The sun shone through the windows of the bull pen giving each person a reason to violate the dress code but somehow no one had. All seven agents were catching up on paperwork and trying to suppress the boredom that was threatening to grip every one of them.

Bobby was particularly bored especially since everyone else seemed to have their heads down, he had shocked everyone in the last few days by completing everyone of his reports on time, a shock that team rotor Lucy was still trying to get over. He was sat at his desk drumming his fingers, shaking his foot and trying his hardest not to glance at Tara who was wearing headphones, but failing miserably.

"You know Crash" Jack said "You could always take some of this pile on my desk to do if you're that bored"

"Yeah right, you have got to be kidding Sparks your cases your paperwork, you know the drill! I just wish that something would happen; I'm bored out of my mind. It seems that the freaks, weirdo's and terrorists have either taken a break or have finally decided that I am simply too awesome that they have all given up." Bobby replied with a slight smirk across his face

"Um Koala boy, you were involved in the Manson drug case were you not?" Myles interrupted

"And your point being?"

"There is a lovely pile of photographic evidence here that needs logging if you're that bored"

"No you're alright Myles; we all know how much you love logging evidence, besides I have a way if entertaining myself, for a few minutes at least. So Sparky my old mate how's being able to stare at Sue from afar treating you?"

Jack shot Bobby a look that well if looks could kill the team would be arranging a funeral and calling his family about now. Jack had to admit it though he never used to like doing paperwork before Sue joined the team, but since her desk was less than five feet away he would often sneak glances in her direction and if and when she caught he would simply ask for a file he knew she had or a pen since his a stopped working he could come up with an excuse in an instant.

He was also trying not to look at her, as he risked giving up their secret, they had began dating six weeks ago, Ted had called them both into his office, stating that the no dating policy was under review and since the two of them had obvious chemistry they were given permission to date if they wanted to, they had began dating and four weeks later Ted had informed them that the policy had indeed been cancelled.

They had decided that it was much more fun and exciting to keep the team in the dark for now and tell them when the time was right, something Ted had agreed on, he had also agreed to keep the team in the dark about the cancelled policy

"Finally finished the report for miserable Randy" was heard from Lucy, "now that is done I have nothing left for the rest of the day, bring on the boredom"

Jack snuck a glance at Sue before aiming to return to his report but couldn't help notice the sneaky grin that both Bobby and Lucy now had on their faces and the way they were both staring at messages on their computer screen. Jack knew that a bored Bobby meant trouble, but a bored Bobby, Lucy, sly smirks and computer messages could only mean one that his and Sue's romantic relationship or what they believed lack of it was about to take another teasing session, knowing he had to get them both out of the quick he sent Sue a message

Sue had been oblivious the remarks and actions of her colleagues, she had been so engrossed in her report that even if she could have heard them she probably wouldn't have even noticed, she was managing to sneak glances at Jack though, but made it look as if she was doing work on the computer since she had slyly angled her computer screen in that direction, she even jumped as Levi put is paw on her knee indicating the flicker of her computer telling her of an incoming message.

She clicked it open and was puzzled as to why Jack, who was sitting right in front of her, was sending her a message to her via her private Email account and not the Bureau one

JH: - Hey honey Lucy and Bobby are both bored, passing messages and grinning you know what that means

Sue sighed she knew exactly what was coming and it was too hot and sticky to blush today, so she began to reply to Jack


JH: - Exactly, I don't know about you but it is far too hot to fight back and I really don't have the energy

ST: - me neither so what shall we do, though it would be a lot easier if we could tell them, maybe then they would give us a break

JH: - Oh come on Hon, where's your sense of adventure! It is way more fun this way, besides all their matchmaking is serving as an excuse to spend time with you ;-) So how about lunch it is 12:30, but let's not leave at the same time that will only wind them up more and give them more ammunition for when we get back. I'll offer to do a lunch run, you leave in ten minutes to walk Levi and I'll meet you in the park with salads, coke and maybe I'll even buy you a ice-cream if you are good to me!

ST: - Ok Sweetie you go first and I'll see you in the park in ten minutes, Oh and sweetie one more thing

JH: - and what gorgeous may that be

ST: - Being good is so over-rated; being bad is much more fun ;-)

Jack coughed and cleared his throat loudly as he read Sue's last message, especially when he looked over to her and she gave a small wink and smile.

He looked around at the rest of the team who thankfully had not seen incident between them all, they had all gone back to their work even Bobby and Lucy had given in and were helping Myles log the photo's from the Mason case.

He shut down his computer, grabbed his wallet and keys and stood at the edge of his desk with a pad of paper and a pen in his hand

"Hey guys, I'm going to go grab a sandwich from the cafe anyone want one?, but I will be about an hour or so I'm going to go and make sure our Mr Heston is prepared for the case tomorrow"

"Oh mate you are a diamond, that will save me a trip to see the little runt, I'll have a Tuna salad, white roll, no onions" Bobby answered

"Cheers Jack, cheese and onion for me, any roll" Lucy replied

"And me" came the small voice of Tara

"Chicken Salad for me please, brown roll, white is bad for the cholesterol" Myles answered

"Nothing for me thanks Jack, I'm going to finish this report and meet Donna for lunch at home" D answered

Finally Jack looked at Sue, who was still busy typing and writing away that she hadn't noticed him waving to get her attention, so he stood in front of her and tapped her arm

"Sorry Jack, did you want something? Oh right the prison records from the Mason case, here you go just finished" she looked at him carrying on as they normally did

"I asked if you wanted anything from the cafe on the corner I'm going for sandwiches?"

"no its ok, I'll go and get something later, I have to finish this report for the Mason case, I'm sort of on a roll at the moment and eating will distract me, I'll go and get something when I'm finished"

"Ok, see you later"

A chorus of Okays echoed around the building

With that Jack headed out of the bullpen, down to the salad bar on the corner and ordered two chicken salads and two diet cokes for him and Sue, crossed the street to the park, sat on their favourite bench and waited for his lunch date to arrive

In the meantime Sue casually went back to her report ten minutes after Jack had left she came up with her own plan of escape, she stood up and faked a dizzy spell by gripping the edge of her desk

"WOAH" she said as she quickly sat back down

Lucy and Bobby were at her side in seconds

"Sue, are you OK?" they both asked concerned

"Yeah I'm fine, just stood up a bit too quick, plus I've been starring at that screen for the last few hours it made my vision go a bit fuzzy, see I'm fine now, but maybe I will go and get some air and maybe a quick bite to eat, plus Levi needs a walk" with that she stood back up

"Are you sure you don't want one of us to go with you?" Bobby asked still concerned

"No honestly I'm fine, besides I'll have Levi and there are plenty of people in the streets and in the park, but honestly I'm fine an hour or so away will do me some good"

"Ok If you're sure, hey I know why don't I call Jack and have him meet you on the corner and you can go and eat together" Lucy said

Sue just rolled her eyes even in times of worry she is trying to play matchmaker "I'm sure don't call Jack he'll only worry unnecessarily" and with that she clipped on Levi's leash, turned off her computer, grabbed her purse, keys and headed for the park to meet Jack.