she would get home before he finished at work and she knew that he wouldn't want to wake her up. So, as she paid the driver and carried her bag up to her apartment, she was expecting nothing more than an evening in with a book.

But, to her surprise, she opened her door to find her boyfriend waiting for her, already changed out of his suit into jeans and a t-shirt. Though her head was still throbbing, her face broke into a smile and she dropped the bag, running into his arms. "What are you doing here?"
Don held her tightly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Jess closed her eyes and took a deep breath, breathing in that familiar scent that had been missing for the last 21 days, messing with her head and making sleeping difficult. Reluctantly, she pulled away. "Don't you have that CI to cut loose?"

"I can do that tomorrow." Don shrugged, kissing her softly. "I haven't seen you in three weeks. And you said you felt like crap."

"I've got a headache." Jess admitted. "That's all."

Don ran a hand through her hair. "You want me to get you some chicken soup?"

"That's for colds, Don." Jess giggled; she couldn't remember ever giggling before she'd met Flack. "But thanks anyway. I'm not hungry though." She was very aware of his hands on her body; although they were in the most innocent places, not being touched by him in three weeks seemed to have left her incredibly sensitive and she could feel a familiar tingling in her lower regions. "Not for food anyway."

Don groaned as she pressed her hips against his. "Thought you had a headache."

Jess chuckled lowly, running her hands up his arms to his shoulders to grip them tightly. "Not that kind of headache. Besides, sex is supposed to help with headaches; something to do with the endorphins."

"Oh." Don smirked. "So you really missed me."

"Uh huh." Jess disentangled herself from his arms and began undoing her shirt, walking backwards towards her bedroom door. "I mean, I've got two hands but they're not quite as good as the real thing."

Don's eyes seemed to darken as he watched more and more of her skin appear tantalisingly slowly. "You took things into your own hands?"

"Every night." Jess smirked, tossing her shirt onto a chair. "It was either that or I took that nice officer up on his numerous offers."

In a second, he'd crossed the room and swept her into his embrace again, his mouth seared against hers as they stumbled through the door and landed gracelessly on her bed. Neither of them cared, though, as he knelt above her, straddling her hips, and grasped her wrists lightly.

Jess bit back a moan as he moved down to her neck, licking and sucking at the skin there. Normally, she'd tell him off for leaving a mark, but she'd known the reaction her comment would provoke before she'd said it.

Finally, he lifted his head and met her eyes and she felt her panties dampen immediately. His gaze seemed to shoot right through her, sending a firm message which he vocalised in a low voice minutes later. "You're mine."

"You know I am." Jess whispered.

"Good." Don slid down her body and undid the button on her pants, pulling them down to her ankles and slipping them off to land on the floor. As she lay there in white lace, he stayed at her feet, his gaze travelling up her body. "Christ." He whispered. "How is it you look more stunning every time I do this?"

Don pressed a soft kiss to her ankle and moved back up to lie on top of her, dropping a soft kiss here and there as he did until he reached her neck again. "I must have done something amazing in a past life." He murmured against her skin. "Because there's no other way I could be this damn lucky."

Before they'd started dating, Jess had imagined that Don would be vocal in bed, and he was, but not in the way she'd expected.

She'd come to notice two very different scenarios when they were together. When he had pinned her down and told her in no uncertain terms that she was his, she'd been expecting the first one: rough, but only in the sense of two people who couldn't get enough of one another. These were the times they weren't necessarily in bed (one very memorable time up against the wall of his apartment still made her thighs shake when she thought of it) and he would tell her everything he'd like to do to her until she was begging him to do each and every one of them.

And he did.

He'd done things to her body that should be illegal for the effect it had on her, things that drove her to the edge screaming his name.

But this was the second: soft and sweet and it was more accurate to say that he made love to her rather than that they had sex. He told her how beautiful she was and how lucky he was and how he could spend every waking hour just looking at her. He treated her body like a temple and that had unnerved her at first, the way he seemed to worship every inch of her. The bedroom was a lot quieter when he did this because, although the first was pleasurable, this went beyond that. It left her breathless, unable to do anything else but climax over and over again, vocalisation nearly impossible.

"I think I'm the lucky one." She disagreed quietly.

"And I will never understand that." Don sighed against her shoulder.

Jess shifted her hips, feeling him hard against her. "Don, please …"

"Patience, sweetheart." Don slipped his hands behind her back and undid her bra, pulling it away from her body. "It's a virtue, you know."

"I'm not virtuous." Jess pointed out, letting out a soft hiss as his fingers skimmed the top of her breast. "Never have been."

"That's true." Don murmured; one hand cupped her right breast and his mouth landed on the other, peppering the soft mound with kisses until, unable to take it anymore, she arched up into his touch and he took the stiff nipple into his mouth, suckling on it, eliciting a soft cry from her mouth. He switched sides, giving both breasts equal attention, until she was certain she would come just from that, but he pulled away just when she was on the brink, causing her moans of pleasure to become moans of disappointment.

Don smiled against her stomach as he moved lower. "What did I say about patience?"

"It's a virtue." Jess repeated, shivering as he kissed the inside of her thigh. "But you also agreed that I'm not virtuous."

Don chuckled against her skin. "And your point?"

"I need you inside me." Jess told him, too far gone to be concerned with the note of pleading in her voice.

"I know, baby, but I feel like being selfish." Don tugged on her panties and she lifted her hips, allowing him to tug them down her legs.

"How is this being selfish?" Jess asked.

Don trailed kisses back up her legs until he reached her folds. "Well, I don't know if I've ever told you this, but you taste amazing." He traced her outer lips with his tongue, before dipping into her hole briefly and licking up to her clit. "I think I'm addicted."

His words vibrated against her, sending shudders of pleasure through her. "Don, please …"

He didn't respond. His hands stayed on her legs, holding her down, and he licked her clit over and over again with tiny movements, until she dissolved into convulsions, the ability to form words or even sounds once more escaping her.

Don moved to lie beside her, pulling her into his arms until the tremors subsided. Once they had, he cupped her face and kissed her softly, letting her taste herself on his tongue. "I need to be inside you." He whispered.

"Oh, now you wanna be inside me?" Jess murmured with a smirk, flipping so she was straddling him.

"Jess ..." Don began to protest.

When they'd first gotten together, it had been difficult for her to keep the upper hand in bed, seeing as he had a good sixty pounds on her, not to mention at least five inches. But in time, she'd discovered that if she distributed her weight in a certain way and touched him in just the right places, he was putty in her hands.

"Sorry, sweetheart." Jess pulled his t-shirt over his head. "I feel like being selfish." She ran an eye over him, feeling herself dampen again at the sight of her boyfriend lying there shirtless (which was one amazing sight) and in jeans (which was just as incredible).

"Okay, I asked for that …" Don trailed off with a groan as her hand cupped him through his jeans.

"Yeah, you did." With a practiced hand, Jess pulled his jeans off, leaving him in his boxers, which his erection was already straining against.

"How is this being selfish?" Don asked haltingly.

Jess smirked. "Okay, now you're stealing my lines."

"You started it." Don pointed out with a grin, helping her pull his boxers off. "But it's a valid question."

Jess ran her hand lightly along his shaft, watching him tense with a smirk. "Because you taste amazing." She leaned down and touched her tongue to his tip, her smirk widening when he jolted.

It wasn't the first time she'd gone down on him, but he never seemed to quite believe her when she told him that she enjoyed it.

And she did enjoy it, probably because it was one of the few times she made him lose control completely.

Feeling his fingers thread into her hair, Jess took him into her mouth, provoking a strangled cry as she moved up and down, circling the base of his cock with her hand.

She let him slide in and out between her lips rhythmically, running her tongue over the head every time she pulled up.

His hand tightened momentarily in her hair, before moving down to her arms and tugging lightly, signalling for her to pull up but, for the first time, she didn't listen to him. Grasping his hands in hers, she returned to sucking the tip off his hard member, hollowing her cheeks as she did.

"Jess …" He groaned. "I'm … You need to …"

Jess released him with a soft pop, admiring the way he had hardened even more. "Hmm … what a dilemma."

Don was breathing heavily, but still managed to form a response. "What's a dilemma?"

"Well," Jess sat up, straddling his thighs just below his stiff cock. "I've always wanted to ignore you when you tell me to pull up and let you come in my mouth." She smirked when he let out a moan at the mental image and another one when she cupped a breast in one hand and slid the other down to rub her slit before slipping a finger inside her. "But I'm so wet … I need you inside me." She pulled her finger out, glistening with her juices, and put it in her mouth, sucking it clean. "So I'll make you a deal."

"What kind of deal?" Don asked hoarsely.

Jess smirked and rose up so she was suspended above him. "You fuck me so hard I can't walk straight later and I'll fulfil that little dream of mine tomorrow."

"Deal." Don groaned as she brushed against him and, with one movement, she was on her back and he slid into her with one movement.

"Oh, Don, I missed you!" Jess cried, arching her back.

"I know." Don kissed her shoulder, thrusting into her steadily. "God, you feel so good, Jess."

Jess wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his ass to help him pound into her.

Of course, it wasn't long before they both found themselves approaching the edge of that cliff and they clung to each other as Jess cried out, her muscles clamping down, drawing out his climax as Don buried himself as deep as he could and spilled his seed inside her.

Breathing deeply, Don moved off her and pulled her into his arms, pulling the covers over them. "Headache gone then?"

Jess laughed tiredly. "No. But I feel a hell of a lot better anyway."

"Good." Don murmured, kissing her forehead.

Neither of them said anything more, as sleep stole over them and the night fell.

When Jess woke up, it was morning and she turned her head to find Don already awake and smiling at her.

"Jess." He whispered. "I have to tell you something."

"Mmm … what's that?" Jess asked sleepily, trying not to grimace as she realised that the pain in her head had been joined by one in her stomach.

Don took a deep breath. "Okay, bear in mind that this is quite scary for me. I've never felt this way about someone, Jess, and I've been trying to put a name to it for weeks now, but there's nothing else it could be." He cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes. "I love you, Jessica."
A rush of happiness washed over her, but a wave of nausea followed and she threw the covers off her, just making it into the bathroom before emptying her stomach into the toilet.

His hands pulled her hair back out of her face and rubbed her back soothingly until she was left with nothing but dry heaves.

Although his reaction had been comforting and immediate, she could hear the underlying hurt in his voice. "If I'd known you were gonna react like that, I wouldn't have said anything."

"No!" Jess tried to turn to face him, but the movement provoked another rush and she steadied herself, taking gulps of air. "No, Don; it's not that. I love you too." She paused. "I'd kiss you, but I don't think you'd appreciate that right now."

"Then what's wrong?" Don asked, sounding concerned, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Uh oh … Jess, I think you've got the flu … why didn't you say something last night?"

"The flu hits me hard and fast." Jess groaned, wanting nothing more than to curl up into a ball on the floor. "Always has."

"Come on." Don slipped an arm under her knees and lifted her, carrying her back to bed. "You are not goin' in today."

"Don, they need me …" Jess protested weakly. "There's that big trial today … The er …"

"Honey, if you can't remember whose trial it is, how are you gonna be any help?" Don asked gently. "I'm callin' the captain, alright? Don't move."

Jess wanted to argue, but every inch of her body screamed out in protest and she nodded weakly, her lips curving into a smile as he brushed a kiss against her forehead before hurrying out of the room.

He returned quickly with a bucket, a thermometer, a glass of water and two aspirin. "I know vitamin C's supposed to help you, but I don't know if you can handle orange juice right now, so …"

"Don." Jess cut him off quietly. "It's fine. Thank you."

Don grinned, grabbing his cell-phone from the side and dialling a number. "Hey, Danno. Yeah, listen, I need you to do me a favour. I need you to find Terrance Davies and get him to sign the paperwork letting him off the hook. Oh, come on, Danny; I've never asked you … Alright, I have. I'll owe you one, alright; Jess's sick and … Oh, so you'll do it for her?"

Jess couldn't help the giggle that escaped her.

"Thanks, buddy. And can you ask Hawkes to drop round her place at some point today?"

"Don, that's not necessary …" Jess began to protest, but she stopped and he quickly grabbed the bucket and held it in front of her, dropping the phone to help her sit forward. As she sat back, she pulled a face. "Tell Messer I'm sorry he had to hear that."

"She's sorry about that." Don relayed through the phone, pointing to the thermometer and silently telling her to use it, which she did with a sigh. "Thanks, man." He hung up, dialling another number. "Hey, captain. Listen, I'm not gonna be in today. Neither's Angell. She's sick. Flu, I think." He pulled the thermometer out of her mouth. "Temp's 103, she's got a headache, vomiting everywhere …"

"That's an exaggeration." Jess disagreed, falling into coughs.

Don winced. "And she's coughing. Yes, sir, I suppose you can hear that. What? Well, anyone can do that; courtroom duty's not exactly … Thank you, sir. I will." He hung up. "Captain says 'feel better' and I'd better get some paperwork done if I'm gonna sit here with you all day."

Jess giggled weakly. "Thanks, Don."

"Hey, it's what I'm here for." Don grinned, "I'll even make you some chicken soup for lunch."

"You're supposed to starve a fever." Jess called after him as he left the room.

"I know that." Don assured her as he reappeared yet again with a briefcase. "Paperwork." He explained at her confused expression. "Wasn't sure how tired you'd be last night."

"You were prepared to do paperwork and watch me sleep?" Jess asked.

Don shrugged. "Like I said, I love you." He sat down next to her, leaning against the headboard and pulled the first form out.

"I love you too." Jess murmured. "I don't think I'm gonna be holding up my end of that deal any time soon."

Don chuckled. "Just get better, sweetheart."

Jess took the aspirin he'd given her and settled down again, feeling more tired than she felt she had a right to that early in the morning, but, lulled by the noise of Don's pen scratching against the paper, she felt herself drifting off.

"Hey, Jess?" Don asked quietly. "What's the date today?"

Jess frowned, trying to keep sleep at bay just long enough to think of the answer. "May 20th 2009."

AN: And now you should all be able to tell me why Jess having the flu is a good thing. Review please!