The Closing Chapter 8
Paige was standing on top of the Golden Gate Bridge overlooking the bay. It had been a week since the battle at Magic School. It had been a quiet, peaceful week, the way life should be now that they had fought the Ultimate battle twice. It had also been a week full of soul searching, thinking about everything that had happened.
Knowing what sacrifice Billie had made to save their lives and stop Christy once and for all, Paige felt that every doubt, any resentment or pain Billie's betrayal had given her had dissolved. She had done everything in her power to make up for her mistakes. She couldn't blame her anymore.
As her whitelighter Paige had reached out to Billie several times this week, but all Billie had said is that she needed time to think. Paige understood, once again her whole life had been turned around again. As a whitelighter, that was all Paige could do, but she was more than just Billie's whitelighter, she was a friend and family. If only she knew what else to do.
Suddenly a trail of orbs descended down next to Paige, bringing her back to reality. She turned around and saw it was Noah, the young Elder.
"Hello Paige." Noah said while looking around. "Nice view. No wonder you always meet with the Elders here."
"Hi Noah." Paige said. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Magic School, estimating the damage?"
"I think the other Elders got that covered." Noah said. "I wanted to talk to you."
"About what?" Paige asked.
"How is Billie doing?" Noah asked concerned.
"She is dealing with it, in her own way." Paige said. "She needs a little time before she is ready to talk."
"I can't imagine what she has been through the last year." Noah said.
"I don't think we want to." Paige agreed. "She has lost so much. And it all started when she found out she was a witch. Makes you wonder if it's even worth it."
"You don't mean that." Noah said. "If anyone knows what magic can bring someone, it's you."
"Yes, well the difference is I found a family through magic, she lost one." Paige said.
"And found another." Noah added.
"I just wish there was something more we could do for her." Paige said.
"In time." Noah said. "When she is ready."
"I hope so." Paige said. "So what is the status on Magic School?" she added, wanting to change the subject.
"Well, there isn't much left standing. But nothing we can't fix." Noah said. "Magic School can be reopened in a few days."
"That soon?" Paige asked.
"Repairing the damage isn't difficult, a few spells should take care of that." Noah said. "But the real problem is getting the school functional again. Most teachers and student fear the school isn't safe anymore."
"I can see why people would feel that way, that trust needs to be earned back." Paige said.
"That's easier than it sounds. I wonder if they will ever feel safe there again." Noah said.
"In time." Paige said, using Noah's own words against him, causing him to smile.
"You're right." Noah said. "I need to get going. Tell your sisters you have the Elders' thanks. "
"You're welcome." Paige said.
Noah orbed out, leaving Paige standing on the bridge alone again.
Piper was up in the attic of the Halliwell manor, she was sitting on the couch with the Book of Shadows on her lap. She was flipping through it while she was lost in thoughts.
She was thinking about what Billie had told them, that someone had shown her the page with the power stripping potion. Piper wondered who is was, Grams would have had no problem making herself known, so it couldn't be her. Piper thought she knew who it was, someone she hadn't seen in a long time and still missed every single day.
Her trail of thoughts was interrupted by Leo walking in.
"Hi, back so soon?" Piper asked. "How was the park?"
"It was great, the boys loved it." Leo said as he said down next to her. "What are you doing?"
"Just thinking." Piper said.
"About Billie?" Leo asked.
"Something like that." Piper said.
Her mind had been with Billie a lot the past week, but she didn't know how to handle it. She had forgiven Billie, but she still felt it difficult to reach out to her. After everything that had happened, she knew Billie needed someone, but was it her place to do so?
"I think you should reach out to her." Leo said.
"Leo.." Piper began.
"Don't, Piper." Leo said. "I know it's difficult for you, but I think it's time to move on. She needs a family now."
"You're right." Piper said after a moment of silence.
"Really?" Leo asked surprised.
"Yes. I have been thinking about it." Piper said. "After everything Billie has done for us, I think we owe her that."
"Are you sure?" Leo asked.
"No. But I need to do something." Piper said.
Along with her friend Taylor, Billie was walking down the hall of her college. They had just finished their first class of the day and had a free period. It felt good to be back in school again, Billie thought. She had missed out on a lot mourning Christy the first time, and she decided she wasn't going through that again.
"I'm so happy you're back, Billie." Taylor said. "I was so worried about you."
"I know, I'm sorry." Billie said. "I was going through some stuff."
"Yeah, I figured." Taylor said. "Look I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but if you do, I'm here for you. You know that, right?"
"Thanks, Taylor." Billie said. "But I finally feel like everything is going in the right direction again and I just want to move on."
"That's fine by me." Taylor said. "You want to get a cup of coffee?"
"I'd love to, but I'd thought I'd use this free time to catch up on everything that I've missed." Billie said.
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." Taylor said.
Billie waved goodbye to Taylor and headed outside. Her dorm was just on the other side of the campus. As she walked on the grass, she enjoyed the nice day. For the first time in a long time she actually felt normal again. It was weird, but she liked it. She had always loved being a witch, but with everything that had happened, she was glad to get some sense of normal life.
Still, everything wasn't great. What happened with Christy had taken a toll on her and her sleep was still filled with nightmares. It wasn't as bad as before, knowing that Christy had finally found peace, but they were still there. And even though she loved feeling normal, she couldn't deny that a part of her would always miss being a witch.
Billie reached her dorm building, but as she entered she found a big surprise waiting for her inside. Piper was just coming down the stairs that lead to the dorm rooms.
"Piper." Billie said surprised.
"Billie, hi. I was just looking for you." Piper said.
"Why?" Billie asked, perhaps a bit too direct.
A group of students walked by, making Piper feel uncomfortable. She didn't want to have this conversation in the middle of a hallway.
"Can we go somewhere and talk?" Piper asked.
"Yeah, let's go up to my room." Billie said.
Piper followed Billie to her dorm room. As they entered, Billie threw her bag on the bed and sat down. Piper closed the door behind them and stood in the middle of the room.
"So you're taking classes again?" Piper asked.
"Yeah, I just wanted to put the past behind me, get my mind of things." Billie said.
"Good for you." Piper said. "It's good that you're moving on."
"So why did you want to talk to me?" Billie asked, more polite this time.
"I just wanted to see how you are doing." Piper said.
"I'm fine." Billie said.
"Look, Billie, I know what it is like to lose a sister." Piper said as she sat down next to Billie. "It can destroy you, and it is too much to carry by yourself."
"Why do you care?" Billie asked.
"Because I care about you, Billie." Piper said. "You are like family to me."
Billie looked at her with surprise. She was shocked to hear Piper say that, she thought she still hated her for what she had done. She didn't know how to react to it, but it felt so good to hear. The sisters would always be important to her whether they wanted her or not.
"Do you really mean that?" Billie asked, while a tear welled up in her eyes.
"Yes." Piper said clearly. "Look, I have said horrible things to you, and I was so upset and furious with you, but I never hated you Billie. I wouldn't admit it to myself, but I never stopped caring."
"But I have done horrible things." Billie said as she started to cry.
"And you made amends for that, Billie. You know what you did and you will probably live with that for the rest of your life, but that doesn't mean that you can't move on from it." Piper said.
"I am so sorry, Piper." Billie said tearfully.
"I know." Piper said as she pulled Billie in for a hug. "It's okay. I forgive you."
They sat there for a while Piper comforted Billie. It felt right, for both of them. Piper was glad she made this decision, though she didn't make it without help. If not for Leo and her sisters she would probably still be holding a grudge. She was just lucky to have an amazing family, including Billie.
Later that day, Piper was busy in the kitchen preparing diner. She had asked everyone to come over and celebrate the end of a bad time in their lives. Half an hour later her sisters arrived and helped her with diner. Well, they mostly chatted while Piper did most of the work, but still. Meanwhile Leo and the guys were watching some important football game or something like that, Piper didn't really care. She was happy, it felt like she finally had the normal family she had dreamed about for so long.
The game ended around the same time that dinner was ready. A true chef like Piper knew how to plan things like that. As everyone sat down at the table Piper called their attention.
"I would like to make a toast." Piper said as she raised her glass. "But in order to do that we first have to wait until we're all here."
Everyone except Piper and Leo exchanged confused looks and noticed an extra plate on the table. As if it was magic, Billie suddenly came walking in.
"Hi guys." she said smiling.
Phoebe and Paige instantly jumped up to welcome her with a hug and guided her to her place at the table. They were so glad to see her and Billie felt the same way.
"As I was saying." Piper continued. "I would like to make a toast, and don't worry. It will be short."
Everyone picked up their glasses, even little Wyatt, though he didn't really knew what was going on. Chris, on the other hand, was completely clueless and was more interested in the food that was right in front of him.
"I would like to say that is great to have you all here, all the people that I love." Piper said. "And that whatever happened or will happen, doesn't matter, because we are a family, and a family stays together and loves unconditionally. So to family!"
"To family!" Everybody repeated and took a sip of their wine, except for Phoebe.
"Alright then, let's eat shall we?" Piper said as she sat down.
"Wait, wait, wait." Phoebe said as she got up. "I have a little something I'd like to say as well."
Everyone turned their attention to Phoebe.
"I would just like to say that Piper is right, there is nothing more important than family. A family is filled with love." Phoebe said with a smile. "And to that extent, I would just like to say that in a few months time, this family will have a little bit more love to share."
Everyone looked at each other a little confused. Piper was the first one to realize what she was saying and jumped up.
"Oh my god, you're pregnant?" Piper practically screamed out.
Everyone got up in excitement and started congratulating the soon-be parents. While the girls hugged, laughed and cried, the guys kept it more casual and manly, padding Coop on the back and shaking his hand. As soon as the initial excitement wore off, everyone sat back down.
"All right happy parents, let's eat. I didn't slave away in the kitchen just so it could get cold." Piper said with a smile.
Piper didn't need to say that twice. Everyone started digging in immediately. Piper smiled as she watched her family. This was defiantly one of the best family moments ever.
Later that night, while everyone had gone home and everything and the boys had been put to bed, Piper once again found herself in the attic, staring at the book. Leo came into the attic, both were already dressed for bed.
"Piper, are you coming?" Leo asked yawning.
"Yes, in a minute." Piper said.
Leo said goodnight and went back downstairs. Piper walked up to the book and flipped in open. It fell exactly on the right page. There was still this one thing that was bothering her and she wanted to know for sure. Piper walked to a chest filled with magical supplies and pulled out five white candles, she placed them in a circle and lit them. She then walked back to the book and chanted the spell. Could it really finally be?
"Hear these words , hear my cry
Spirit from the other side
Come to me, I summon thee
Cross now the Great Divide."
At first nothing happened, and Piper felt a sting of disappointment, she had really hoped the moment was finally there. When she moved to blow out the candles, swirling white orbs suddenly appeared taking the form of a spirit.
Piper took a step back and could only gasp. Before her a beautiful young woman with long black hair and a white dress had appeared. A familiar face that Piper had dreamed about seeing every single night for the last five years.
Piper could only whisper with tears in her eyes. "Prue."
The End