Unexpected Love

Chapter one: Meeting

Eragon and Saphira were gathering water, for their trip across the empire, when a young man appeared out of thin air.

The young man, Eragon realized, was about his age. He had jet black hair that stood straight up, a pair of circular glasses which covered emerald green eyes, and a pale lightning shaped scar on his forehead.

"Ouch," the boy mumbled. "That hurt. Where am I?" He looked around. His green eyes fell on Eragon and Saphira. As he starred at the sapphire dragon, he backed away.

"Saphira won't hurt you." Eragon said.

"What?" The boy stopped.

"Saphira. She won't hurt you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He must really be afraid of dragons. Eragon thought.

I'll show him who's scary. Saphira growled.

Relax Saphira.

The young man started walking slowly towards the dragon. "She's beautiful."

Well at least he got that right.

"She says thank you." Eragon smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"I can communicate with her though thoughts."

"That's cool. Hi, Saphira. I'm Harry." He touched her snout.

Nice to meet you Harry. Saphira said directly to Harry.

"That's really cool."

"She rarely does that to anyone." Eragon commented.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Eragon." Eragon held out his hand to the boy.

Harry shook it. "Harry. Do you ride her?"

"I do. I'm one of the last Dragon Riders."


"Would you like a ride?"

"Is that okay?"

"Ask Saphira."

"Saphira, may I ride you?"

Only if Eragon is with you. Saphira answered.

"Thank you." Harry bowed to the dragon.

Eragon climbed up into the saddle situated between two of Saphira's spikes. He pulled Harry up behind him. The boy sat on the edge of the saddle.

"Eragon, are you an elf?" Harry starred at Eragon's slightly pointed ears.

"Kind of. I'm half elf. Why?"

"Just wondering." Harry hid his blush.

Be careful little one. Saphira warned. I don't want you hurt.

I'll be careful.

You better be or I'll roast you. Saphira went silent.

Harry starred at the landscape unfold below him. There were rivers flowing and grass moving in the wind. Harry could make out people, but they looked like ants. Saphira veered towards a distant mountain range. Even from this distance the peaks looked tall.

"Where are we going?" Harry shouted over the wind.

"Those mountains. Those are called the Boor Mountains. They are the home to my friends, but we won't get there today. We'll have to land for the night." Eragon yelled back.

Saphira landed a few hours later as dusk was just turning into night. Harry and Eragon set up camp. There was a fire going in no time.

"Here," Eragon threw a bundle at Harry. "There's a blacked at pillow in there."

"Won't you need it?" Harry looked him in the eyes.

Eragon couldn't help but like the color of them. "I'll be fine underSaphira's wing."

"Okay." He unrolled the blanket.

"We leave before sunset." Eragon ducked under the wing.

What's wrong, Eragon?

I don't know. I can't seem to stop thinking about Harry's green eyes. Eragon laid next to Saphira's belly.

Sounds like what you went through with Arya.

Please Saphira, don't awaken old pain.


It's okay.

He seems to think about you as well.

So who liked it? Someone has to have liked it. Anyway this is only the first chapter, so you have to wait for the rest. This is only my second chapter story, so be nice.

I actually started this my senior year of high school. I graduated in '09. It took me some time to write the whole thing, mainly because I had other stories going as well. I usually write two to three stories at a time.

Be patient, I'll add the next couple of chapters later.
