This story just popped into my head this morning. A different take on how Jethro Gibbs meets one Caitlin Todd.





As he was doing some chores outside the front of his house he noticed they young woman walking up to him. A smile was flashed his way and he felt lost.

"I've got mail for you." She handed him a couple of envelopes which he took and then she left just as quickly as she had arrived.

He smiled holding the envelopes. Now he really was glad he had been forced to take a few days off from work.


He saw her approach and another smile graced her lips. Damn, she was beautiful.

"Not much here today." She handed him a flyer and a magazine.

This time she left while waving a hand in the air.


He felt brave today. As he saw her getting closer he smiled at her and was greeted with one back. He could easily get used to seeing that smile every morning. Next to him in bed would be something he would prefer. He was really falling for her and there seemed to be no brakes stopping him.

This time she didn't say anything but simply smiled as she handed him another magazine. She watched him carefully and it felt like she was waiting for him to say something. He was probably imagining it.

"What's on your mind?"

Ok, not an imagination then. "Just wondering what your name might be?" That was incredible stupid. He sounded pathetic and for a moment thought he was going to be laughed at. He felt incredible relieved when she smiled again.

"Caitlin Todd."

With that she left and another wave was given to him.

"Caitlin Todd." He repeated to himself. Nice.


There she was again. Her smiles would be the death of him. He couldn't even remember when he had actually fallen for a woman this fast.

She handed him some envelopes and seemed to study him. Maybe he was imagining this time but she seemed interested in him. He wondered if it could be true. She was younger than him and could easily get any man she wanted.

"Have a nice day."

She left and he felt like the biggest fool. The opportunity had been right there but it slipped through his fingers. His vacation was up soon and he had to make a move fast.


"I really don't have anything for you today."

Her smile was breath taking. He had actually missed her arriving but there she was. "And yet here you are."

"I wanted to see your face. You have a very friendly face."

He had to suppress a laugh. Wonder what McGee or Dinozzo would say about that. He was nervous now and he is never nervous. "Listen, this may be a stupid idea but…." He trailed off. Could he really do this?


She seemed to be eager to know what he was going to say so what the hell. "I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me someday?" When she didn't respond right away he felt like an idiot. Of course she wouldn't be interested.

"I'd love to."

He was the one who was really smiling now. She was interested.

"Is tonight good or too soon?"

She worked fast and he liked that. "Perfect. Seven?"

"Since I know where you live how about we meet here?"

This time he did let out a small laugh. "Sounds like a plan."

"You can tell me what it's like to work at NCIS."

His eyes must have shown his surprise at that. "You've been checking up on me?"

"I'd like to know what I am getting myself into."

He had to approve of that. He had done the same thing. "And you can tell me why a Secret Service agent would switch to a job like this."

She smiled again and he knew he never wanted to be without that smile ever again.

~~The End~~