
This is Lotus-chan coming back from doing too much homework…* sigh *

I felt in a Digimon mood for no reason. Even if I am not so much obsessed about it anymore, I decided to write a fic about it. Besides, the only couples I actually kind of like is henrika and takari.

Oh well, anyways, this story is mainly just henrika. Period. Rika moves far away after the Digimon years, because of her mom's modeling career. (Osaka, in this case) 9 years have past, and coincidently, Rika meets Henry, Takato, Rika, Kazu, and Kenta, plus other characters at Tokyo International University. I also dubbed Rika's mother's name into Miya.

Disclaimer: blah…blah…I do not own Digimon. Do not sue.


Chapter One: Departure

"Goodbye Mother," Rika Nonaka said sighing. For once in her life, Rika leaves away from her home, her mother, and her grandmother who was buried in the local grave. She was going to Tokyo Univ. She was old now, 19, and far more mature than she was in the old Digimon days. Her hair has grown down to shoulder length, and her bangs outgrew. But her hair still remained the old orange-strawberry color with highlights and her eyes were still the colors of spring violets.

"Well goodbye, take care of yourself," Rika's mother, Miya, half sobbed, and half smiled. Her own girl was now grown up and ready to take a penetration to the real world. She informed herself not to get over emotional because of this.

Rika smiled wearily, and sighed again. She had recently gone to Granma's grave to burn incense with her aunt and mother. She couldn't go through such pain and tears filling in Miya's eyes right now. She sighed again, and picked up her luggage, after tying her hair into two pigtails. She gave a weak smile, than walked out the door of their traditional Japanese home, dressed in light blue shirt with sleeves till her elbows, and beige jeans.

"Rika…no…no," Miya gave a heart-breaking sob.

"Mother," Rika gave her a reassuring smile, "I'll be fine; I'm grown up now." Then she added to herself. This is the second time I've changed, she informed herself. Last time was when Granma died, and I endured a dramatic change. It was true she was no longer heartless and cold, but instead, was an unconditional mood person, sad and sweet at times, while raging and impatient at others. She tilted her head and gave her mom a nod. She's going back to the real home she's missed for 7 years, and time to head for University.

With a handbag in one hand, and two luggages in another, she strode slowly to her white van. She took out the keys, and opened the door. Unbelievingly to herself, tears started to flow. Oh stop it, she said. Remember, she instructed herself, Takato and Jeri may even be there. But hopefully she will not see Henry, who betrayed her own emotions. Seven years ago, she had a crush on him, and she had an emotional break down when she heard she was going to move to Osaka for her mom's modeling career. She hated her mom for that moment. She was walking nervously through Sakura Fall Park, the day of the departure, and ready to tell him her emotions, until she caught him kissing Trina, a popular brunette as Takato said, under a tree. Her heart shattered, and she decided she was willing to move to Osaka. She reminded herself again. Don't break down now.

Looking back for one more glimpse of the house in Osaka, she stepped into the car, and turned the engine to life.


"Takato, know where our new apartment is?" Henry Wong asked his friend, Takato Matsuki, who was blatantly trying to carry a big box of clothes.

"Yeah, over there by Kikora Lane," Takato panted, then added, "Mind if you help me with this thing. It's quite heavy actually." Henry laughed, and went to assist his friend. Wonder if Rika will be here? I heard that she was going to come her when she mentioned it before she left, Henry thought silently. Oh, have I missed her for such a long time! The last time I ever saw her was 7 years ago. I knew that my heart belongs to her, even though I have a girl friend, Trina. Henry turned and heaved a loud sigh. [Heh, I know. Don't flame me for that pathetic sentence}


"Henry, Takato, Jeri, gomen nasai," Rika breathed quite raggedly. Her eyelids were continuously fluttering, but she realized her state, and muttered quite monotonously, "I'm moving to Osaka because of my mom's career. Permanently." Rika paused to clutch a branch of a plum tree to catch her breath.

Henry stared into the beautiful plum tree blossoms, and reminisced all those great times they shared through friendship, courage, and others. Rika, he gazed, had grown as pretty as the blossoms too from the past 2 years. Her hair was now longer, and her bangs were not stubby short. She no longer kept it in a flaming ponytail. His heart was pounding and pounding as he watched the slender girl dressed in dark blue pants, and a blouse. Admit it Henry, he instructed his self, you have some feelings for that girl, don't you? Rika changed her attitude and her way of life, and opened part of her soul to socializing and smiling. Get a grip, Henry, don't slobber over that girl.

Jeri was in tears, using the back of her hand to dab them away. This brunette grew out of her "little weeny talk back puppet thing." Her hair grew long and sleek, and her bangs were not so curled up anymore. She dug into her pockets, and said, "Rika, you've helped me through so much. How can I let go?" She took out a silver ring with a star on it, and gave one to Rika. "As long as we wear these rings, we'll be eternal friends."

Rika nodded, "sure." And she slipped the ring on her index finger.

Takato gave a weak smile, "well Rika, you've helped us a lot. Even if you were not so great in the beginning, we still became great friends. I hope you'll call us from Osaka." Takato took out his hand, and Rika shook it.

"Well, Rika," Henry started," [Rika's heart was beating fast], "we'll miss you. But before you go, I just want to thank you for your friendship." He left without any further notice. How could she do this to me? He cried through frustration. Terriermon was gone, and now Rika? I can't take this. I just can't, he thought as he walked along the path towards his apartment. Tears started welling his eyes and he rashly wiped them away. Farewell Rika, wo ai ni.


"Earth to Henry!" Takato exclaimed, realizing that Henry was stumped right in the middle of the sidewalk. Takato breathed noiselessly as they approached their condominium on the 5th floor. Jeri stepped into the room with the key dangling in her hand, and stuck her hands into her beige capris.

"Hurry up!" she called, "stop stalling."

Takato scowled darkly, "if you weren't prancing around, maybe we'll be finished already."

"Aww…" Jeri made her puppy eyes, "Takato-kun, you'll forgive me right? I'll break my nails." Jeri showed her long manicured nails painted bright pink. She flung her hair, then walked into the sun-lit room.

"Alright, Jeri," Takato grinned, staring at his girlfriend who was dancing in the sunlight. They just moved into this condo in walking distance to Toudai, their university. Takato was no longer a goggle-head goofball, but a tall, bright young man, who was reliable, well-behaved, and well, still a goofball. They each promised to pay a little of the full payment for this since Henry and Jeri both agreed that the University dormitories suck.

Henry glanced knowingly, but heaved a loud exasperated sigh. They just never stop. He dropped another piece of luggage in the room, and then leaned against the wall. Rika, Rika, Rika, where can you be? He stared into the blank ceiling, not knowing what to do. Takato looked at him, concerned.

"You okay? You look just out of shape…" Takato muttered.

"No it's nothing," Henry said, shaking the vision of Rika in his mind, "just remembered to call Trina tonight. I'm just exhausted from all this moving and shifting around." Takato nodded understandably.

Jeri danced back in again, "There's four rooms, and two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. We need another roommate. But I get my own washroom, AND the room with the largest window and walk-in closet!" She squealed. Takato groaned loudly at his perky girlfriend, and gave Henry an exaggerated look. Henry smiled back then walked into the door to get the rest of the luggage in.


[Author's note- I don't know how Japanese universities go…so yah, don't flame me if I make some mistake. Thank u!]

"Please, um, may I know where the dormitories are?" Rika forced a smile at an incredibly fat woman in the administration building. She was clutching her identity card that the she received in Osaka

"May I please have your identity card?" The fat lady smiled. Rika caught a glimpse of her nametag, and it read…Makita. She automatically handed her identity card. Ms. Makita smiled, and nodded, showing her layered double chin, and started to scan her card. She nodded again, and spoke.

"Miss Rika, your dormitory is located at 113 Shintao Road, near the main building. Your room number is 511. Don't worry; you'll notice it just fine. It's a tall white building. And here are your keys. Have you checked your records and submitted the courses you wanted to take?"

"Er-yes." Rika faltered. She had chosen to become a photographer, and entered for course no. 3523. Also, she had to take Math, Japanese, and Art. "But can I double check my deposit? I've got a scholarship."

"Right. Here you go. Don't worry Mrs. Nonaka informed of me that."

"Arigato." Rika said.

"You're welcome."

Rika approached the building a quarter of an hour later. She had just taken a breathless walk around the glass buildings and cherry and plum trees in full bloom. The building was a beautiful apartment building with transparent glass doors. She walked into the building to see several girls-blonds, brunettes, and so on- crouched together in small groups. Trying her best to ignore the other girls as possible, she went to the elevator and pressed the number 5. The upper floors were made from plain marble. She slid her identity card through the slot of a door reading 511, to see a girl with dark brown hair and golden eyes staring at her. Somewhat, she remembered this girl. From somewhere. She looked really popular, as Rika eyed all the makeup she was wearing.

"Hello, Rika," the girl paused as she flipped on her back on a red couch, clutching a fashion magazine, and dressed in a black midriff, and a leather skirt. "I'm Trina. Trina Yikono."


Finally done! * smiles *

Hope you like it! Reviews will definitely be appreciated! * winks *