Blaise woke up to the feeling of someone licking their way from the top of his ears to his jaw. He smiled ad lazily opened his chocolate brown eyes to look into the silver of his lovers'. "I could wake up to this every day," he said as he stretched like a cat under the lustful gaze he received from Draco.

He rolled over on the silk, green sheets they were laying upon and got up. They were in Draco's Head Boy's rooms which he shared with Granger who lived opposite them in her own room. It was still the first week of school and so Blaise hadn't seen much of Granger or the other two Gryffindors that made up the rest of the Golden Trio, for which he was very grateful for. Granger was too much of a know-it-all for him to have a decent conversation with; Weasley was too inarticulate and much too prone to have fits of rage while conversing with "the evil Slytherins". Blaise wasn't sure if he could talk to him for more than five minutes without an attempt to try and give him a dictionary. And Potter, Potter was a whole different story, he was the Golden Boy, the Chosen One and he was everything the Gryffindors prized.

He sighed and decided to get out of bed and have a bath before Draco decided that today was one of the days he had to hog the bathroom until classes started. "Looks like Granger's already gone," remarked Draco as they walked through the Head Prefects common room. Knocking sounded through the room and startled them, they turned towards the portrait and Blaise strode over to open it. Weasley and Potter stood outside; the red head scowled up at them and pushed past to get to Granger's room. Blaise turned back to Potter and absent-mindedly noticed that Potter's eyes were very green and very bright. "Funny, I hadn't noticed just how startling they were," he thought then realized Potter wasn't wearing his trademark glasses. Potter smiled apologetically at him and said, "Sorry, Ron's not a morning person," but his small smile faded at the glare Draco sent him. Draco swept past him with his nose turned up and asked, "Coming Blaise?"

"In a moment, you go on," he answered. Draco gave Blaise a look but complied and continued up the corridor. Blaise turned back to Potter, put a hand out and said, "Blaise Zabini, Slytherin, nice to meet you." Confusion and wariness flashed through those jewel-like eyes but then he grinned and clasped the offered hand, "Harry Potter, Gryffindor and the pleasure's all mine," and then laughed at the astonishment on the Slytherin's face. "What?" he asked, "Did you think I was going to punch you?"

Blaise watched as those eyes filled with mirth and those pink lips turned up at the corners, his gaze wandered to the messy black hair which was begging him to run his hands through, those soft ebony strands looked soft and inviting. Harry watched as those brown eyes turned darker with intent. "Are you alright Zabini?"

"Always the noble Gryffindor," thought Blaise, aloud he answered, "I'm fine. I was just remembering something." Harry nodded and turned to see if Ron and Hermione were ready to leave. He turned back when they were, tripped over a table leg and fell onto Blaise. Blaise fell back onto the sofa, with a thump with Harry on top of him. Harry looked up at him from his chest, blushed and started to get up. Blaise watched in silent fascination as the pink colour spread from the tip of Harry's ears to his neck and continued on beneath the undone robes he wore. Blaise had an insane feeling to rip off the few buttons that were done and watch the blush continue further on.

"Sorry," Potter muttered as he finally got up and offered a hand to the Slytherin to get off the sofa. Harry turned to see Ron and Hermione still arguing, he sighed, they had missed everything as usual. He felt eyes boring into him and turned to see Blaise still staring at him; he reddened again and hurriedly went to join his friends.

Deep in thought, Blaise turned around to go for breakfast. As he sat down at his usual place beside Draco he asked, "Draco, what do you think of Potter?" Draco turned to him, confusion evident in his gaze and said, "Potter, what am I supposed to think of him?" He turned back to his breakfast and delicately spread butter on a portion of his toast. "He's a Gryffindor, he's my Quidditch rival, he defeated the Dark Lord last year, what else am I supposed to think?" He took a bite of said toast, "Why?"

"I was just thinking," answered Blaise as he turned to his own meal, and then said, "Draco, have you ever thought of having a threesome, to experiment, try something new?"

"No," said Draco, "I have you, why would I need anyone else." Then he turned back to Blaise as realization dawned in his eyes, he was a Slytherin after all. "You want a threesome?" he squeaked, "With Potter?"

It was taken for granted among Slytherins that most Gryffindors were virginally pure and innocent, and Blaise knew that Harry probably was as well.

"Think Draco, it's not as if he is ugly," Blaise coaxed, "On the contrary, he's gorgeous when you actually look at him." He pointed across the hall where the Golden Boy was sitting with the rest of his house. "Soft black hair to run your hands through, creamy white skin to touch and mark, full pink lips to kiss." Blaise turned to Draco and saw the gleam in his eyes, he knew he almost had Draco, the Malfoy heir liked beautiful people ad Harry was, by far, one of the most beautiful people in the room.

"And just imagine, Draco Malfoy gave the Saviour of the Wizarding World his first pleasurable sexual experience." Draco turned back to him and asked, "What if he's not attracted to men?" Blaise smirked, "Well, we'll make him then." Draco licked his lips and smirked too, the next few weeks were going to be interesting. "Seduction, I presume?"