The following story is inspired by Mario Sports Mix and it's my first hockey game.

It's another great day at Mario Stadium where today is my first hockey game against the Koopa King. I was so pumped for this big match as I laced up my skates. Then I said,. "Well, it's time for my first hockey match. To the arena!"

When I got to the arena, the crowd started to cheer for me. I said, "Wow, Mario Stadium is now an ice rink. Looks like this arena has plenty of surprises and there's the referee, Lakitu! Well, I better get ready."

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's big game between Dragon Puncher and the Koopa King himself, Bowser!" Lakitu announced, "Today's battle is going to be fierce as these two dragons compete against each other and I'm so pumped for this big match so, let's bring out the players! First, we have a newcomer who loves to play sports and he's in the spirit of the game. Please give it up for Dragon Puncher!"

When Lakitu announced my name, I entered the rink in a standing ovation. When I got there, I saw the referee. Lakitu said, "Well Dragon, welcome to the game and you look so good in your green and orange jersey."

"Thanks, Lakitu." I replied as I shook his hand, "I am looking forward to a great game today against the Koopa King and this is my first time playing in an arena so, I'm so glad to be part of the game."

"Well, it looks like you're ready to go so, are you ready to meet your challenger of this match?" Lakitu asked.

"Of course!" I replied.

"Alright then! Let's meet your challenger! Our challenger is the king of all Koopas. He's been fighting Mario countless times and now, he is ready to play on the ice. Here comes the Koopa King, Bowser!"

When Bowser came in to the arena, I was amazed at his size. Bowser smiled and said to me, "Well, look who's here. The warrior from the Earth is challenging me to a hockey game. That's so nice. Well, I want to say that I want to have a good match with you and win or lose, we'll have a great game. So, are you ready, Dragon?"

"Yes, Bowser. Let's have a fair match." I agreed as I took out the hockey stick.

Then Lakitu came in with the puck and said, "OK you two, here are the rules. You have one minute to score as many goals as you can. Dragon, you'll be shooting to the red goal, and Bowser will shoot to the blue goal. Each time you score, another face-off will commence. Whoever has the most goals when the timer runs out, wins the game. But, if the score is tied, then we'll go to sudden death and have a shootout! So, those are the rules. Now that we're clear with that, I think we're ready to start. So, let's set the stopwatch to sixty seconds!"

The stopwatch agreed as the timer shows sixty seconds.

Lakitu flew to the center of the arena and said, "OK! Is Bowser ready?"

"Ready, Lakitu! Bowser replied.

"Dragon Puncher, are you ready?"

"I'm all set!" I agreed.

"Alright then, the game begins when I drop the puck. Remember, you have one minute. Here we go. On my whistle. 3, 2, 1... GO!"

Then, Lakitu blew the whistle and the puck has dropped on us. I took control of the opening face-off and with that, the game has begun.

I started the game with a nice skate on the ice but Bowser came in and stole the puck from me. I took a body check and stole it back. Then I took a shot and it went to the red goal for the first goal of the game. I smiled and said, "Alright! I scored a goal!"

The crowd cheered as Lakitu said, "Goal, Dragon Puncher! The score is one to nothing!"

The scoreboard now shows 1-0 with 47 seconds left on the game clock. We came back to the center of the ice for another face-off. Lakitu came to me with the puck and said, Well done, Dragon. You got the first goal of the game. How does it feel?"

"Great!" I replied. "I can't believe that the first goal gave me an early lead."

"Very nicely done! Now, it's time for another face-off! Here we go!" Lakitu announced as the puck dropped on us again.

This time, Bowser took control as I used the stick to slap the puck away. The crowd cheered as I skated along the ice and when I got to the red goal, Bowser stole the puck. He took a shot and then, it went to the net. Bowser scored a goal as well.

Lakitu blew the whistle and said, "Goal, Bowser! The score is one all with just thirty seconds left! Wow! So this game is tied right now."

Then, another face-off came in as Lakitu dropped the puck for the third time. The score is tied and with less than 30 seconds left, I still have a chance. Bowser stole the puck and said, "Time to score another goal!"

And then, he did, making the score two to one with just ten seconds remaining.

Lakitu came in with the puck and said, "Well ladies and gentlemen, this is it. The score is two to one with Bowser in the lead. There's still ten seconds left on my stopwatch so that means we do have enough time for one more face-off. Now, if Dragon Puncher scores the next goal, then the game will be tied and we will go to sudden death. But, if Bowser scores, then he'll win the match. So, this puck right here will decide the fate of these two competitors and it comes down to the final ten seconds. Alright then, this is it! The final face-off of the match. OK, the final ten seconds starts… NOW!"

Then, the puck dropped on us and I took control. The crowd cheered for me as I get closer to the net. This was it, the final five seconds of the match. It's all or nothing now.

"5, 4..." Lakitu counted.

I took a big deep breath…


I raised my stick…


I said the special shot, "Dragon Fire Breath Final…"



With the word shouted, I unleashed the special shot and then, I slapped the puck with all of my might. I held my breath and then, the shot is made and the buzzer has sounded, ending the game. The crowd cheered for me as I made the shot.

Lakitu blew the whistle and said, "Hold it, ladies and gentlemen! Just a moment! I have to make a decision on this final shot. Let's go to the instant replay and see it again."

Then, I saw the replay of my last shot. The puck sailed all the way to the net and then, the buzzer sounded on the final shot.

Lakitu came to me and said, "Dragon Puncher, after I reviewed the replay, I can tell you that you did make the special shot and the rules said that if the shot is made when the buzzer sounded, then it will count as a shot. So, my final decision on this final play is that you have scored the…"

I held my breath and waited for the decision. The crowd grew silent as Lakitu awaits the final decision.

And then…

And then…

Lakitu has reached his final decision. He smiled to me and said the three words…


"I did?" I asked.

"Yes! Your special shot did make it to the net when the final buzzer sounded and I almost forgot about the special shot rule. Want to hear it?" Lakitu asked me.

"Yes! Give it to me!"

"OK, here goes! If a player makes a special shot, then the value of the goal is doubled. So, the special shot that you made at the buzzer is worth not one, but… TWO POINTS!" Lakitu shouted.

"So, that means we have a tie game?" I asked him nicely.

"Even better! I know that you want this game to end and I have to make this final decision on this so because of your special shot that you made at the buzzer, Dragon Puncher, you didn't tie the game… YOU WIN!" Lakitu announced to me as the final whistle blew, ending the game for real.

"YES!" I shouted when confetti fell on me with the crowd cheering, "I won, I won! Alright! I scored the game winning goal! Yeah!"

Lakitu smiled to me and said the final results, "With the final score of three to two, Dragon Puncher has won the game with his Dragon Fire Breath Shot at the final buzzer! What a way to end this amazing game! Bowser, give Dragon a handshake for a great game."

Bowser came to me and shook my hand for a great match. Then he said, "Wow, that was an impressive shot that you made. Great game, Dragon."

"Thanks, Bowser!" I replied.

Then I said with a wink, "Now that's a… HOT SHOT!"