Okay, this is my first Hetalia fanfic! i'm so exited! hetalia is my new current fav anime! wrote this for my dear germany, prussia, holy roman empire, chibitalia and italy, enjoy!

*holy roman empire= hre

Chapter 1: River Splash~!

Young Holy Roman Empire stood besides young Prussia on a small cliff on a sunny, windy day. Prussia had led him through the woods, wanting to show him something 'awesome'.

"You see all that? Amazing view of the lake, huh?"

"Its kind of high," mumbled Holy Roman Empire nervously as he peaked from beyond the cliff carefuly. He then felt clothing being thrown on him. Turning, he saw Prussia taking off his clothes.

"AH! What are you doing?"

" Nothing. Just taking my pants off."

"What for?"

"Cause you and I are jumping off this cliff."


"No, JUST AWESOME! So take off you're clothes!"

Prussia, only wearing boxers, tackled Holy Roman Empire down and started undressing him.

"Okay, 'll let you keep you're underpants and shirt on. Such a whinner," Prussia mumbled as he did some stretches. He and Holy Roman Empire stood close to the edge of the cliff, right below a small river which was about 50 ft away.

"W-we shouldn't do this bruther . . . ."

"Eh? Why not?"

"Lets go back."

"Awww c'mon! Are you scared?"

"N-no! I . . . . . I-!"

"Here, hold my hand," the young Prussia smiled as the surprised Holy Roman Empire stared at his face with his big blue eyes.

" O-okay," Holy Roman Empire mumbled, grabbing Prussia's small hand with his even smaller hand, turning pink a little. Prussia laughed, always noticing how hre got flustered and blushing so easily.

"Okay, now scoot over closer."


"Okay, now put you're feet together."

"L-like this?"

"Yeah, like that! Now crowtch down a little."


"Whatever you do, don't let go of my hand."

"W-wait . . . . i'm too scared to jump."

"Well, close you're eyes!"

"But its so high!"

"That's why i'm telling you to close you're eyes!"

"Why don't you try doing this with someone else! I'm too scared of heights!"

"Cause you're my little bruther and I wanna do this with you!" Prussia smiled as he pulled his arm over hre's neck and pulled him close to his small but taller, pale body. Holy Roman Empire looked away nervously.

"I . . . . . I-!"

"Holy Roman Empire~!" A small faint voice cried out as it made its way thru the woods. Hre turned around, a natural habit from always hearing that voice. It was Chibitalia.

Holy Roman Empire then looked up into Prussia's surprised face, not knowing what to do of the situation, which was turned looking at wherever direction the cries came from. Holy Roman Empire wasn't allowed to be with Prussia, he was too young, so he was told. Everyone told Hre to stay away from Prussia, because Prussia was too rough for the young Holy Roman Empire; they weren't suppose to be together. Prussia just sneered and looked back into the river's direction, down below.

"Its Chibitalia . . . ," Holy Roman Empire said in a dissapointed voice. He had to leave or else it would be found out they played together instead of fighting like they usually did in front of people to cover up for it.

"I know."

"What are we gonna d-?"

Young Prussia then grabs their clothes and throws it down the cliff.

"W-what did you do that for?" Hre yelled in a panic. How was he suppose to look in front of Chibitalia now! He can't be found with Prussia and let alone his clothes!

"Don't let go of my hand!" Prussia laughed as he pulled himself and the small Holy Roman Empire over the cliff. As the two jumped into the air, Hre turned around to see Chibitalia coming out of the woods with flowers, and with an astonished face.

"Holy Roman Empire!" Chibitalia yelled as he ran up to the edge of the cliff, looking down at the falling amused Prussia, holding a suprised, Holy Roman Empire's hand. They both were falling back first into the river, looking up at the small Chibitalia's face. After the shock of Chibitalia seeing him, Hre noticed they were falling. He turned to look at Prussia's face, who was just laughing. Prussia turned his face to look at Holy Roman Empire's terrified one. He was unable to mutter or say anything.

"Don't be scared! Just look at my face!" Prussia laughed as he pulled Hre into his small arms. Hre noticed Prussia had started crying a little from the sides of his face, just like he was, and started laughing. His 'awesome' brother was crying! Prussia lowered Hre's small blond head below his chin as he held him.

"I wanted to show you the awesome me in fear! I am afraid of heights too!" Young Prussia laughed.

"Then why are you doing this, bruther?" Yelled Holy Roman Empire laughing; they were getting closer to the sound of the river's rushing current.

"Because the 'awesome' me can do anything for his little bruther!" Laughed Prussia; the sound of laughter was then overwhelmed by the sound of the two small bodies crashing into the river. Small birds and ducklings flew and moved away as the two surfaced.

"Bruther that was awesome!" Laughed Holy Roman Empire as he rubbed water out of his face. Prussia later surfaced breathing hard.

"Tch! D-did you doubt me?" Stuttered Prussia as he started clearing his face.

"What's wrong bruther?" Mumbled Hre as he swam towards Prussia, still rubbing his face.

"N-nothing!" Prussia mumbled as he pulled away from Holy Roman Empire's small hand at grabbing his shoulder.

"You were really scared too, huh?"

" . . . . "

"That's okay, see, we even scared the little birds and duckies too!" Said Hre as he pointed to the small birds and ducks sitting around them in the still, slow-moving river. Prussia then turned towards the ducklings and birds, staring at the two, and then broke into laughter.

"Dumb birds! How can they fear me? They should embrace my awesomeness!" Said Prussia laughing and pointing at them. Holy Roman Empire just sighed. Here he was thinking Prussia was crying. Then, Hre noticed Prussia pointing at him.

"Hahahah! You're girlffriend's coming and you're not wearing any clothes!" Laughed Prussia madly, throwing a fist repeatedly into the water.

"W-wah?" Muttered Hre as he looked down into the water, " w-what happened to my pants?"

"I took them off when we hit the river!" Laughed Prussia. Hre then turned to see their clothes on the other side of the river.

"W-why would you do that bruther?" Holy Roman Empire mumbled embarresed as he put on his pants and coat. Prussia, enjoying the water, just sighed.

"You're so uptight, you gotta learn to loosen up. You'll turn out so strict and uptight when you're older!"

"Something wrong with that?" Hre mumbled.

"Nope, just means you'll be a virgin . . . . "

"WHAT?" Shrieked Holy Roman Empire as he fell over on his butt, from trying to put on his boots and at Prussia's remark.

"Holy Roman empire~!" A small faint voice cried.

"Geez, you're little girlfriend's coming."

"S-she's not my girlfriend!"

"Tell me something, why do you want that little pipsqueak with you? You should join me now while you have the chance, you're gonna collapse . . . . . ," muttered Prussia as he got out of the river and shook himself dry.

"I-Italy belongs with me . . . . ," Holy Roman Empire muttered as he put on his last small boot on, not facing Prussia.

"But she's the whole reason why we can't be together!" Prussia yelled as he put on his pants and boots.

"Sorry bruther . . . . . Italy comes first," muttered Hre as he turned to Prussia with an expression full of flustered regret.

" . . . . . . . Holy Roman Empire . . . ?"

The two turned around to see the small Chibitalia standing in front of them, coming out of the woods. The young naiton panted hard, after walking such a far distance to see if they were okay.

" Ah . . . I-Italia!" Hre muttered as he made himself seem tall to cover Prussia who sat behind him, still putting on his last boot. Prussia kep staring at the little nation and made a disusted face.

" Why did you jump? I thought you said you're afraid of heights?" Chibitalia mumbled as he cleared small tears from his eyes, " that scared me . . . ."

"Ah! I'm sorry! D-don't cry!" Holy Roman Empire yelled as he waved his hands to stop Chibitalia. Prussia stood up and towered over the unnoticed Hre. Chibitalia stepped back a little, Prussia's demeanor grew intimidating as he shoved Hre out of the way and stepped closer to the little nation.

"How do you think Holy Roman Empire felt when he was falling? You should take into consideration of how you make other's feel and not just think of you're ordeal! you spoiled brat! I hate y-!" Young Prussia was cut off by Hre slamming into him and pushing him away from Chibitalia.

"W-what are you doing?" Prussia demanded. I'm trying to defend you! From this inconsiderate little pipsqueak and you're pushing me away!

"You're being mean, Prussia!" Yelled Holy Roman Empire as he pushed Prussia farther and farther from Chibitalia. Chibitalia stood there watching speecheless, then decided to try and pull Hre from pushing Prussia.

"Stop! Don't fight!" The smal nation yelled as he put his arms around Hre's waist and started pulling him. Hre blushed madly; as Prussia was also pulling himself away from Hre at the same time, he felt himself being released by Holy Roman empire's small hands. Without knowing, he fell backwards into the river, which was right behind him. Hre and Chibitalia stood staring a tthe river for Prussia to come out. As Prussia, all wet, descended from the river, he faced away from the two dry nations who held hands now unknowingly.

"Y-You were making Prussia cry . . . with the fighting . . . ," mumbled Chibitalia as he hid his sad face behind the flowers he had been holding this whole time.

"L-lets go. Austria will be wondering where we are . . . ," mumbled Hre pulling Chibitalia away. As Prussia turned a little to see Holy Roman Empire leaving, not looking back at the poor albino boy, he cleared his eyes from the crying he had felt trying to overwhelm him. He pulled himself out of the water and started drying and twisting his pants from the water til he heard Hre.

"Bye bruther . . . ," Holy Roman Empire mumbled as he waved bye at Prussia with a serious expression. Prussia stared at Hre's serious expression; he didnt move his expressionless face.

"Why do you call him bruther? I thought you two were suppose to be enemies . . . ," muttered Chibitalia looking up at Hre's face.

"He told me to cal him that."


"Because he wants me to be his little bruther."

"But, you aren't suppose to-"

"I know, but, I really like him."

"Is that why you have me and Austria at you're house?"

"A . . . something like that . . . ," Hre mumbled as he looked away fromm Chibitalia's face, blushing red. The two young nations headed for the house, just outside the shady woods. Prussia put on his, only dry, coat and hat as he walked the opposite way from where the other two headed.

Italy comes first . . . .

"Stupid Holy Roman Empire, he will fall because of that brat!" Prussia hissed to himself as he took out his sword and started randomely cutting anything in his way as he headed back home.

He cares more about Italy than me . . . . . . .

At thinking this, more small tears whelled up in Young Prussia's face.

Who needs Holy Roman empire! The awesome me needs nobody!

He is more interested in staying with Italy than be taked by me . . . .

I never thought Prussia the type to cry, you know?