Chapter Nine: Avengers

The U.E.S. Odyssey had broken off from the engagement to make a few field repairs and to recharge the shields before returning to the battle. With the Colonial battle groups on alert, they still committed a bulk of their warships to break through the remaining Cylon defense lines and orbital defense platforms. Even with the death of Admiral Brass and the destruction of the command group and the Battlestar Orion command of the attack force had shifted on to Vice-Admiral Tong on the Mercury-class Battlestar Chronos. He recommitted just two attack groups by breaking them off from the engagement to regroup them around the Chronos. He sent the damage Odin-class Battlestar Athena back to the colonies for additional reinforcements and send word that the Earthiers had join the battle. The ship was hoping in and out of some type of sensor jamming and visual masking field launching various hit and run attacks on their fleet. He was ready for them by giving them a big enough target he's hoping to SPAM them with enough firepower from this battle group on any approach. They will likely take losses among their screen of escorts that has formed around them and a Battlestar or two but their sacrifice will allow them to take out that Earth ship saving more lives than with them still around.


"Captain, we just detected two large enemy groups have just in system jump away from the main battle."

The Commodore turned around and walks over to his XO

"Where are they Commander?"

"They have pulled back several hundred kilometers away from the battle and an intercepted transmission confirms they formed around their new flagship."

"Show me."

Commodore Emersion walks over to the front of the bridge and look at the tactical hologram as Wood's brought up the sensor data.

"Sensors are picking up a few dozen enemy Battlestars, nearly a hundred escorts, and several thousand fighters and bombers."

"They are taking a lot by pulling off those two groups like this."

"You think they could be regrouping for a new assault."

"Normally yes, but with us out here no. That's it!"

"What is it sir?"

"Their bate they want us away from any Cylon support, but with more than enough firepower to punch through our shields."

"Sure taking a risk with that."

"With us out here worth it"

"Sir the Cylon Fleet is reporting that they are holding, but they're still getting worn down. They've taken too many loses in the opening battles. If this keeps up the Colonials will break through the Cylon remaining defense lines and out flank them."

Captain Emersion took a moment to think and then reach a decision

"I won't take us into a fight I know we won't win. Commander move us to the group attacking the weakest spot in the Cylon lines. Ready all fighters for scramble; I want them loaded with nuclear anti-ship missiles. Once all fighters are clear we will break off the attack and engage the group that has the Cylon command station under siege. All hands prepare for combat we are reengaging the enemy in 5 minutes."

"Sir, what if they jump in on top of us while we are launching fighters and covering the launches or engaging their battle group?"

"Then we will be in so close they will have to worry about friendly fire."

Soon as all hands had reported and all stations are manned the Odyssey jump to hyperspace just a few Kilometers from the battle to de cloak and scramble all fighters. The F-302Bs cleared the deck as several Viper squadrons broke off and moved to engage the Odyssey. The Cylons redeployed their Raiders to intercept. The F-302Bs let the Raiders deal with the Vipers and moved under stealth to attack the Battlestars. The Odyssey made a quick jump to hyperspace once all fighters had safely cleared and before the Colonial warships could bring their main batteries to bare.


Colonel Mitchell's Raven dodges and evaded through the incoming flak as he lined up for his attack run on the Jupiter-class Battlestar Columbia. He needed to get closer so they won't have the time to shoot the missiles down.

He just had to stay on target for a few more seconds just as a pair of Vipers dived down on him clipping his left wing.

"Damn it." He pulled back and bank left on the control stick taking evasive action. He saw two Vipers on his tail chasing him by his Head Mounted display system (HMDS) originally slated for pilots flying the F-35 Lighting II. He rolled and dodges just keeping them barely with him as they battle tightly around the Battlestar Columbia. He saw more fighters coming in trying to cut him off. As he turned hard port and dive making a hard 180 turn as he almost crash on the edge of the port side flight pod as he went to full burn and flew into the pod unleash his missiles and lit his booster rocket as he race out of that pod as the nuclear tip Slammer missile impacted its target inside the flight pod as he jump to hyperspace for a second to clear the blast as the Battlestar port side was blown up and the Vipers chasing him were caught incinerated.

"Blue Leader to Blue Squadron scratch's one Battlestar."

It wasn't long as he saw behind his protected visor which protected his eyes from the flash as two more Battlestars a Mercury and Odin go up in nuclear fireballs.

"Gold to Shaft I got two enemy fighters is on my six. I can't seem to shake them. "

"Hang on Gold, I'm on my way."

With that Mitchell bank right and moved to assist.


Admiral Tong look up at the DRADIS screen as it was remote link to Battle Group Delta command ship as four Battlestar icons disappeared from the screens.

"Admiral we just loss four Battlestars in Battle Group Delta. Battlestar Night Flight on fire and requesting assistance"

He threw the phone across the command console.

"Frak!" He yield, "Order all ships prepare to…"

"Sir, enemy ship just reappear its attacking Group Alpha."

Time to end this madness, he thought.

"All ships prepare to jump in and open fire as soon as soon as we jump in I want a full nuclear strike fleet wide."

"Admiral the Earth ship is too close to our ships."

"I gave you order Lieutenant, carry it out."

"Yes Admiral." The Lieutenant

"Get me Fleet wide." He ordered and pick back up the phone. "All ships this is Chronos-Actual prepare for FTL to jump."


The Odyssey quickly jumps in and imminently starts catching some fire from two of the Goa'uld Ha'taks among the group. The Odyssey begins moving like a fighter to evade the plasma fire and moves among the Colonial warships flying in and around the battle group with her railguns firing at anything she passes and carefully missiles launching and hitting any targets of open opportunity. The Basestars take advantage of the moment to take out those two Ha'tak as the Odyssey draws their fire.

"Sir, a ally ship on the left flank lost its fighter cover. It won't last much longer. "

"Move us in between them stand by to draw their fire as they withdraw ready for a full plasma beam salvo ..."


A Colonial Fleet jumped on top of them missile doors open and seconds later launch a full nuclear down upon the Odyssey. She climbed to get clear but too late.

As their Cylon allies watch in horror and Colonial's smiled in hope for what seem like the first time as various lights of bright nuclear fire consume the Odyssey.

Then the burning and heavily damage hull of the Odyssey emerging high from the blasts.