-I wish to thank everyone for all the reviews I have gotten so far and would like to encourage more in the future. Having read some of your reviews I have attempted to answer your concerns about the story, specifically Sam's parents. Also in case you don't remember Kira was the team's original dispatcher who wanted to become a full SRU member so she seemed logical for Sam's replacement-

Jules and Spike moved together around a corner, taking turns one covering the others advance. The two moved down a long hallway searching for the subject. They had been searching this office building for the last half hour for the subject after he had been called in. They only knew what the 911 callers had reported, that a crazed man had come in waving a gun around and had taken another man hostage before disappearing in the chaos. They had heard everything in the reports from a handgun to an assault rifle so they were assuming the worst and taking it very slowly. Greg had been trying to talk him down but they couldn't trace his cell phone precisely enough to find him inside the building. Jules had quickly grown tired of this game of cat and mouse but they had finished clearing all but the top floor, and the team was converging on several points now. They met up with Wordy and Kira, who had replaced Sam, to search the last several offices. After several more doors they heard a man yelling, and the snake camera they put under the door confirmed both the hostage and the gun, which appeared to be an old MP5. Kira spoke into her radio "Boss subject located. Weapon confirmed as an MP5 submachine gun. Boss those bullets will not penetrate body armor; recommend less-lethal entry with tasers to subdue him."

Ed spoke up while leading the rest of the team to their location "And if he misses and hits one of you in the head? Or if he shoots the hostage? Negative as long as negotiations continue we stand down."

Kira responded simply with "Yes sir."

For the next 20 minutes they simply stood there stacked up on the door, all watching for any sign of a need to breach in. Ed had arrived during the interval and had taken command, waiting for the subject to surrender himself or for the team to need to go in. Suddenly out of nowhere the subject began yelling angrily, something Greg had said had re-elevated him and he was now holding his gun on the hostage's head. Greg's voice sounded on their radios "Ed go in! Go in now less lethal if you can but go in now!"

The team reacted instantly; Kira still had her taser out so she took point with the rest of the team to follow. They broke in the door all shouting variations of police, and drop your weapon. He turned toward them and hesitated for a moment, before seemingly making up his mind to open fire on the team. Before he could put his finger on the trigger Kira shot him with the taser, and held it until he was subdued. She spoke into her radio "Subject in custody, hostage is secure." As she and Wordy advanced and arrested him. Jules moved over quickly to the hostage along with Spike to check if he was injured.

A few hours and one debriefing later the team all went to the hospital, Sam was being released that day and only had to make it past recertifying to rejoin team one. Even Kira managed to be positive about Sam being released even though it meant she was losing her position within team one. She was being reassigned to team three, after their team leader had been "retired" in the fallout from the earlier shootout. The subsequent promotions had left an empty spot there as well that Kira would fill. The team arrived at the hospital and Jules went in first to bring him down, they wouldn't allow the entire team in. They also knew that there was another reason Jules went up alone but that was left unsaid.

"Sam? Hey Sam you there?" Jules asked as she came into his room, and was surprised to see him asleep, despite being fully dressed. She moved in closer and spoke quietly still trying to wake him up "Sam? Come on Sam it's time to get up now."

Sam was clearly still partially asleep and groggily replied "Jules?"

"Yeah Sam it's just me. Come on time to get up." She reached the bed and put a hand on his shoulder "Come on the team's waiting downstairs."

"Well in that case" Sam suddenly appeared fully awake and pulled her down on top of him and wrapped his arms around her. She quickly realized what he was doing and the two lay there for a moment wrapped up together.

Jules hit him playfully on the shoulder even as she laughed lightly at his antics. "Come on Sam we really do need to go." She said this even though she made no effort to move, and instead pulled closer to him and the two kissed lightly.

"I knew there was something about you girl." Came the ice cold remark from the doorway. Both Sam and Jules scrambled to compose themselves and found Sam's mother standing in the doorway. "I knew there was more to my son's decision than he was telling me. Your father might not have been able to see it but you both were glowing in each other's presence. I know love when I see it. You, Juliana. Now I disapprove of almost everything about you do you know that? I don't like you, I don't like your attitude, and I certainly don't approve a woman in your line of work. But you clearly make my son very happy, and that is all that should matter to a parent. So neither of you have to worry your father won't hear me breath a word of this. By the way you two might want to compose yourselves; he's waiting downstairs to see you off, come." Sam and Jules simply looked at each other for a moment, and followed.

"Know don't get me wrong I have the utmost respect for the police, but my son is no police officer. He's a soldier like his father. And he needs to go back where he belongs." Sam's father was once again ranting his opinion to anyone who would listen and to most people who wouldn't.

"So just to be clear that's whatever you say it is?" Ed remarked with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. In fact the entire team had a growing hostility brewing against Sam's father.

"Damn right it is. He's my son and whatever I say is what is best for him. Now where the hell is that woman she should be back with Sam by now."

"She's right over here dad." Sam remarked dryly, making his irritation clear. "I see you've met the team."

"Oh yes we've been having some lovely time with your father." Spike remarked as the two groups came together, just happening to shove Sam's father out of the group.

A series of "good to see you" and "How are you" commenced with several variations as Sam greeted his team again. Right in the middle of the reunions Sam's father tried to shove Kira out of the way, and only a look from Greg stopped her from responding with force. Instead she held her ground and didn't allow him to move her. "Sir are you aware that you are currently assaulting a police officer?"

That got his attention and forced him to back down a little. "My apologies ma'am. If you would I would like to see my son now." He responded in kind to her thinly veiled threat. Kira looked back at Sam, who nodded, and then stepped out of his way. "I'm so glad to see you better son, now that you can think clearly. SO tell me how long do I have to wait to see you back in your proper uniform?"

"That depends on how long it takes me to get back into the SRU." Sam responded icily, and started to walk away as his father realized his insolence at ignoring him.

"Now stop right there son. I have tolerated your disrespect for long enough. I am your father and I am telling you, you will come back to where you belong!" he nearly shouted the last part and the team moved to form a wall between him and Sam.

Ed stood directly in front of him, with the entire team backing him up. "Sir I'm going to have to ask you to calm down now. Right now sir." The two held each other's stare for a long moment, neither backing down. Eventually Sam's father did, realizing that he couldn't intimidate an entire SRU team. He backed up and put his hands up in mock surrender.

"If you'll excuse me dad I have something important to do." Sam finished the argument and led the team outside with his father still standing there at a loss for words. He gave his mother a significant look of gratitude as they walked away, and she responded simply with an almost imperceptible nod. "I'm sorry you guys had to see that. My parents are a little, well…" he trailed off allowing the past few minutes to finish for him.

"Hey Sam its fine, don't worry about it buddy." Answered Wordy.

"Sam if you had to put up with crap like that why didn't you tell any of us? We would've helped man." added spike.

The rest of the team voiced similar sentiments, especially Greg. Sam was now part of the family, and no one could disrupt that.

Sam looked around at his teammates, his friends and his real family and he looked at Jules. He knew that his father was wrong, that this was truly where he belonged. He looked forward to the future, his future with Jules and the SRU.

-I would like to thank everyone who took the time to read this, and especially like to thank all those who reviewed. In case you're interested you can look out for the sequel which should be up soon. -