I went down in the Cullen's kitchen to get me a glass of water. My throat was really dry all day, so I just tried to get it better with much water again. When I was done with drinking what felt like half a gallon of water I went up the stairs. When I passed Carlisle's office I saw him sitting behinde his desk, finishing some paperwork. He was the only one home.

"I'm going to bed now." I said.

"It's only half past seven, Bella." He claimed.

"Yeah I know but I feel kinda tired. I guess I just didn't get enough sleep the past nights, you know with all the exams..." I trailed of at the end.

"Well then good night, sleep well sweetheart."

When I reached Edward's room, I climbed in the bed and pulled the quilt over me. Soon I felt warmer and drifted off to sleep.

It felt like five minutes later when I woke up again. Instantly I knew why. My throat was all dry again and my nose was all stuffy. Great why did this always happen so me. With a sight I got up angain to drink some water and maybe I was luck and a would also find something for my nose. I had just walked some steps but I already felt that I was way too cold and I started to shiver. Anyway I went down. I was just pouring me a glass of water when suddenly Carlisle's voice was right behinde me. I jumped and spilled the water over my shirt.

"What are you doing up that late?"

I blushed. "I just wanted to ge-."

"Bella, your voice is all raspy." He said worried. The next second his hands were at my tonsils checking for swelling. "Carlisle, really it's nothing." I said annoyed. "Please let me just check, I'm the doctor so I should decide if it's nothing."

With that he guided me to the couch. "Please sit I will just..." Then he disappeared, but before I could be confused he was back again, black doctor bag in hand. "Aww, please Carlisle. Don't do this to me." He chuckled. "Bella, Edward would want this, too, so we can do it the easy or the hard way."

In that very second I decided to make a run for it. I would ran to the door and, and...I don't know. But I will not just sit here and wait for him to to torture me with his meds and needles. I really liked Carlisle but I just had some natural thing against doctors.

So I got up and ran to the door. The point in this sentence, I ran to the door, not through the door. Before I was even out of the livingroom Carlisle's cold hand slipped around my waist, pulling me backwards onto the couch and beside him.

" Bella, you don't need to be scarred of me. I won't hurt you."

I had trashed around till now, trying to get out of his grip, but now I stopped.

"Carlisle, I'm not scarred of you."

"Well then why did you run from me?" he asked. "I'mscarredoftheneedles." I mumbled as quickly as I could, hoping he wouldn't understand. But sure he was a vampire, I could never trick him.

"Oh Bella," He chuckled, "there won't be needles now. But if you refuse to let me take a look at you now, I can't promise anything."

"Are you sure?" I asked.


"Well than I think I can't say anything against that. However, I won't get out of it."

His hand then rested against my forehead. "Low fever, good heart rate andd breathing." Then he pulled out his penlight and shone with that annoying thing in my eyes. Quickly I closed them, because my head started spinning.

"Well I'm sorry, Bella, but I think you have a light case of the flu."

"Oh great, everytime I stay with you, I bother you with some other stupid sickness. Why can't I just stay healthy?"

"You don't bother me at all, I enjoy helping you," he chuckled, "it's natural for humans to get sick now and then."

"Then I don't want to be human." I mumbled sullenly. His tone was stern when he answered: " That's not something we shoulf discuss now." Then he disappeared, a second later he stood in fron of he handing me a glass of water and to white pills. "Take these, they will make you sleepy and help to reduce the fever."

After I had swallowed the pills he tucked be in bed.

"Just call if you need anything." Then he left me alone in Edward's room.