LAST CHAPTER! ahh, it has been bitter sweet.

Over the weekend, Randy spent a lot of time with Samantha and Alanna. While Jessica was crying all weekend.

It was Monday night now, show time. Randy was stretching backstage, when Shawn came into the locker room. They stared at each other.

"Look, Shawn, I am truly sorry about Jessica. I never meant to hurt her." Randy said.

"It's alright." Shawn didn't really know what else to say. "Hey, congrats on getting back with Samantha." Randy smiled back.

Randy was walking down the hall when he bumped into Jessica. She got up and quickly started to walk away. Randy jogged a little to catch up with her. "Jess, wait!"

"Randy, stop! I don't want to talk to you anymore." Jessica stopped. She knew she couldn't keep running away from Randy.

"I am really sorry about everything that happened between us. I want to let you know that I never wanted to hurt you." Randy said.

Jessica was on the brink of crying. She didn't know what to say. "I really liked you Randy." She walked into the diva's locker room.

Randy sighed and felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Chris Jericho. "Things will be okay in a bit. Trust me, I've been there." Chris was telling the truth. He got a little too close to Kelly Kelly, even though he is married. He had to call things off before everything got to crazy. Kelly was heartbroken.

"Thanks man." Randy said.

Randy went back to the locker room and taped up his wrists. He took a deep breath and went out. His match against Sheamus was next. Jessica watched from backstage. She had so many mixed emotions. She was hurt, but she didn't want to lose Randy. Randy quickly captured the victory and went backstage. He grabbed a bottle of water and continued his way to the back.

He bumped into Jessica again. Her match was up, she was tagging with Eve to face Maryse and Alicia Fox. "Sorry." Randy said. Jessica continued her way to the entrance. "Good luck." Randy said.

Jessica went out there and faked her smile. She wasn't happy, just miserable. After her loss, she knew what she had to do. She walked straight to the superstars' locker room. She spotted Randy and asked if they could talk. He nodded and walked out into the hall.

"I can't do this anymore!" Jessica screamed.

"Do what?"

"I can't bare to see you and not be able to talk to you." Randy shrugged his shoulders. "Randy! I don't care anymore if I can't be with you, I just want to be your friend now. Is that too much to ask for?" Jessica began crying.

Randy hugged her. He felt sympathy for her. He broke her heart. "We can be friends." Randy said smiling. Jessica hugged him tightly for a few more seconds before letting go.

A few months have passed since Jessica and Randy's breakup. Randy was planning his second wedding, to Samantha. And Jessica? Well Jessica was about to meet someone new.

Jessica just won the diva's championship for the first time. She was so excited. She was running and bouncing around all backstage, when she bumped into a tall man.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Jessica said.

"It's no problem." The man said. "Congrats on winning your first title!"

"Thanks!" Jessica responded with a huge smile.

"Wanna go out and celebrate?"

"I'd love that." Jessica said.

Jessica and John Morrison both had smiles on their faces, as they left the arena to go out on their first date.

FIN! I hope you all liked it. I'm starting a new fan fic of Jack Swagger and John Cena becoming step brothers.