A/N: This is by no means my best work. On the contrary, this is what I get when it's 8:30 at night and I remember that this was Ikarishipping Day. Still, I think it came out decently for being thrown together in a half-hour. Takes place at the Sinnoh League; humorous, light Ikarishipping, with a splash of Poke thrown in because it is my life's blood. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon... yet.

"Gah! I can't stand you, you stuck-up Pokemon-abusing jerk!" Dawn Hikari screamed at the top of her lungs. The purple-haired Trainer in front of her was distinctly unfazed.

"Then I suggest you leave, Troublesome, because I'm not going anywhere until the League's over. Even then, I'll have to stick around for the victory celebration. After all, if the entire competition is at his level, they may as well hand me the trophy now and be done with it." Came Paul's cold reply, with a jerk of the head directed at Ash.

The Pallet Town Trainer opened his mouth to retort, but Dawn beat him to it. "Oh yeah? I bet you'll go down the first round! And for the last time, my name is DAWN!" She leaned in, breathing hard from her tirade, face flushed red.

Paul quickly spun on his heel to hide a light blush on his own cheeks. "I couldn't care less. Just stay out of my way while we're training. The last thing we need is a screaming, troublesome girl breaking in." With that, he stormed off, perhaps a bit more forcefully than necessary.

The blue-haired Coordinator was left behind, fuming. She glared after him for a moment, after which a malicious smirk spread across her face. Without warning, she grabbed the backpack Ash had slung across one shoulder (provoking a startled "Hey!" and a squeak from Pikachu) and threw it full force at the receding Paul.

Had this been a video game, "CRITICAL HIT" would have flashed across the screen as the heavy bag connected with the back of Paul's head, most likely accompanied by a dramatic sound effect. In reality, the only sound produced was the heavy thud of one unconscious Trainer hitting the ground - hard.

As Dawn began to stammer and rush over to her fallen target, Ash turned resignedly to Brock and shrugged. The Breeder let out a heavy sigh. "It's like deja vu. Lover's quarrels all over again... except you and Misty were never this bad." Ash nodded absently, until he fully registered what Brock had said.

"What's that supposed to mean, Brock?" The older boy had to chuckle at Ash's half-whine. Completely disregarding his young friend, he turned back to look at Dawn and Paul. Paul seemed to be regaining consciousness, but judging by the way he was groaning, he would be feeling that shot for a while.

Brock slowly shook his head. "Let's just hope she never gets her hand on a mallet..."

Read and review please! Happy Ikarishipping Day! (at least, it is according to the Serebii forum...)

Also: tomorrow is my birthday. Reviews make great gifts :D
