Hey guys! Still remember me? Didn't think so, not surprised - i wouldn't.
I'm not even going to make an excuse. Well, actually, you know me, of course I am going to even if I say I'm not. I've started half of my chapters with giant apology letters anyway.. now that I look back at them, I think I was a bit of a drama queen/spaz back a year ago (insert laughter).
To be frank, I just felt so incredibly pressured to upload a relatively good quality chapter and don't get me wrong, I've written plenty of "next chapters," but none of them, I don't think, were good enough, or really fit the tone of the story that I had set. I mean, I started fanfiction because I was so inspired by all the other authors and how much they loved writing and had fun doing it and I wanted to be a part of that. And I did for a while when I had the time and energy for it, but I mean, come one, high school – Double AP (kill me). I just, don't have the time and energy to put in a good chapter and plot for you, who have ever so faithfully followed me through those tragic, horrible, dramatic time.
Now, anyway, if I were a reader and I read this coming from an author, I'd probably be like "I don't care if it's shit or not, I just want the rest of the goddamn story." That's how I am with youtubers and their videos, anyway. But, the thing is, with writing, I mean, where was I to go from that last point? How do I create something to happen after that? More mistaking something for something? Having Fang or Max or Iggy with that serum or whatever doing something stupid? Having them break up again and again like I have for the past, what? 27, 28 chapters?
I just don't think that that is a very good quality story and so, not that it's going to be of a better quality, I don't think hahaha, I'm starting a new story. Now, if you haven't already forgotten/guessed, I am discontinuing this story for the following reasons:
1. I don't think I've updated for over a year and I think you, as a reader, have hopefully gotten past this story/don't really need it to continue any further.
2. As I said before, I don't really know where this story was going and I think I'd be kind of pointless for me to keep going with no good plot in mind (I had no idea with that whole thing with Iggy and Lissa was going, I just threw it in there with some hope I would think of something later. Spoiler alert: I didn't.)
3. I have an entirely new plot already written out from being re-inspired and it has nothing to do with this story, so I want to start new.
Now, this new story: I have a plot ready and everything, so ideas wont be so sudden and stupid and ridiculous, but instead of apologizing a bunch, I'm just going to upload when I can. Knowing me, that's highly unlikely to happen (the apologizing bit), but I'm going to try.
Heads up: I have finals in 2/3 weeks (it starts next Friday and goes onto Wednesday) – really stupid of my school though, scheduling midterms 2 weeks after winter break. I mean, I don't remember a damn thing from September, like.. really, Shaker Heights? Really? But after that, I have a 4 day break (Thusday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday), so I can probably get the first chapter uploaded then? No promises, again, knowing me.
Also, it's nothing like Maximum Ride. I just need characters. I know, lazy of me. Uh, no wings, guns are later involved, chances are I'll just be using the names of the rest of the Flock and other characters, their personalities are different (more or less, some things are the same, some are different – Fang is still relatively dark and mysterious, Max is still tomboyish, but I had my character, who I would name Fang, have a guilty pleasure of cooking.. like.. yeah). Max and Fang would still be together – I have Fang as 19 years old, Max is (still.. kinda. At one point she was - ) 16, I'll name her mother Valencia, her dad Jeb, and so on and so forth. Her friends will be named Nudge, Angel, JJ – "Fang's" friends will be named Iggy, maybe Dylan, RACHET (I use the word "rachet" when I'm at school making fun of something or someone or whatever so I think it's funny his name is Rachet – hence, the capital letters), maybe Ari. You get the idea – the characters themselves are not who they are in the Maximum Ride books.
Thank you to you guys who stayed with my story through all of my horrible stages, and the new readers who still read my story even though it was probably close to the back of the list since I haven't updated in forever-ever, and just every person who took the time to read my horrendous story and to those who are going to be willing to read my next horrendous story. Also to whoever reviewed my writing and critiqued it and really tried to help me, just everyone. Jesus, all those celebrities accepting those awards, I know what they mean now – on a smaller scale, though.
I may or may not make a video of myself just saying all this stuff because even though I haven't done anything for a year, I still feel somewhat connect to y'all so I'll post a link later (maybe, if I do it) and you'll see me/what I look like! - and you have my permission to yell at/make fun of me and whatnot if I do.
If you have any questions of sorts about anything you can comment or send me a private message and i will gladly reply to all of them.
So if you're reading my next story, thank you, and I'll "talk" to you then.
If you've had enough of my unimaginably bad habits of uploading or something else, I thank you and, well:
Goodbye –
If you read that whole thing I will send you a cookie through the mail, or email you a congratulatory letter and certificate because, goddammit, this letter was longer than some of the fucking horrible chapters I've uploaded for you to read. Bravo.
Fly on, my pretties.